Monday, December 2
3 Secrets FEMININE ENERGY Women Know (that you need to know too)
Sunday, November 17
Pippa Martin: If you can spare me 10 minutes, you'll get 10 years of your life back
Monday, November 4
Saturday, September 28
Teal Swan: Toxic Positivity: Why 'Good Vibes Only' is Hurting You
Thursday, August 22
Heidi Priebe: Overthinking: How Improving The QUALITY Of Our Thoughts Can Fix QUANTITY Errors
How do I cope right now with the feelings of anxiety that come up for me when I think about how uncertain the future is?
What can and cannot be known?
How you’re feeling?
We can know for sure how we’re feeling.
This is one of those instances where going out into the world, and seeking more relevant information that we can be sure is reliable and true is going to help us.
Sometimes that means taking some action, and then thinking about it again.
Wednesday, August 21
Jillz Guerin: WHY WE SELF SABOTAGE (and what to do about it)
Jillz Guerin: 5 ONE-MINUTE Habits to Increase Feminine Energy
To stay in your feminine energy, your boundaries matter, saying no, it matters, it’s important. It only takes 5 seconds to politely say no.
Jillz Guerin: 9 SELF CARE HABITS That Completely UPGRADED MY LIFE
You can consciously choose every single day to let this go.
It’s time to start reframing those beliefs around your feminine energy, and transform them into something more positive and supportive.
Every woman needs a strong, healthy woman support system.
It is one of the best ways to recharge your feminine energy battery.
It’s super revitalising. It is one of the best ways to heal that wounded energy.
You become who you surround yourself with.
If you want to be a healthy feminine woman, then surround yourself more with other healthy feminine women.
The women you want to try and stay away from are those who just criticise other women, and just bring other women down, and women who struggle to maintain women friendships. They are usually wounded.
3. It is critical that you start putting yourself first, and prioritise taking care of yourself.
This is something that’s really important to feminine energy.
You matter, and you are important, and you have to start showing yourself this love.
Any sort of self-care is such a simple and easy way to show that we value ourselves.
When we start valuing ourselves and loving ourselves, we start expecting this from others too, like we should be.
And we start truly nourishing ourselves, this gives us the capacity to nourish others too.
4. Stop focusing on what others think, stop living our lives for other people, and stop seeking validation.
Common problem with this wounded feminine energy is this people-pleaser mentality, and not being able to stand up for themselves and what they want.
What people think of you, is quite frankly, none of your business.
A healthy feminine woman is secure in her needs, wants, and desires.
5. It’s time to start saying ‘No’ to what doesn’t serve you and what doesn’t feel right.
6. Let go of or get yourself away from toxic situations or toxic people.
Surround yourself with healthy situations, and healthy people as best as you can.
7. Embrace joy.
For eg. take in that meal, and just feel how good it is, take a moment to smell the flowers and fully take them in.
Being comfortable feeling joy and embracing joy is a really healthy trait of the feminine energy.
So doing these things throughout your day can really help you bring out that side of you more.
Thank you!
Jillz Guerin: THE THERMOSTAT THEORY *life changing*
The way that our subconscious mind works is that it naturally gravitates toward what we are familiar with, with that internal temperature setting, because that is all it knows.
The subconscious mind loves familiarity. It thrives off of familiarity.
It knows exactly what to expect.
Even if what's familiar is not that great, that familiarity makes us comfortable.
That's our internal temperature setting.
We can do this in so many different ways, we don't even realise it's self-sabotage.
The problem is that this subconscious temperature setting, if we don't become conscious and aware of it, will rule our life. And most of us don't even realise that we have these limits.
Self-sabotage often disguises itself as those upper limiting behaviours, not letting you go past that internal temperature setting.
But once you become of aware of it, you can start to conquer and move past that. It's the first step.
How to start shifting the thermostat on your life, so that you can start truly leveling up your life
1. You need to start bringing conscious awareness to these upper limit moments.
Notice the moments in your life where things are feeling good.
And then notice when things start to shift.
Be an observer.
Just notice what happens that brings you back down.
Why does that good feeling go away?
And notice your limiting beliefs.
Notice where you are not comfortable in your life with things being good, notice where you keep hitting walls.
Once you become the observer of your world, you will start to notice these things.
You can’t shift what you aren’t aware of.
Be the observer of your world. Be the observer of your mind.
2. Slowly and gently start pushing those limits.
Allow yourself to experience more.
Notice that resistance, so you can move past it, and stay in that good feeling zone.
You are training your body, your mind, your subconscious mind, to expand your capacity for goodness.
Slowly increasing that temperature.
You need to learn how to gently expand your comfort zone.
If you’re stuck at a lower temperature all the time, it’s because that is your current comfort zone, that’s what your nervous system is used to.
Imagine your nervous system as the control panel of your internal thermostat.
To increase the temperature, we have to start training our nervous system to slowly start becoming comfortable and familiar with that next level.
We have to crank the dial on our comfort zone.
When you are in those next level moments, and you feel your nervous system starting to react, starting to resist, you have to learn how to calm it.
You can do this with things like body awareness, breath work, mindfulness, self-compassion, self-understanding.
The main questions are:
a. How can you hold on to those good feelings as long as you can?
b. How can you slowly start to increase your capacity for experiencing the good, for experiencing that next level?
This is going to look different for everyone.
When things start to become easy, or easier, work on holding that and leaning into it.
Make an intentional effort, a conscious effort to regulate your nervous system in that scenario, and lean into it.
3. You need to decide who that next level version of you is, that higher temperature setting, and shift your self-concept to meet that.
The way that you view yourself has to change.
What does look like?
How does she show up?
What are her habits?
What are her beliefs?
What does she think about?
How does she spend her time?
Act like her.
Shifting your self-concept is a lot easier to do, when you do it from a fun and playful place.
Start to get comfortable there.
This has to be an active conscious process, or else it won’t happen.
4. Who you are around and who you are exposed to can either push your temperature limits up or push them down.
It’s about being intentional with your time and energy and who you give that to, who you give access to yourself.
Everyone also needs expanders.
If it's possible for them, it's possible for you.
Find people in real life or online who have done what you want to do.
Let them expand what you think is possible.
Let them raise your internal temperature set point.
So the question is, how good are you willing to let it get?
Because this is a choice.
It’s all about your willingness to make the change, step into the uncomfortable, and expand your comfort zone.
You have the power to redefine what’s possible for yourself, and it all begins with your willingness to put in the effort and have that conscious awareness so you can start increasing the thermostat of your life.
Thank you.
Jillz Guerin: How to Build Your DREAM BUSINESS in Your Feminine Energy
Everybody is good at something.
A lot of times we don’t realise that we are good at something, because that something comes so naturally to us, that we assume it must come naturally to everyone else too.
2. If you want to stay softer, and be in your feminine energy, you also need to be thinking about the lifestyle you are building.
While you are building a business, you need to ask yourself all the time, ‘Is this business building a lifestyle I love or a lifestyle I hate?’
You have to be really honest with yourself about this.
3. Allow it to be an intuition-led business.
Our intuition is one of our strengths.
4. The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule.
What is actually driving the business forward?
5. Work with your cycle, not against it.
Your health, your happiness, and your business will be better off for it.
6. Gratitude
Gratitude will keep you in your feminine energy.
Affirm: I am grateful that my community is finding me.
Affirm: I am grateful that I am attracting in like-minded people.
This takes you out of stress mode, and puts you in the receiving mode.
If you stay in a state of receiving, and high vibes, you will attract in more, you will attract in more high vibrational things.
7. The fastest way to build a business is not always the best way.
Jillz Guerin: How to *actually* QUANTUM LEAP (and change your reality)
A quantum leap is where you move from one state to another, or one reality to another.
Where you feel like you are moving or leaping into another reality.
There are many different realities that can exist at the same time.
All of these timelines, they exist at different frequencies.
To quantum leap, and change your life, you need to step into her, her reality, her timeline, her frequency.
How do I step into her?
The Universe communicates through energy.
In other words, it’s our vibration and our frequency that matters.
If our desired self, and our desired reality already exists, but at a different frequency, all we have to do, is tap into that frequency, to tap into that desire, or that reality.
That is all quantum leaping is.
It’s leaping into another frequency, so you can enter another reality.
How to tap into the frequency of your desired self?
Why this shifts your reality?
If frequency is so very important for quantum leaping and manifesting your desires, so what determines your frequency?
And it’s simple, your thoughts and beliefs.
Whatever your thoughts and beliefs are, they will shift your energy, they will shift the way that you feel, and it will shift your frequency.
This is scientifically proven.
Every single emotion has a different frequency to it.
Energy is the language of the Universe.
Different thoughts have different vibrational frequencies.
Thoughts are energy, feelings are energy, everything is energy.
If you want to step into your desired self, your desired reality, you have to tap into that frequency, which means, you need to take on the thoughts, and beliefs, and feelings of that desired self.
That is very important.
99% of the time quantum leaping is also going to require us to take action.
It’s not only about alignment, it’s also about action. We need both of those pieces.
When you’re vibrating at a certain frequency, that is when you’ll receive the inspiration, the intuitive nudges, the impulses to do the things you need to do to create the reality you want.
If you want to receive the best creative ideas and solutions, you have to be tuned in to the right frequency to receive them.
Being at the right energy and the right frequency is the first step towards getting to where you want to go.
The feeling comes first. The internal world has to shift first, before the external reality is going to start changing.
Stop overly focus on the how, and just start focusing on the feeling and the frequency, and eventually that how is gonna come to you.
If you change your,
thoughts + beliefs -> frequency -> inspired actions -> reality.
And that is how quantum leaping works.
1. Get clear on what you want.
Sit with that, and daydream about that version of yourself, the version of you that has what you want.
That’s living in another timeline.
How does she feel?
What does she believe?
What are stories that she tells herself?
What are the thoughts that she chooses to think, and that she chooses to believe?
That is the energy you’re going to tap into.
Don’t get caught up in the desire.
By focusing on the feeling, and the frequency of the desired self, not the outcome of the desired reality.
Stay focused on the feeling, and the frequency.
2. Normalise the reality you want.
That has to feel normal to you.
You have to normalise it, before actually having it.
To get into the frequency, you have to normalise it.
If you want to quantum leap, you have to normalise whatever you want.
The reality you want, and the timeline you want to shift into, it has to feel normal and ordinary to you, not to anyone else, but to you.
How do I normalise something I don’t have?
a. You have to use the power of your imagination, and you have to visualize it.
You rehearse it over and over again in your mind, until it starts to feel real, until it starts to feel normal.
It feels normal. It feels ordinary.
It’s just another day.
You want to feel calm, and at peace.
b. By changing your point of reference, and changing what you observe, and what you are exposed to.
Because it changes what you view as normal and ordinary.
You need to oversee that reality as much as you can.
Quantum physics says that nothing is really real until you observe it.
So if you desire a certain reality, you need to observe that reality as much as you can.
Expose yourself to what you want. Observe it.
The more you observe it, the more normal it feels.
3. Focus on what you do want.
I feel so healthy. I am so grateful for it.
Think about that desired reality, that desired self, that desired frequency, and how you want to feel, and mentally stay there.
This is what is energetically going to pull you into that other timeline.
4. You can only become that which you believe.
You can only quantum jump to a self and a reality, in which you truly believe deep down is possible for you.
The ladder approach.
5. Softness and ease will get you farther than force ever will.
That detachment creates a sense of ease and calm and softness in your body.
Extreme effort and force can almost keep you stuck.
To quantum jump you need to relax, you need to be a little bit playful with it.
Focus on the fun of getting into the frequency and the feeling of your desire, and take aligned action from there.
Once you are in the frequency, you’ll then receive the energetic direction to get you to where you want to go.
How to speed up this process?
Frequency -> -> -> Desired reality
There will be at least a little bit of this awkward in between.
But this can be significantly shortened or widened based off of:How you feel.
The thoughts you choose to think, and listen to.
What action you do and do not take during this period.
And that is up to you.
There are infinite versions of us that we can tap into, infinite realities and timelines that we can shift into, but it all first starts with a frequency, it starts first with energetic alignment.
So the question is, what do you have the energetic capacity to align with, and how high will you allow yourself to go?
Monday, May 13
Psych2Go: 7 Types of People You Can't Help
Jillz Guerin: 14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore
Friday, May 3
A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford
Tuesday, April 2
Psych2Go: 7 Things You Should Never Apologize For
Monday, April 1
Jillz Guerin: HOW I LEVELED UP MY LIFE // 10 big things I did to level up my life that you can do too
Friday, March 29
Jillz Guerin: A REALISTIC Guide to Living a SOFTER LIFE *how I got my life back*
Wednesday, March 27
Teal Swan: The Most Important Element of Compatibility in Relationships
But the most important element of compatibility is workability or lack thereof.
The most important part of accessing compatibility is to figure out what is and what isn’t workable.
When something is workable, it is flexible, it’s negotiable, it’s pliable, it’s adaptable, it can be influenced, folded, or changed, so that it produces the desired effects or the desired results.
Some things about us and our life are unworkable like solid steel, and they need to be that way for the sake of our well-being and other things are workable like modelling clay and they need to be for the sake of our well-being.
Because all people are different, one person might exhibit workability relative to something whereas another person can’t be workable relative to that same thing.
Workability and lack thereof doesn’t only apply to romantic partnerships, it applies to other relationships as well such as friendships, and work relationships, and family relationships, etc.
Teal Swan: How Your Values Can Ruin Your Life
Teal Swan: Urgent! Deal With Your Resistance Before You Do Anything Else
If we haven’t created the life that we want to create, there must be an aspect of ourselves that is actually in opposition to it.
Remember, If you aren’t getting anywhere with something, it’s because there is resistance involved.
Zoom out to see the resistance and resolve it in whatever way you can.
Everyone experiences resistance.
Teal Swan
How To Be Authentic
Teal Swan: Meet Your Needs!
Not meeting your needs is a great way to become greedy.
When you are in the space of thinking you don’t need anyone or anything, you are too afraid to be vulnerable. and so you don’t ask for what you need.
And so, the subconscious runs the show.
What if we actually need to need each other?
Letting yourself have what you need is food for the soul.
Teal Swan: How To Overcome Shame
Why is it that we need so badly to be good?
People who experience shame have a very strong conscience.
People who have a high level of conscience adhere to strong morals.
You are a person who is not going to deliberately harm other people.
Maybe there is a deeper reason.
Maybe you didn’t come here to fit into those standards in the first place.
Maybe if you had been able to fit in to those standards, our society would have no hope of evolving at all.
Teal Swan: How To Stop Caring What Other People Think
If we are hurt by what someone else thinks, it means that there is already a sore there.
That sore or that wound within us is a vibrational match to injury, because it is an injury.
Other people’s opinions are hitting up against a pre-existant bruise.
This is an unhealed wound from childhood.
We want to work with our particularly strong emotional reactions.
Using them as a rope to access the original wound.
Shift your attention from what someone said or did, to how you feel.
Would you rather be right or be happy?
We want to use this as a way of understanding why people do the things that they do, as a way of facilitating compassion.
Our reactivity level will go down.
Teal Swan: How To Be Authentic
Is there any incongruence between my outer self and my inner self?
Being conscious of those incongruences.
The biggest adversary to authenticity is not pretending, it is denial.
We have to face and work with what is real about us. And real includes both sides of the spectrum - positive and negative.
Accept what is real about yourself, regardless of whether you judge it as good or bad.
The heart of being authentic is to be vulnerable.
We are not validated for our emotions.
Understand emotions better.
Truth and illusion both are real.
Get into the habit of objective viewing.
Anything you do that makes you more self-aware is a step in the direction of authenticity.
Tuesday, March 19
Jillz Guerin: 6 Productivity Hacks to Live a SOFTER LIFE 💖
Michelle Gia: how to not take things personally as a sensitive person
Friday, March 15
Psych2Go: 5 Tips You Should Know if You're an Empath
Psych2Go: How To Stop People Pleasing
Friday, March 8
Wednesday, March 6
Teal Swan: Reality
We are trying to integrate subjective and objective reality.
Objective reality must accommodate for contradictory truths. Because this Universe is multi-dimensional.
The main goal of awakening is to become more and more aware.
The capacity to present and hold contradictory information.
Free will is only possible with genuine awareness.
That includes accommodating of the truth that all of us must accept that we don’t know, what we don’t know.
You can continue to alter, and continue to expand your subjective reality.
These are the concepts that need to be integrated.
So face reality. It’s not a contradiction to creating your reality.
Monday, March 4
Sunday, March 3
Jillz Guerin: How To Be a SOFTER WOMAN *without losing who you are*
Monday, February 26
Molly: Living an Authentic life - why I no longer compare myself to others
We are all completely different.
2. Spending less time online.
It has made a ridiculously big difference.
3. Find a like-minded community.
Be really intentional with the time you spend online.
4. Practice gratitude.
Our lives look really rich.
The basic is being able to breathe.
There are so many things that a lot of us can be so grateful for.
Sunday, February 25
Elle: how to radiate feminine energy - do nothing
Peace. She is at peace, and so she brings peace to others.
Memorise this line, “That is not my task”.
Get out of this energy of trying to prove yourself, because you are enough as is.
And the moment you realise that, you feel so at home in yourself. So at home in your body. So at home in your femininity.
Being in your feminine, is less about doing and more about being.
Because as a woman, by existing you have so much inherent worth and value.
You existing is enough.
Personally, it was the most difficult part for me to accept that I am enough as is.
I don’t need to do more.
Being in your femininity is less about doing, more about being.
You are giving him clout simply by going on a date with him.
And then you’re going to pay, can we not do that?
You are already paying just by existing with a man. That’s your payment.
You gave him the opportunity to access you. That’s your payment.
You have so much inherent worth and value.
All you have to do is exist.
But what about the value that we bring?
What about the risks that you incur simply by going on a date with this guy?
The safety risk?
I too can pay on a first date, but I don’t have to.
Once you get out of this proving yourself energy, you will feel more at peace.
Femininity is not a costume.
Being a feminine woman is less about how you dress, and more about how you are with yourself.
Thursday, February 22
Jillz Guerin: THE ART OF RECEIVING *feminine energy must know*
Wednesday, February 21
Paola Merrill: I made some terrible decisions as a small business owner - where I am now
Tuesday, February 20
Heidi Priebe - ENFPs: This Is Your Most Valuable Asset
Prioritise feeding your body, mind and soul.
For you wellness means having new adventures, having new experiences, etc. allowing yourself to make seemingly impractical choices in so far as you are able to do so.
Your energy is oriented towards that exploration of life. That is what makes you feel alive.
If you prioritise your energy above all else, in the long run, that will pay off for you infinitely more than if you are to follow a traditional path that drains you.
Extroverted Intuition is able to absorb an almost terrifying amount of information and make sense of it, and connect it to tangible external reality in a way that other people understand. And that is a superpower that probably nobody has taught you how to nurture.
Your superpower is your ability to take in a wide array of very complex information and make sense of it simply. Not many people are able to grasp complex theories as quickly and as easily as you are.
When you are leaning fully and completely into your explorative and introspective nature, you are able to produce thought work at an extremely high level.
But in order to do that you have to be willing to feed your mind, and soul first.
If you cannot prioritise you for yourself, consider prioritising yourself for the good of the planet.
Manifestation is not just about what you’re doing, it’s about who you are being.
Who you are showing up as everyday.
1. You want to be around other people or situations where having that thing is natural.
It’s just their state of being.
Get yourself somehow where you can be in that energy.
Your state of being is highly correlated with what feels natural to you.
Being near people or with people where that energy is natural.
You will pick up on that energy.
2. Do the inner work.
Remember that your world is a mirror.
Shifting this can take some time.
Some tools for changing your state of being include things like:
Visualisation, journaling, scripting, affirmations, gratitude.
Do it everyday.
Just keep going.
It’s a journey.
Feminine energy is the being energy. Master the being energy, and you will start attracting things into your life, and the action that you do take will be amplified by a hundred.
3. Get in touch with your feelings.
The Heart energy.
I visualize how those manifestations would make me feel.
I like to feel that feeling deep in my bones.
Like what would my energy be like?
Feel what it’s like to have it.
How would it fell in ur body, mind, heart, and soul.
Your feelings massively shift your energy. They are powerful.
Manifesting using your feminine energy is all about attracting in what you want by being an energetic match, by being in the right energy.
4. Detachment.
Feminine energy is the playful energy.
Surrender. Release. Let go of control.
This allows us to be more open in the way we receive them, so we don’t miss them.
Trust the process.
Be able to trust, and release, and detach from your manifestations.
You have to remind yourself that what you want, wants you. What you want is meant for you. What you want, you want for a reason. It’s not random, and your soul knows this.
5. Be open to receiving that manifestation.
You need to get comfortable receiving good things in your life.
Feminine energy is the receiving energy.
We also have to know that, we are worthy of that receiving.
Feel natural in that receiving.
To get what you want, you have to be able to receive it. You have to be able to allow it into your life. You have to let those walls down.
To wrap this all up, for you to be able to manifest to the fullest capacity with the most ease, your feminine and masculine energies have to come together.
It takes energetic alignment (feminine energy), and action (masculine energy).
Jillz Guerin: HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR FEMININE ENERGY *life changing*
We live in a highly masculinised world, where the masculine is praised…
feminine qualities are not as praised. intuition, creativity, love.
The feminine energy is naturally within all of us, and it will always be there.
You just have to find it, and activate it.
The feminine all about Movement and Flow.
Dancing. You don’t have to be good.
To just kind of get energy flowing throughout your body, help you be more present in your body, and more connected to your body.
You can also stretch, do yoga, go for a long walk outside.
2. Spend more time in nature.
Soak up all the feminine energy that Mother earth has to offer.
Mother Earth creates life, and grows life.
We allow others to help and lift us too.
Let it happen, embrace it, and enjoy it.
Stay focused on love instead of lower vibration feelings like anger and resentment.
5. Spend less time on social media.
It can create a lot of comparison, and feeling like you’re not good enough.
Unfollow or mute anyone who doesn’t make you feel good because it can really affect your energy and your confidence.
6. You, and your real life.
Don’t get stuck in this online world living other people’s lives.
7. Stop trying to control everything.
You have to learn to trust, and surrender, and sometimes go with the flow.
The Universe is working for you, but sometimes not in the way you expect.
Stop trying to control, and instead inspire them with your love, and focus on living your best life.
8. Take pride in your appearance.
Feeling proud and confident of yourself.
You stand taller.
Enjoy the process of getting ready every morning.
9. Stand strong in your values, beliefs, and boundaries.
Be confident in who you are, and what you stand for.
Have clear and firm boundaries with yourself, and others.
10. Not being afraid of being vulnerable.
Expressing your true emotions.
It’s ok to express them.
Start with simple “I feel” statements.
Bring out a little of that inner child in you and do things you enjoy just for the fun of it.
Jillz Guerin: How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life
You have to get comfortable not pleasing everyone, possibly being disliked by people, and not needing every action you take to be approved of.
She is in the driver seat of her life.
She’s on this Earth to live a life that actually lights her up, that feels good to her.
A woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy knows that at the end of the day she has the final say.
She trusts her own intuition instead.
It is impossible to please everyone, and she knows this and she’s comfortable with this.
This is not a comfortable part of levelling up your life, standing in your own truth, saying no, having the courage to be disliked, but sometimes it’s a necessary part.
2. The dark feminine energy knows the power of her standards and boundaries, and she is not afraid to walk away.
She simply walks away. She simply rescinds her energy.
A dark feminine energy woman knows the power of her absence.
If you want to level up your life, then you have to be able to be ruthless with your energy and where it’s going, and who it’s going to.
Not everything or everyone should have access to your energy.
She knows that there will be times in life where you will have to detach and move on.
She rescinds her energy, because she respects herself too much to not do that.
You have to have standards, and you have to know your worth. And if your standards are not met, then your energy does not get to go there.
Your wants don’t get met, but your standards do.
You get what you are willing to accept.
3. She is not afraid to be quietly assertive when she needs to be.
Being quietly assertive is about being direct and clear and simple but calm.
Being able to assert yourself takes practice, and it has to become a habit.
Rescinding your energy is a part of being assertive.
Not everyone gets access to those deeper parts of you. That sort of trusted relationship, that openness, that is something that is not just given, it’s earned.
There can be a lot of value in listening, more than you speak. Being observant. Not oversharing. Not bragging to everyone about everything.
Being a bit more reserved, in how you approach people, and moving in silence, is a way to protect and guard your energy, until you can identify who has your best interest in mind and who does not.
She is selective to where she puts her energy, and who she gives her energy to.
5. The dark feminine energy knows that she has to be a little bit self-focused sometimes.
We are not always in a levelling up phase in our life, but when we are, that deep self-focus is required. It’s kind of inevitable.
The dark feminine teaches you, that, it’s ok to be your own priority sometimes.
When you embody both of these, that is how you become the most healthy, the most balanced, the most powerful, the most magnetic version of yourself.
When these two energies come together, that is how you start creating the life that you want, that is how you become your most evolved self.