Monday, December 2

3 Secrets FEMININE ENERGY Women Know (that you need to know too)

3 Secrets FEMININE ENERGY Women Know

1. Detachment brings ease.

2. Self-respect is a priority.

3. Less is more.
Tapping into your feminine energy means slowing down, just being, being present, and attracting in, rather than chasing.

Sunday, November 17

Pippa Martin: If you can spare me 10 minutes, you'll get 10 years of your life back

10 realisations to cultivate the life I love

1. Environment shapes your growth.

2. Progress is found in small steps.

3. Everyday is a choice to reinforce who you are becoming.

4. Changing your mind is growth, not weakness.

5. Fear is often a mirage.

6. Don't confuse movement with progress.

7. Perspective is everything.

8. There's always a reason not to start.

9. Growth happens quietly.

10. Be ready for change.

Monday, November 4



1. Have a creative hobby, or outlet.
Make creativity a part of your day, or a part of your lifestyle.
The feminine needs time for creativity.
Every time that you tap into that creativity, and get into that flow state, you tap into your feminine.

2. Ask yourself, "How can I soften even deeper?"
How can I bring more feminine ease, and gentleness into everything that I do?

3. Give yourself a little bit of masculine structure.
We all have both feminine, and masculine energy within us.
Your inner masculine needs to give yourself the light structure you need, so that the feminine part of you can relax, so that the feminine part of you can feel comfortable being seen, and being flowy, and being more gentle, and expressing itself.
These energies are meant to co-exist and live in harmony with one another, and support each other.

4. Intuitive movement.

5. Feel your feelings, instead of suppressing them, or analysing them.
The feminine is the feeling energy.
It's healthy. It's needed.

6. Get outside every single day.
Get the fresh air, feel the sunshine, be in the presence of Mother Earth.
Mother Earth is the ultimate Divine feminine.
Go out in Mother Nature.
Every time you are in nature, you will subconsciously feel more in your feminine, or tap more into your feminine.
It's also relaxing, and grounding.
It will reinvigorate you.

7. Make time for play, and joy.
Play is essential for human spirit.
Let yourself play. Let yourself have that childlike curiosity, and wonder.

8. Stop wasting your time on things that don't light you up.

9. Have a phone free day every once in a while.
To be connected to your feminine energy, you have to be connected to yourself.
Focus on yourself.
It's amazing how much energy and clarity it will give you.
Just taking time to do you, to take care of yourself, to be still and intentional with your actions. The feminine needs this.

10. Let yourself receive.

Saturday, September 28

Teal Swan: Toxic Positivity: Why 'Good Vibes Only' is Hurting You

Toxic positivity makes an enemy of negative emotion.
It's abusive to negative emotion.
It's abusive to your emotional system in general.
It's abusive to the aspect of you that is feeling a negative emotion.
This guarantees that the negative emotion will not be responded to correctly by you.

Thursday, August 22

Heidi Priebe: Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors

When I find myself overthinking something, I stop and ask myself, “Do I know very specifically what the problem I am dealing with is?”

How do I cope right now with the feelings of anxiety that come up for me when I think about how uncertain the future is?

What can and cannot be known?

How you’re feeling?

We can know for sure how we’re feeling.

We don’t have enough information to arrive at an educated answer to as it stands.

This is one of those instances where going out into the world, and seeking more relevant information that we can be sure is reliable and true is going to help us.

Sometimes that means taking some action, and then thinking about it again.

Heidi Priebe: How Being 'Hard On Ourselves' Sabotages Long-Term Discipline (And What To Do Instead)

Heidi Priebe: Emotional Neglect: Healing From The Hidden Trauma Of What Didn't Happen

Wednesday, August 21



1. Cooking.

2. Communication skills.
We need to be able to communicate our needs.
We need to be able to communicate our feelings and our emotions.
We need to be able to communicate our ideas, communicate our knowledge, communicate our desires.
And we need to be able to do this in a mature and confident way.

3. Time Management.
Just really intentional about where you put your time and energy, and where your attention goes.

4. Track and understand your cycle naturally.
Harness the different strengths of your menstrual cycle.

5. Dressing for your body type.
Know how to love what you got, and how to work with what you got.

6. Understand finances and money.
We need to understand the practical, and logistical side of money.
We also need to understand the energetics of money too.
Money has a feminine side too.

ps: Listen to your intuition.
Use your intuition, and get more clarity.

Jillz Guerin: WHY WE SELF SABOTAGE (and what to do about it)

WHY WE SELF SABOTAGE (and what to do about it)

Self-sabotage whether it is conscious or unconscious is when we deliberately hinder our own well-being and success.
It is a protective mechanism. It's intention is to prevent us from getting hurt.
Short-term comfort usually does not lead to long-term satisfaction.
These energetic ranges are what give our brain, and our nervous system comfort and predictability.
But we can change these.
When we can understand the roots of where a lot of this self-sabotage comes from, we don't have to let it take us over.

1. Observe, and reflect.
You have to start becoming more aware, and more observant.
Be curious.
It's the lack of curiosity, and lack of reflection, that keeps us stuck, and keeps us from reaching our fullest  potential.
When you feel moments where you might be hindering your own growth, notice the resistance that's there, and just feel it, feel into it.
Ask yourself, "Is this coming from a place of unfamiliarity and fear, is this something that's just new to me, something that I'm not used to yet?"
Not everything that's uncomfortable or unfamiliar is unsafe.
Ask yourself, "What would my Highest self do?"
Becoming aware, and observant, and clear on the purpose of the self-sabotage is one of the biggest thing you can do to start moving past it.

2. Give yourself grace.
Your nervous system is trying to keep you safe.
Have compassion and gratitude for yourself, and your brain, and your nervous system for trying to keep you safe.

3. Small positive changes everyday.
Growth is not usually entirely comfortable.
Your energetic range will start to positively shift over time.

4. Visualize, and feel it.
By visualising it.
By familiarising it to ourselves in our mind.
Consistently visualize that next level, feel it, really embody it, start to get comfortable with it.
You can start to reset your energetic range.

5. Feelings aren't always truth.
Connecting to your intuition.

6. Not all resistance is bad.
Sometimes, resistance is a signal that you need to slow down and realign.
You are the only person who can answer this for yourself.
You have to start trusting yourself.
Just remember, sometimes, your resistance is your Higher self speaking to you.
And that's why, it is so important, to stay observant, stay curious, and stay loving.

Thank you.

Jillz Guerin: 5 ONE-MINUTE Habits to Increase Feminine Energy

5 ONE-MINUTE Habits to Increase Feminine Energy

1. Being able to say no.
In everyday life, we need to know where our limits are, and when those limits start to get crossed, you need to be able to say no, with the little things, and with the big things, with your time, with your energy, with your values, with everything.
To stay in your feminine energy, your boundaries matter, saying no, it matters, it’s important. It only takes 5 seconds to politely say no.

2. Breaks to stand, and move.

3. Turn on some music.
It shifts the energy.
It shifts the vibe.

4. Having mini dance moments.
This is a powerful way to turn on feminine energy.

5. Taking a moment to tune in.
Centre yourself.
You ask, How do I feel?
What do I need?
This relationship with yourself has to be fostered.
Take a minute to tune in.

Thank you.

Jillz Guerin: 9 SELF CARE HABITS That Completely UPGRADED MY LIFE


1. Fiction before bed.

2. Clean & homey living space.

3. Baths, and water rituals.
Water is very energetically purifying.

4. Feelings are sometimes a choice.

5. Blackout curtains.

6. New menstrual cycle = New begining.

7. Calling my friends.

8. Dressing for the day.

9. Crying.
It releases stress hormones.

Thank you.

Jillz Guerin: 6 Natural Beauty Tips That Boosted My Self Confidence 💕



1. It’s really helpful to understand where this wounded feminine energy is coming form, and what created it.
You can consciously choose every single day to let this go.
It’s time to start reframing those beliefs around your feminine energy, and transform them into something more positive and supportive.

2. Surround yourself with other healthy feminine women.
Every woman needs a strong, healthy woman support system.
It is one of the best ways to recharge your feminine energy battery.
It’s super revitalising. It is one of the best ways to heal that wounded energy.
You become who you surround yourself with.
If you want to be a healthy feminine woman, then surround yourself more with other healthy feminine women.
The women you want to try and stay away from are those who just criticise other women, and just bring other women down, and women who struggle to maintain women friendships. They are usually wounded.

3. It is critical that you start putting yourself first, and prioritise taking care of yourself.
This is something that’s really important to feminine energy.
You matter, and you are important, and you have to start showing yourself this love.
Any sort of self-care is such a simple and easy way to show that we value ourselves.
When we start valuing ourselves and loving ourselves, we start expecting this from others too, like we should be.
And we start truly nourishing ourselves, this gives us the capacity to nourish others too.

4. Stop focusing on what others think, stop living our lives for other people, and stop seeking validation.
Common problem with this wounded feminine energy is this people-pleaser mentality, and not being able to stand up for themselves and what they want.
What people think of you, is quite frankly, none of your business.
A healthy feminine woman is secure in her needs, wants, and desires.

5. It’s time to start saying ‘No’ to what doesn’t serve you and what doesn’t feel right.

6. Let go of or get yourself away from toxic situations or toxic people.
Surround yourself with healthy situations, and healthy people as best as you can.

7. Embrace joy.
For eg. take in that meal, and just feel how good it is, take a moment to smell the flowers and fully take them in.
Being comfortable feeling joy and embracing joy is a really healthy trait of the feminine energy.
So doing these things throughout your day can really help you bring out that side of you more.

Thank you!

Jillz Guerin: THE THERMOSTAT THEORY *life changing*


How this shows up and why this happens
We all have our own energetic range, with what we are comfortable and familiar with.
And you can think about this energetic range, as like a temperature range you sit at.
We can have our own energetic range for money, we can have our own energetic range for love, for health, for career, for home life, for literally anything. 

The way that our subconscious mind works is that it naturally gravitates toward what we are familiar with, with that internal temperature setting, because that is all it knows.
The subconscious mind loves familiarity. It thrives off of familiarity.

It knows exactly what to expect.

Even if what's familiar is not that great, that familiarity makes us comfortable.

That's our internal temperature setting.

We can do this in so many different ways, we don't even realise it's self-sabotage.

The problem is that this subconscious temperature setting, if we don't become conscious and aware of it, will rule our life. And most of us don't even realise that we have these limits.

Self-sabotage often disguises itself as those upper limiting behaviours, not letting you go past that internal temperature setting.

But once you become of aware of it, you can start to conquer and move past that. It's the first step.

How to start shifting the thermostat on your life, so that you can start truly leveling up your life

1. You need to start bringing conscious awareness to these upper limit moments.
Notice the moments in your life where things are feeling good.

And then notice when things start to shift.

Be an observer.

Just notice what happens that brings you back down.
Why does that good feeling go away?
And notice your limiting beliefs.
Notice where you are not comfortable in your life with things being good, notice where you keep hitting walls.
Once you become the observer of your world, you will start to notice these things.
You can’t shift what you aren’t aware of.

Be the observer of your world. Be the observer of your mind.

2. Slowly and gently start pushing those limits.
Allow yourself to experience more.

Notice that resistance, so you can move past it, and stay in that good feeling zone.
You are training your body, your mind, your subconscious mind, to expand your capacity for goodness.

Slowly increasing that temperature.

You need to learn how to gently expand your comfort zone.
If you’re stuck at a lower temperature all the time, it’s because that is your current comfort zone, that’s what your nervous system is used to.
Imagine your nervous system as the control panel of your internal thermostat.
To increase the temperature, we have to start training our nervous system to slowly start becoming comfortable and familiar with that next level.
We have to crank the dial on our comfort zone.
When you are in those next level moments, and you feel your nervous system starting to react, starting to resist, you have to learn how to calm it.
You can do this with things like body awareness, breath work, mindfulness, self-compassion, self-understanding.

The main questions are:

a. How can you hold on to those good feelings as long as you can?

b. How can you slowly start to increase your capacity for experiencing the good, for experiencing that next level?

This is going to look different for everyone.

When things start to become easy, or easier, work on holding that and leaning into it.
Make an intentional effort, a conscious effort to regulate your nervous system in that scenario, and lean into it.

3. You need to decide who that next level version of you is, that higher temperature setting, and shift your self-concept to meet that.
The way that you view yourself has to change.

What does look like?

How does she show up?

What are her habits?

What are her beliefs?

What does she think about?

How does she spend her time?

Act like her.
Shifting your self-concept is a lot easier to do, when you do it from a fun and playful place.

Start to get comfortable there.
This has to be an active conscious process, or else it won’t happen.

4. Who you are around and who you are exposed to can either push your temperature limits up or push them down.
It’s about being intentional with your time and energy and who you give that to, who you give access to yourself.
Everyone also needs expanders. 

If it's possible for them, it's possible for you.
Find people in real life or online who have done what you want to do.
Let them expand what you think is possible.
Let them raise your internal temperature set point.

So the question is, how good are you willing to let it get?
Because this is a choice.
It’s all about your willingness to make the change, step into the uncomfortable, and expand your comfort zone.
You have the power to redefine what’s possible for yourself, and it all begins with your willingness to put in the effort and have that conscious awareness so you can start increasing the thermostat of your life.

Thank you.

Jillz Guerin: How to Build Your DREAM BUSINESS in Your Feminine Energy

How to Build Your DREAM BUSINESS in Your Feminine Energy

1. Lean into what you're good at.
How can you provide value in a way that feels easy, feels natural to you?
Everybody is good at something.
A lot of times we don’t realise that we are good at something, because that something comes so naturally to us, that we assume it must come naturally to everyone else too.

2. If you want to stay softer, and be in your feminine energy, you also need to be thinking about the lifestyle you are building.
While you are building a business, you need to ask yourself all the time, ‘Is this business building a lifestyle I love or a lifestyle I hate?’
You have to be really honest with yourself about this.
I think it is very important to find expanders for yourself.
Your business is meant to work for you, not the other way around.

3. Allow it to be an intuition-led business.
Our intuition is one of our strengths.
It can get you far, and make things a whole lot easier.

4. The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule.
80% of the output is a result of just 20% of the input.
What is actually driving the business forward?
Focus on that.
Don't try to do everything at once.
If you try to do everything, you'll end up doing nothing well.

5. Work with your cycle, not against it.
Your health, your happiness, and your business will be better off for it.

6. Gratitude
Gratitude will keep you in your feminine energy.
It will keep you feeling softer, and relaxed.
Affirm: I am grateful that my community is finding me.
Affirm: I am grateful that I am attracting in like-minded people.
I would make sure that I felt gratitude for what I already have. 
This takes you out of stress mode, and puts you in the receiving mode.
This takes you out of the rat race of constantly needing more and more.
If you stay in a state of receiving, and high vibes, you will attract in more, you will attract in more high vibrational things.

7. The fastest way to build a business is not always the best way.
If you want to create your dream business, and still love your life, have a soft life, you have to build that business with full alignment, and integrity, you cannot sacrifice that, even if it takes a little bit longer to do so.

Thank you.

Jillz Guerin: How to *actually* QUANTUM LEAP (and change your reality)

How to *actually* QUANTUM LEAP (and change your reality)

What is Quantum Leaping?
A quantum leap is where you move from one state to another, or one reality to another.
Where you feel like you are moving or leaping into another reality.
There are many different realities that can exist at the same time.
All of these timelines, they exist at different frequencies.
To quantum leap, and change your life, you need to step into her, her reality, her timeline, her frequency.

How do I step into her?
The Universe communicates through energy.
In other words, it’s our vibration and our frequency that matters.
If our desired self, and our desired reality already exists, but at a different frequency, all we have to do, is tap into that frequency, to tap into that desire, or that reality.
That is all quantum leaping is.
It’s leaping into another frequency, so you can enter another reality.

How to tap into the frequency of your desired self?
Why this shifts your reality?
If frequency is so very important for quantum leaping and manifesting your desires, so what determines your frequency?
And it’s simple, your thoughts and beliefs.
Whatever your thoughts and beliefs are, they will shift your energy, they will shift the way that you feel, and it will shift your frequency.
This is scientifically proven.
When you have different thoughts, when you have different beliefs, it makes you feel a different way.
Every single emotion has a different frequency to it.
Energy is the language of the Universe.
Different thoughts have different vibrational frequencies.
Thoughts are energy, feelings are energy, everything is energy.
If you want to step into your desired self, your desired reality, you have to tap into that frequency, which means, you need to take on the thoughts, and beliefs, and feelings of that desired self.
That is very important.

99% of the time quantum leaping is also going to require us to take action.
It’s not only about alignment, it’s also about action. We need both of those pieces.
When you’re vibrating at a certain frequency, that is when you’ll receive the inspiration, the intuitive nudges, the impulses to do the things you need to do to create the reality you want.
When you're in the frequency of your dream self, when you're in the frequency of what you want, that is when you'll receive the direction on how to turn it into reality.
Being in the frequency, allows you to pick up on the how.
If you want to receive the best creative ideas and solutions, you have to be tuned in to the right frequency to receive them.

Being at the right energy and the right frequency is the first step towards getting to where you want to go.
The feeling comes first. The internal world has to shift first, before the external reality is going to start changing.
Stop overly focus on the how, and just start focusing on the feeling and the frequency, and eventually that how is gonna come to you.
If you change your,
thoughts + beliefs -> frequency -> inspired actions -> reality.

And that is how quantum leaping works.

How to actually do this?

1. Get clear on what you want.
Sit with that, and daydream about that version of yourself, the version of you that has what you want.
Think about her internal world, not so much her external world.
That’s living in another timeline.
How does she feel?
What does she believe?
What are stories that she tells herself?
What are the thoughts that she chooses to think, and that she chooses to believe?
That is the energy you’re going to tap into.
Don’t get caught up in the desire.
By focusing on the feeling, and the frequency of the desired self, not the outcome of the desired reality.
Stay focused on the feeling, and the frequency.

2. Normalise the reality you want.
That has to feel normal to you.
You have to normalise it, before actually having it.
To get into the frequency, you have to normalise it.
If you want to quantum leap, you have to normalise whatever you want.
The reality you want, and the timeline you want to shift into, it has to feel normal and ordinary to you, not to anyone else, but to you.

How do I normalise something I don’t have?

a. You have to use the power of your imagination, and you have to visualize it.
You rehearse it over and over again in your mind, until it starts to feel real, until it starts to feel normal.
It feels normal. It feels ordinary.
It’s just another day.
You want to feel calm, and at peace.

b. By changing your point of reference, and changing what you observe, and what you are exposed to.
Because it changes what you view as normal and ordinary.
You need to oversee that reality as much as you can.
Quantum physics says that nothing is really real until you observe it.
So if you desire a certain reality, you need to observe that reality as much as you can.
Expose yourself to what you want. Observe it.
The more you observe it, the more normal it feels.
3. Focus on what you do want.

I feel so healthy. I am so grateful for it.
Think about that desired reality, that desired self, that desired frequency, and how you want to feel, and mentally stay there.
This is what is energetically going to pull you into that other timeline.

4. You can only become that which you believe.
You can only quantum jump to a self and a reality, in which you truly believe deep down is possible for you.
The ladder approach.

5. Softness and ease will get you farther than force ever will.
That detachment creates a sense of ease and calm and softness in your body.
Extreme effort and force can almost keep you stuck.
To quantum jump you need to relax, you need to be a little bit playful with it.
Focus on the fun of getting into the frequency and the feeling of your desire, and take aligned action from there.
Once you are in the frequency, you’ll then receive the energetic direction to get you to where you want to go.

How to speed up this process?
Frequency -> -> -> Desired reality
There will be at least a little bit of this awkward in between.
But this can be significantly shortened or widened based off of:How you feel.
The thoughts you choose to think, and listen to.
What action you do and do not take during this period.
And that is up to you.

There are infinite versions of us that we can tap into, infinite realities and timelines that we can shift into, but it all first starts with a frequency, it starts first with energetic alignment.
So the question is, what do you have the energetic capacity to align with, and how high will you allow yourself to go?

Thank you.

Monday, May 13

Psych2Go: 7 Types of People You Can't Help

7 Types of People You Can't Help

1. Victim-minded people
No matter how hard you try, they are never going to change, because in their eyes, nothing is ever their fault.

2. Self-righteous people
They think they are perfect, and have nothing at all to change or improve about themselves.

3. Deceptive people
Deceptive people cannot be trusted, because they act one way in public, and another in private. Next time your gut tells you someone asking for help can't be trusted, it's important to be sure of their intentions before you lend them a hand.

4. Desperate people
A desperate person moves you to pity them and begs you to help, but beware, don't fall for it. These kinds of people are willing to do anything and everything just to get what they want. Even if it means stabbing you in the back. They don't respect your boundaries, rather they abuse your generosity, time, and energy. Instead of wasting your time trying to help someone like this, staying as far away as you can is probably the way to go.

5. Disloyal people
Some people are just too disloyal for you to help. Though you may think that they are your friends, the truth is, you don't want someone disloyal in your life. They'll take other people's sides over yours, or talk about you behind your back. They are more likely to lose interest in you and move on to something else, rather than own up to their faults, and learn from them.

6. Doubtful people
You might as well try to move a wall. If you get too close to people like this, they could end up getting in your head, and filling you with doubt as well.

7. Quitters
It just isn't right giving your all, for someone who isn't even willing to put themselves out there. If they themselves aren't willing to change their ways, and be better, then holding on to them will only leave you hurt, frustrated, and emotionally drained. And life is too precious to waste in the wrong company.

Jillz Guerin: 14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore

14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore

1. The "I don't know" man.

2. He says all his exes were "crazy".

3. He can't apologise or take fault.

4. His anger is immature + disrespectful.

5. Friends with an ex.

6. Actions don't align with words.

7. He wants you to pay on the first date.
This shows that he is not in his masculine energy.

8. Never asks any questions about yourself.

9. Never makes real plans to see you.

10. Takes way too long to text/call back.

11. Can't take care of his things.
He's likely not gonna change.
And you don't wanna be his mother.

12. Makes condescending or sarcastic jokes at your expense.
There is no point in having a partner around, if he is not lifting you up, and adding value to your life.

13. Never posts any photos of you.

14. Your gut feels off.
If something in your gut feels off about him, don't ignore it.
Your intuition is very smart.
Your intuition knows more than you think it does.
Don't discount these feelings that you have, even if it seems like on paper everything is going good.

Tuesday, April 2

Psych2Go: 7 Things You Should Never Apologize For

7 Things You Should Never Apologize For

1. Being successful because you earned it.

2. Spending your money.

3. Saying no when you need to.

4. Not prioritising the drama of others.

5. Ending toxic relationships.
You have a right to self-preservation.

6. Asking for help.
Nobody has all the answers in life. Nobody.

7. Wanting to be happy.
You own your happiness, and no one else can lay claim for it.
You are just as valuable as anyone else.

Monday, April 1

Jillz Guerin: HOW I LEVELED UP MY LIFE // 10 big things I did to level up my life that you can do too


1. Focused on what I wanted.
Stop taking advice so seriously from people whose lives I didn't aspire to.
I had to start trusting my own self, and finding new expanders and mentors for me that was more aligned with the life that I wanted.

2. Started prioritising my health.
I was investing in myself.
I was investing in my future.
I was investing in my body and my mind.
To grow and level up, you have to be comfortable investing in yourself.

3. Started taking care of myself and putting more effort into my appearance.

4. Started reading more.
Read books that you are drawn to, that you are naturally intrigued by.
You are drawn to them for a reason.
You are meant to explore these topics, and learn about them.

5. Learned to be a better communicator.
It improved my relationships, which in turn improved my life.
I felt happier. I felt less stress. I felt like I had a better support system behind me.
I just felt more joyful overall.
When you can communicate your needs and your boundaries, everything in life is just better, and runs smoother.

6. Became more in touch with my femininity, my feminine energy.
I wanted to step more into myself.
I felt lighter, so much more at peace, so much more in flow, so much more in touch with my intuition, and my creativity.

7. Prioritised having a clean, organised space.
I tried to take care of my space better.
This really helped me to feel my best.

8. Started making my bed every morning.

9. Learned to focus on joy.

10. Became more conscious of how I was speaking to myself.
I could be a little bit critical towards myself.
You can either be your biggest cheerleader, or your biggest hurdle.
Choose to be your biggest cheerleader.

Friday, March 29

Jillz Guerin: A REALISTIC Guide to Living a SOFTER LIFE *how I got my life back*


1. Spending more on ease.
You might need to re-examine your relationship with money, and your relationship to your self-worth.
If you want to start living a softer life, then you need to remember that prioritising your ease and your comfort, and spending a little bit of money on that is not always a bad thing.

2. You don't need to do everything yourself.
Doing everything yourself doesn't make you a better person.
It's a very valuable skill to be able to ask for help when it's needed.
If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help, hire help, try to take something off your plate.
You don't get a medal for doing the most.

3. Efficiency and impact, is more important than hours worked.
Drop the struggle.

4. Start seeing the beauty in the journey.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

5. You don't have to know everything.
I don't have to have an opinion about everything going on in the world.
I don't need to have a thought about everything.
It can get really overwhelming.
If you want to cultivate more of the soft life, let your brain chill.

6. You are in control of your life.
If you're at a social function, and you don't want to be there any more, you can leave.
Living a soft life means taking control of your life, and prioritising what's important to you, and what brings you peace, and you are the only person who can do that.

7. Cycle Syncing
Syncing your life to your cycle.
I don't force myself to be the same everyday.
I don't force myself to show up the same everyday, because that is entirely unrealistic, and all it's gonna do is burn you out.
We need balance to have that peace and ease in our life.

8. Don't let the good things make you feel uncomfortable.
We self-sabotage our own happiness and our own inner peace.
Being comfortable and familiar with things being easy, and almost start expecting things to be easy.

Wednesday, March 27

Teal Swan: The Most Important Element of Compatibility in Relationships

Compatibility is when two things are able to exist or occur in a state of harmony and without conflict.
But the most important element of compatibility is workability or lack thereof.
The most important part of accessing compatibility is to figure out what is and what isn’t workable.
When something is workable, it is flexible, it’s negotiable, it’s pliable, it’s adaptable, it can be influenced, folded, or changed, so that it produces the desired effects or the desired results.
Some things about us and our life are unworkable like solid steel, and they need to be that way for the sake of our well-being and other things are workable like modelling clay and they need to be for the sake of our well-being.

Because all people are different, one person might exhibit workability relative to something whereas another person can’t be workable relative to that same thing.

Workability and lack thereof doesn’t only apply to romantic partnerships, it applies to other relationships as well such as friendships, and work relationships, and family relationships, etc.

Knowing what is and what is not workable about you is the most important part of accessing compatibility, because these areas of unworkability are what causes extreme disharmony in a relationship, and they are what breaks a relationship apart.

Teal Swan: How Your Values Can Ruin Your Life

Baked into every value is a positive and a negative potential. 
And this means that a person's deepest value can become their greatest weakness, in fact it can become their very downfall.

Every person's got a con with their name written on it.
There's a perfect con out there for every person on this Earth.
That perfect con will always involve your top values.

Each value might have several potential upsides, and several potential downsides.

All of these things things in life, including your values, come with shadows potentially.

Teal Swan: A Romantic Relationship Is NOT All There Is

Teal Swan: Why You Should Throw The Idea of Work Life Balance Out the Window

Teal Swan: Underrated Tool For Self-Awareness

Teal Swan: Urgent! Deal With Your Resistance Before You Do Anything Else

8: 07
If we haven’t created the life that we want to create, there must be an aspect of ourselves that is actually in opposition to it.

Remember, If you aren’t getting anywhere with something, it’s because there is resistance involved.

Zoom out to see the resistance and resolve it in whatever way you can.

Everyone experiences resistance.

Teal Swan: There is No Such Thing as The Fear of Success

Teal Swan


Teal Swan: Meet Your Needs!

Get in touch with what you want, and with what you need.
In increments throughout the day, it is a good idea to pause and ask yourself, “What do I need right now, or what do I want right now?”, and let yourself go get that thing.

Not meeting your needs is a great way to become greedy.

No need is too childish.

The result of satiating the inner child's need, is that the inner child grows up.

When you are in the space of thinking you don’t need anyone or anything, you are too afraid to be vulnerable. and so you don’t ask for what you need.
And so, the subconscious runs the show.

What if we actually need to need each other?

Select people, and surround yourself with people whose needs are met by meeting your needs. 
Let the people who have conflicting needs gravitate away from you.
That's how the world is supposed to work anyways.

Letting yourself have what you need is food for the soul.

Teal Swan: How To Overcome Shame

Ask yourself, “How is this thing I disapprove of good”?

Why is it that we need so badly to be good?

People who experience shame have a very strong conscience.
People who have a high level of conscience adhere to strong morals.
You are a person who is not going to deliberately harm other people.

Maybe there is a deeper reason.
Maybe you didn’t come here to fit into those standards in the first place.
Maybe if you had been able to fit in to those standards, our society would have no hope of evolving at all.

The Secret to Self Awareness - Becoming Aware of the WHY

Teal Swan: How To Stop Caring What Other People Think

To validate yourself, you need to acknowledge the truth of your own internal experience.

If we are hurt by what someone else thinks, it means that there is already a sore there.

That sore or that wound within us is a vibrational match to injury, because it is an injury.

Other people’s opinions are hitting up against a pre-existant bruise.

This is an unhealed wound from childhood.

We want to work with our particularly strong emotional reactions.

Using them as a rope to access the original wound.

And when you do that they disappear in your adult life.

Shift your attention from what someone said or did, to how you feel.

Write a list of the things that you approve of about yourself.

Would you rather be right or be happy?

We want to use this as a way of understanding why people do the things that they do, as a way of facilitating compassion.

Practice the art of letting the mud settle.

The window is wide open to self-healing and to integration.

Our reactivity level will go down.

Teal Swan: How To Be Authentic

How To Be Authentic

Is there any incongruence between my outer self and my inner self?

Being conscious of those incongruences.

The biggest adversary to authenticity is not pretending, it is denial.

We have to face and work with what is real about us. And real includes both sides of the spectrum - positive and negative.

Accept what is real about yourself, regardless of whether you judge it as good or bad.

The heart of being authentic is to be vulnerable.

We are not validated for our emotions.

Understand emotions better.

Truth and illusion both are real.

Get into the habit of objective viewing.

Anything you do that makes you more self-aware is a step in the direction of authenticity.

Tuesday, March 19

Jillz Guerin: 6 Productivity Hacks to Live a SOFTER LIFE 💖

6 Productivity Hacks to Live a SOFTER LIFE

Often times it's these productivity hacks that enable us to live that softer life in the first place.
I feel much happier of a woman, and much more connected to my feminine energy, when I try to prioritise softer living.
That doesn't mean that there aren't moments or phases in my life where that hustle and grind is needed.
And that is ok. There is nothing wrong with that. We all go through different ebbs and flows in life.
However, there are little ways that we can add more softness and ease to our life regardless.

1. A good mood changes everything.
Realising that a good mood changes everything.
Creating peace and ease in those little moments.
Being grateful for the day.
When you wake up every single morning, encourage yourself to feel joy, and do everything you can to feel those happy feelings.
Whatever we focus on is what we think about, and whatever we think about is how we feel.
You have to make feeling joy a part of your job.
When you start doing this, no matter what phase you're at in your life, you will start to create a softer life for yourself.
Not every day will be rainbows and sunshine, and that is ok, but when you actively try to put yourself in a good mood every day, when we actively choose our thoughts, and choose good thoughts, instead of letting our fears and anxieties take over, that's when everything starts to shift, that's when everything in our life becomes easier.
It you truly want a softer life, it starts in your internal world.
It starts with cultivating inner happiness right now.

2. Prioritising and cultivating good health.
Good health affects everything.
When you are healthy, your creativity flows so much more naturally.
It just comes when you are on a walk, or having breakfast, and that makes things so much easier.
If you don't have your health, it feels like you have nothing.
It trickles over into every single aspect of your life.
Prioritise your health. Find real joy and love and meaning in taking care of yourself.

3. Identify what are the priorities, that actually move the needle.
We really have to be honest with ourselves, and identify what are the priorities.
Pareto principle. The 80/20 rule.
Most of the outcomes in our life, come from a small portion of what we actually do.
Focus on the things in your life that give you real benefit.
Don't spread yourself too thin.
What are the major things that get the outcome you want?
Trim the rest.
Don't overwhelm yourself with little tasks that don't really matter and don't really do much for you.

4. Do things once when it's applicable.
Do things once while you are already at it, so you can do less later.

5. Create systems for yourself, so things don't ever get too out of control.
Don't let things get out of hand.
It's these little tiny systems that enable that to happen.
When things get out of hand or too disorganised or too overwhelming, that's when things start to feel stressful and heavy.
6. You can replace the word discipline with devotion.
Devotion to taking care of yourself.
Devotion is a much softer way of looking at it.
It took devotion to take action on something that I wasn't yet getting results from.
Creating that soft life sometimes means having discipline.
Think about it as devotion.

Michelle Gia: how to not take things personally as a sensitive person

How to not take things personally

1. Not everybody is like you.
Different people have different behaviours.
Different people react to things differently than you do.
And these behaviours and reactions say more about their character than it does about yours.
Most times it has nothing to do with you.

2. Not everything is about you.
Understanding that not everything is about you.
People most times are focused on what they are doing.
Everyone is going through their own thing.
Everyone is looking out for their best interest.
Most times they are projecting their bad days onto you, their insecurities onto you.

3. Know yourself.
If you know what you're good at, your strengths and your skills, no matter what people say, that's not going to diminish any of that. 
Being confident in what you know, and understanding your strengths and weaknesses.
Sometimes when people say mean things, they have a point.
Accepting we have problems is the first step in solving those problems.

Friday, March 15

Psych2Go: 5 Tips You Should Know if You're an Empath

5 Tips You Should Know

1. It's ok to have a little "me-time".
If you are constantly surrounded by people, and feeling their emotions, it can take a lot of energy out of you.
Just remember to take a break from people every now and then.

2. Be Slippery.
This means to let the emotions others put on you to slide right off.
If someone's emotions are overpowering make sure you acknowledge that.

3. Make sure you centre yourself.
Grounding yourself will help you clear your head and heart.
4. Differentiate.
Once you recognise that these emotions are not your own, you can let them run free and move on.

5. Avoid "Energy Suckers".
Try to minimise your time spent around them.

Psych2Go: How To Stop People Pleasing

We all like being well-liked. But if your desire of being liked costs you your needs and well-being, maybe it's time to ask yourself why.

You are just as important as any other person, and should dedicate the same amount of care and effort towards yourself.

1. Validate Yourself.
Basing your self-worth off of someone else's opinions can harm your self-esteem.
When your worth is determined by others, you can lose control of who you are.
Take some time to reflect on yourself with interest, curiosity, and respect.
When you learn how to separate what others say about you from what you think, you can have more confidence and draw validation from yourself.

2. Say No.
Maybe you avoid it because you don't want them to feel bad.
But saying no doesn't always mean you'll face a bad outcome.
Sometimes a little bit of authenticity goes a long way.

3. Take Time For Yourself.
It's ok to tell them, 'Let me get back to you'.
Many events are not urgent.
Remind yourself that it's ok to take some time to decide.
This phrase allows you to check in with yourself, or check with your schedule to make the best choice.

4. Know Where You're Going.
Take some time out of your week to evaluate or re-evaluate your short-term and long-term goals.
Questions you could ask yourself could include:
Where do I want to be in five years?
What am I doing right now to get there?
Doing so will help you narrow down the scope of things you agree to do, and help you say no to things that might not help you move closer to your goals.

5. Remove Toxic People From Your Life.
A toxic person is someone who does not respect your values and boundaries.
They overlook or overstep their lines, whether it's by asking you for things you are uncomfortable with, or that goes against your values, or simply by expecting that you'll make an exception for them.
Stay away from someone like this.

6. Stop Apologising.
Take some time and pause before apologising.
Before you say sorry, stop and ask yourself, 'Have I actually done something wrong here?'
Taking this time to think critically can make sure that you're not undermining yourself too much.
It's a gift to want to be of service, and not an inconvenience to others. But remember you are not beholden to other people's demands.

Wednesday, March 6

Teal Swan: Reality

Reality (and why it is so important to face it)

There is such a thing as physical reality and non-physical reality.

Reality is beyond what an organism can perceive.

Objective reality is the amalgamation of every subjective reality.

Grasping objective reality is dependent upon you being able to expand your perception and perspective wide enough to accommodate all subjective realities.

In order to get beyond subjective reality, you have to transcend beyond "I".
You have to be able to accommodate all subjective perspectives. Not just "yours".

We have to differentiate between objective reality and a consensus reality.

Both objective reality and subjective reality are actually really valid and important levels of reality.

We are trying to integrate subjective and objective reality.

Objective reality is a co-creation.

Objective reality must accommodate for contradictory truths. Because this Universe is multi-dimensional.

A truth that exists at one dimension of this Universe doesn't exist at another.

The objective reality is this Universe is: Death exists. It also doesn't exist.

The main goal of awakening is to become more and more aware.
The capacity to present and hold contradictory information.
Free will is only possible with genuine awareness.
Our perspective must become more and more accommodating.
That includes accommodating of the truth that all of us must accept that we don’t know, what we don’t know.

Your only access of power is by accepting reality.

It's only if we see the reality that our petrol gauge in our car is empty, that we can stop and fill it up with petrol.

You can only make a genuine change from inside reality.

Intentional and conscious creation of reality has a place in your life and in your spiritual practice. However it should never replace your commitment to seeing objective reality, and subjective reality.

You can continue to alter, and continue to expand your subjective reality.

There's a lot of ideas floating around the spiritual community that there is somehow some contradiction between awareness, and creating your own reality.
These are the concepts that need to be integrated.
We need to be willing to create our own reality, at the same time as have complete awareness.

So face reality. It’s not a contradiction to creating your reality.

Sunday, March 3

Theodore Roosevelt Quote

Jillz Guerin: How To Be a SOFTER WOMAN *without losing who you are*

How To Be a SOFTER WOMAN *without losing who you are*

1. You first have to start within.
You have to start being soft to yourself, and have a soft inner dialogue.
When you change the internal, the external naturally comes along with it.
How are you speaking to yourself?
Create that inner softness within.

2. Let down your defences.
Do you get defensive easily?
To be a softer woman, you need to be able to let down these defences sometimes.
Get into the mindset that you don't need to prove anything to anyone, and that you are loved because of who you are.

3. Embrace vulnerability.
You should be able to open up, and show that emotion.
Not being afraid to show these emotions is one way that we soften.
A soft woman embraces these waves of emotions, and lets herself feel grief, or anger, or overwhelm, or happiness, or joy, or excitement, or whatever it is, and isn't afraid to let it out.
We don't need to hide our emotions.
Letting that vulnerability come through sometimes is one way that we soften.

4. Slow down.
Not everything is a race, and not everything is about achievements and hustle.
You don't have to rush.
This allows your nervous system to relax a bit, and feel more calm, and centred.
Be present in the task that you are doing.
Slowing down and being present will automatically make you feel like a softer woman.

5. Soften your body.
Your body and your mind are interconnected.
What happens in the mind, happens in the body, and vice-versa.
Let your body relax.

6. Conflict doesn't need to be tense.
Conflict can actually be a very healthy thing sometimes.
Challenge yourself to soften.
It is doable.
It's usually just someone feeling hurt.

7. Have empathy for others.
We do have to have boundaries, but it's good and healthy to have empathy for others.
You can see that any sort of unnecessary lashing out at you, it oftentimes boils down to a feeling of hurt or pain, and it's a reflection of something going on within themselves.

8. You have to be able to trust.
Trust that life is working out for you.
Trust that God or Universe is on your side, and is protecting you.
A lot of this hardness comes from a feeling of unsafety.
To live your happiest best life, you have to learn when to let go.
You have to learn when to surrender.
You have to learn to trust.
Sometimes not trying to control everything is one of the most powerful things that you can do, and this trust, this surrender is what's really gonna bring this softness out of you.

Monday, February 26

Molly: Living an Authentic life - why I no longer compare myself to others

Living Authentically - not comparing yourself to others

1. Figure out what your idea of success is.
We are all completely different.

2. Spending less time online.
It has made a ridiculously big difference.

3. Find a like-minded community.
Be really intentional with the time you spend online.

4. Practice gratitude.
Our lives look really rich.
The basic is being able to breathe.
There are so many things that a lot of us can be so grateful for.

Sunday, February 25

Elle: how to radiate feminine energy - do nothing

Feminine energy traits are affiliated with nurturing, love, receptivity, compassion, and care. 
Being energy, rather than doing energy.

You're not doing anything actively, it's just that you being is already doing something.

Peace. She is at peace, and so she brings peace to others.

Start minding your own business.
Memorise this line, “That is not my task”.
Whenever you feel the need to fix a man... That is not my task.
Can you not pick up other people’s tasks?

If there's gender roles that you don't want to fulfil, then find a man who shares similar values as you.

The bare minimum task that a man needs to be able to do is to provide.
And if he can't do that, it'll be very hard for you to be in your femininity in a relationship.

Get out of this energy of trying to prove yourself, because you are enough as is.
And the moment you realise that, you feel so at home in yourself. So at home in your body. So at home in your femininity.
Being in your feminine, is less about doing and more about being.
Because as a woman, by existing you have so much inherent worth and value.
You existing is enough.

Personally, it was the most difficult part for me to accept that I am enough as is.
I don’t need to do more.
I’m already enough.

Being in your femininity is less about doing, more about being.

Women are useful without doing anything.
Just by existing around men, we confer a lot of status on them.
And using that status that we have conferred on them, they can now access more opportunities.
You are giving him clout simply by going on a date with him.
And then you’re going to pay, can we not do that?
You are already paying just by existing with a man. That’s your payment.
You gave him the opportunity to access you. That’s your payment.
You have so much inherent worth and value.
All you have to do is exist.

And it's always the men who want to exploit you, and take advantage of you that want you to devalue yourself. They are the ones who tell you that you're not this enough, you're not that enough. You are of no worth, you are of no consequence.

But what about the value that we bring?
What about the risks that you incur simply by going on a date with this guy?
The safety risk?

I too can pay on a first date, but I don’t have to.

Stop proving yourself to people. Just exist. And let the people who find value in you be the ones to access you. Why are you surrounding yourself with people who you have to prove yourself to?
Once you get out of this proving yourself energy, you will feel more at peace.

Femininity is not a costume.
Being a feminine woman is less about how you dress, and more about how you are with yourself.

Thursday, February 22

Jillz Guerin: THE ART OF RECEIVING *feminine energy must know*


If you cannot allow yourself to fully receive, you will likely have a hard time receiving love, feeling loved, and that's something that every human being deserves to feel.
If you can comfortably receive, your relationships will improve, your stress levels will improve, and life can get a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more fun.

1. Start practicing on the little things.
You can speak up when you need help.

2. Be in a constant state of gratitude.
There is always an infinite amount of abundance and love in this world.
Believe it. You will naturally be open and receptive to the good things that come into your life.
Shifting your mindset to a state of gratitude will naturally make you a more open and receptive person.

3. Remember that not everything needs to be or is meant to be transactional.
Sometimes you can just receive.

4. It's helpful to see the good in people, and not assume that everyone always wants something in return.
Sometimes people will have motives for things. You always have your boundaries.

Let go of control.
This energy closes you off from accepting things into your life.
This energy closes you off from accepting help, which everyone needs sometimes.
It closes you off from letting the Universe work it's magic and bring miracles into your life.
Doing it all burns you out.

This will allow you to start receiving in ways that bring more joy and ease into your life.
It can also help you to receive what's meant to come into your life for your Highest good.

Wednesday, February 21

Paola Merrill: I made some terrible decisions as a small business owner - where I am now


I knew I was making bad decisions for my business, but I was making the right ones for me.
I think it is really easy to get those things confused.


I will take comfort in knowing that I am doing the best I can at this time, and making the best decisions I can at this time.


I hope you are open to your own growth.


I don't know what the future holds, but I do know I am going to meet it with gentleness towards myself, and I'm going to have Faith that I will be able to figure things out as I go.

Tuesday, February 20

Paola Merrill: choosing to accept your personality - a New Year Resolve

Paola Merrill: weekend life at my cottage - thoughts on loving your appearance

Heidi Priebe - ENFPs: This Is Your Most Valuable Asset

When you are a type that values Ne highly in your cognitive stacking: What your brain naturally wants to do is learn as much as it can possibly learn through having different experiences, through exploring different philosophies, through understanding the world using many different lenses, and this is the absolute food that you need to be giving your soul in order to thrive.

If there is a single piece of advice I would give to an ENFP, it’s that, you have to put your energy at the centre of your life.
Prioritise feeding your body, mind and soul.
For you wellness means having new adventures, having new experiences, etc. allowing yourself to make seemingly impractical choices in so far as you are able to do so.
Your energy is oriented towards that exploration of life. That is what makes you feel alive.

If you prioritise your energy above all else, in the long run, that will pay off for you infinitely more than if you are to follow a traditional path that drains you.

Extroverted Intuition is able to absorb an almost terrifying amount of information and make sense of it, and connect it to tangible external reality in a way that other people understand. And that is a superpower that probably nobody has taught you how to nurture.

Feed yourself, new ideas, new experiences, and new thoughts, on a more or less constant basis.

Make staying engaged, energised, and interested in your life as the number one priority.

Your superpower is your ability to take in a wide array of very complex information and make sense of it simply. Not many people are able to grasp complex theories as quickly and as easily as you are.

You need time to integrate everything that you have been learning.

As an ENFP, when you are firing on all cylinders, you are producing insights, and thoughts, and perspectives that are far above what the average person can produce.

When you are leaning fully and completely into your explorative and introspective nature, you are able to produce thought work at an extremely high level.

But in order to do that you have to be willing to feed your mind, and soul first.

Prioritise your energy as the person you actually are.

If you cannot prioritise you for yourself, consider prioritising yourself for the good of the planet.

Jen Palko: 5 SIGNS You're A Fire Element Type



Manifestation is not just about what you’re doing, it’s about who you are being.

Who you are showing up as everyday.

How do you be in the energy to attract what you want, in energetic alignment?

1. You want to be around other people or situations where having that thing is natural.
It’s just their state of being.
Get yourself somehow where you can be in that energy.
Your state of being is highly correlated with what feels natural to you.
Being near people or with people where that energy is natural.
You will pick up on that energy.

2. Do the inner work.
Remember that your world is a mirror.
Your thoughts and beliefs are the biggest thing holding you back, or the biggest thing propelling you forward.
Shifting this can take some time.
Some tools for changing your state of being include things like:
Visualisation, journaling, scripting, affirmations, gratitude.
Do it everyday.
Just keep going.
It’s a journey.
Feminine energy is the being energy. Master the being energy, and you will start attracting things into your life, and the action that you do take will be amplified by a hundred.

3. Get in touch with your feelings.
Bring those feelings, those emotions up.
The way feel around your manifestations matters.
You have to use that feeling side to your advantage.
Connecting to your Feeling side.
The Heart energy.
I visualize how those manifestations would make me feel.
I like to feel that feeling deep in my bones.
Like what would my energy be like?
Feel what it’s like to have it.
How would it fell in ur body, mind, heart, and soul.
Your feelings massively shift your energy. They are powerful.
Manifesting using your feminine energy is all about attracting in what you want by being an energetic match, by being in the right energy.

4. Detachment.
Embrace detachment.
Feminine energy is the surrender energy. It's the energy of releasing control and letting go.
We have to do this with our manifestations too.
We have to give things space to come to us and to come into our lives, and release that resistance.
These is an element of trust and release that you have to embody.
Let go of the fear and worry around it.
Feminine energy is the playful energy.
Try to be as light-hearted, n playful, n trusting as you can.
Surrender. Release. Let go of control.
This allows us to be more open in the way we receive them, so we don’t miss them.
Trust the process.
Be able to trust, and release, and detach from your manifestations.
You have to remind yourself that what you want, wants you. What you want is meant for you. What you want, you want for a reason. It’s not random, and your soul knows this.

5. Be open to receiving that manifestation.
You need to get comfortable receiving good things in your life.
Feminine energy is the receiving energy.
In order to receive, we have to be able to surrender.
We also have to know that, we are worthy of that receiving.
You truly have to feel comfortable.
Feel natural in that receiving.
To get what you want, you have to be able to receive it. You have to be able to allow it into your life. You have to let those walls down.

To wrap this all up, for you to be able to manifest to the fullest capacity with the most ease, your feminine and masculine energies have to come together.
It takes energetic alignment (feminine energy), and action (masculine energy).
But that energetic alignment piece is what creates that ease, that flow, and allows you to stay in that softer energy will still getting what you want.

Jillz Guerin: HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR FEMININE ENERGY *life changing*

Here is the problem.
We live in a highly masculinised world, where the masculine is praised…
feminine qualities are not as praised. intuition, creativity, love.

The feminine energy is naturally within all of us, and it will always be there.
You just have to find it, and activate it.

How to activate your feminine energy?

1. Move your body.
The feminine all about Movement and Flow.
Dancing. You don’t have to be good.
To just kind of get energy flowing throughout your body, help you be more present in your body, and more connected to your body.
You can also stretch, do yoga, go for a long walk outside.

2. Spend more time in nature.
Soak up all the feminine energy that Mother earth has to offer.
Mother Earth creates life, and grows life.

3. Get comfortable receiving.
We allow others to help and lift us too.
Let it happen, embrace it, and enjoy it.

4. Focus on love and softness.
Stay focused on love instead of lower vibration feelings like anger and resentment.

5. Spend less time on social media.
It can create a lot of comparison, and feeling like you’re not good enough.
Unfollow or mute anyone who doesn’t make you feel good because it can really affect your energy and your confidence.

6. You, and your real life.
Don’t get stuck in this online world living other people’s lives.

7. Stop trying to control everything.
You have to learn to trust, and surrender, and sometimes go with the flow.
The Universe is working for you, but sometimes not in the way you expect.
Stop trying to control, and instead inspire them with your love, and focus on living your best life.

8. Take pride in your appearance.
Feeling proud and confident of yourself.
You stand taller.
Enjoy the process of getting ready every morning.

9. Stand strong in your values, beliefs, and boundaries.
Be confident in who you are, and what you stand for.
Have clear and firm boundaries with yourself, and others.

10. Not being afraid of being vulnerable.
Expressing your true emotions.
It’s ok to express them.
Start with simple “I feel” statements.

11. Embrace your natural playfulness.
Bring out a little of that inner child in you and do things you enjoy just for the fun of it.

Jillz Guerin: How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life

How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life

If you want to really level up your life, your dark feminine energy is what's going to help you do that. Your dark feminine energy is so quietly powerful.

There are two sides to feminine energy, light feminine energy, and dark feminine energy. 
When these two sides come together, that's how you make a conscious, evolved, high value, powerful woman.
Light feminine energy is more about softness, nurturing, kindness, grace, playfulness, feeling your emotions, being empathic, more angelic. Light feminine energy is more about romanticising your life, being in the moment, being present.
Dark feminine energy is the part of you that puts yourself first. It's the fiery part of you, it's the spicy part of you, it's confident, it's assertive, it's fearless, it's passionate, it's bold, it's mysterious, it's the side of you that communicates your limits, it's the side of you that's in touch with your desires, it's the side of you that protects you. More than anything that dark feminine side is the transformative side. If you really want to change your life, level up your life, or even reinvent yourself, harnessing your dark feminine energy is how you do it. 
It's a natural part of being a woman. It's a natural part of our energy.

1. You have to be comfortable and be ok being disliked, being the villain or the bad person.
You have to get comfortable not pleasing everyone, possibly being disliked by people, and not needing every action you take to be approved of.
For example, you are getting major red flags from this guy. You are not really comfortable with him at all, and you know it's not a match. A woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy is comfortable enough to be like, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me, but this isn't gonna work out and leaving.
Once you accept that sometimes you will be seen as the villain or the bad girl even when you are not doing anything wrong, you're just putting yourself first, you will start to see your life change and up-level.
Being disapproved of doesn’t mean that you are always doing something wrong, or making the wrong decision, and a dark feminine woman knows this and she is comfortable with this.
She is in the driver seat of her life.
She’s on this Earth to live a life that actually lights her up, that feels good to her.
A woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy knows that at the end of the day she has the final say.
She trusts her own intuition instead.
It is impossible to please everyone, and she knows this and she’s comfortable with this.
She knows that she has to stand in her truth, even if it ultimately ruffles a few feathers.
This is not a comfortable part of levelling up your life, standing in your own truth, saying no, having the courage to be disliked, but sometimes it’s a necessary part.
And your dark feminine energy is going to help you do that.

2. The dark feminine energy knows the power of her standards and boundaries, and she is not afraid to walk away.
She simply walks away. She simply rescinds her energy.
A dark feminine energy woman knows the power of her absence. 
That behaviour is not appealing to her, and she walks away calmly.
If you want to level up your life, then you have to be able to be ruthless with your energy and where it’s going, and who it’s going to.
Not everything or everyone should have access to your energy.
She knows the power in leaning back, and rescinding her energy.
She knows that there will be times in life where you will have to detach and move on.
She rescinds her energy, because she respects herself too much to not do that.
You have to have standards, and you have to know your worth. And if your standards are not met, then your energy does not get to go there.
That dark feminine side of you expresses her limits, that's the side of you that lays down her boundaries.
These standards are not only for your own good, but sometimes they are for your own protection.
Your wants don’t get met, but your standards do.
You get what you are willing to accept.
If you want to change your life, you have to change your standards.
You have to get to know your new standards, and get crystal clear on them.
What are you willing to accept in relationships?
What are you willing to accept with your job, your health, yourself, your own habits, your body?
Once you know your standards, anything that does not meet them, does not get your energy.

3. She is not afraid to be quietly assertive when she needs to be.
You can be assertive in a masculine way, or you can be assertive in a feminine way.
Masculine assertiveness feels more like pushing forward, energetically. There will be times in life where you will need that, and that is totally ok.
Feminine assertiveness feels more like leaning back. It's quieter. It's almost like rescinding your energy. It's more simple.
Being quietly assertive is about being direct and clear and simple but calm.
Being able to assert yourself takes practice, and it has to become a habit.
Rescinding your energy is a part of being assertive.

4. She has a little bit more mystery to her, and tends to be a little bit more private in the way that she lives her life.
Telling everyone everything is usually not in your best interest. Because not everyone has your best interest in mind.
Not everyone gets access to those deeper parts of you. That sort of trusted relationship, that openness, that is something that is not just given, it’s earned.
There can be a lot of value in listening, more than you speak. Being observant. Not oversharing. Not bragging to everyone about everything.
Being a bit more reserved, in how you approach people, and moving in silence, is a way to protect and guard your energy, until you can identify who has your best interest in mind and who does not.
She is selective to where she puts her energy, and who she gives her energy to.
It's a way to protect your energy.
She simply removes herself from places that don’t match her energy, without fear of missing out.

5. The dark feminine energy knows that she has to be a little bit self-focused sometimes.
When you want to truly level up your life, that means you have to focus on yourself, and put yourself first, and the dark feminine energy is that more self-focused energy.
We are not always in a levelling up phase in our life, but when we are, that deep self-focus is required. It’s kind of inevitable.
There is a fine line here.
The dark feminine energy is the side of you that's more self-focused in a good way. She knows that sometimes your needs do come first.
Sometimes as a woman you do need to prioritise yourself, not only for your ability to thrive, but also for your ability to protect yourself.
The dark feminine teaches you, that, it’s ok to be your own priority sometimes.
It’s ok to make decisions simply because it’s in line with your best interest, even if other people don’t agree with it.
It’s very important to have both light and dark feminine energy.
When you embody both of these, that is how you become the most healthy, the most balanced, the most powerful, the most magnetic version of yourself.
There are times where a little healthy self-focus is needed, where a good healthy self-prioritisation is needed, and when you are trying to level up your life, that is one of those times, and the dark feminine energy is going to help you do that.

It's important to have a healthy balance between the light feminine energy, and the dark feminine energy.
When these two energies come together, that is how you start creating the life that you want, that is how you become your most evolved self.