Sunday, February 25

Elle: how to radiate feminine energy - do nothing

Feminine energy traits are affiliated with nurturing, love, receptivity, compassion, and care. 
Being energy, rather than doing energy.

You're not doing anything actively, it's just that you being is already doing something.

Peace. She is at peace, and so she brings peace to others.

Start minding your own business.
Memorise this line, “That is not my task”.
Whenever you feel the need to fix a man... That is not my task.
Can you not pick up other people’s tasks?

If there's gender roles that you don't want to fulfil, then find a man who shares similar values as you.

The bare minimum task that a man needs to be able to do is to provide.
And if he can't do that, it'll be very hard for you to be in your femininity in a relationship.

Get out of this energy of trying to prove yourself, because you are enough as is.
And the moment you realise that, you feel so at home in yourself. So at home in your body. So at home in your femininity.
Being in your feminine, is less about doing and more about being.
Because as a woman, by existing you have so much inherent worth and value.
You existing is enough.

Personally, it was the most difficult part for me to accept that I am enough as is.
I don’t need to do more.
I’m already enough.

Being in your femininity is less about doing, more about being.

Women are useful without doing anything.
Just by existing around men, we confer a lot of status on them.
And using that status that we have conferred on them, they can now access more opportunities.
You are giving him clout simply by going on a date with him.
And then you’re going to pay, can we not do that?
You are already paying just by existing with a man. That’s your payment.
You gave him the opportunity to access you. That’s your payment.
You have so much inherent worth and value.
All you have to do is exist.

And it's always the men who want to exploit you, and take advantage of you that want you to devalue yourself. They are the ones who tell you that you're not this enough, you're not that enough. You are of no worth, you are of no consequence.

But what about the value that we bring?
What about the risks that you incur simply by going on a date with this guy?
The safety risk?

I too can pay on a first date, but I don’t have to.

Stop proving yourself to people. Just exist. And let the people who find value in you be the ones to access you. Why are you surrounding yourself with people who you have to prove yourself to?
Once you get out of this proving yourself energy, you will feel more at peace.

Femininity is not a costume.
Being a feminine woman is less about how you dress, and more about how you are with yourself.

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