Saturday, February 10

Jillz Guerin: How to *actually* REINVENT YOURSELF in 2024

How to *actually* REINVENT YOURSELF

Are you ready to create a new you, step into your dream life.

Your identity creates your reality

If we are talking about how to reinvent ourselves, then that means we also have to talk about how to shift our identity.
You can't reinvent yourself, without also shifting your identity.
Once you understand the importance of your identity or your self-concept, that is when things will start to click.
You will never go farther than the limits of the person you see yourself as. You will never go farther than the limits of your own identity.
Your identity determines what's possible for you, but it also determines your limits and where you'll be held back.
Your identity shapes your reality.
You have to change who you see yourself as first, and then your reality will start to reflect that.

There are two ways to change your life:
1. You force yourself to start new habits, and stick to them. 
Over time, eventually, your identity will start to shift to match those new habits. And over time, eventually, you will become that new person.
2. You first start by shifting your identity.
And when you shift your identity, your habits will naturally start to align with that identity.
And then your behaviours, your actions, your habits, further reinforce, and solidify your identity.
Behaviour will always fall in line with identity.
Shifting your identity is how you  most quickly, most easily, most effortlessly change your life, and reinvent yourself. 
It all starts with an identity shift.

How to shift your identity, and actually reinvent yourself?

1. You have to decide who that new version of you is.
You have to get crystal clear on her identity.
Who is she?
What does she believe about herself?
How does she feel in her body?
What does she assume to be true about herself and the world that she lives in?
Who is she at her core?
Who does she see herself as?
You cannot reinvent yourself, if you don't know where you are trying to go.
Get incredibly clear on who this person is.
Know everything about her, and then deciding that that's who you're going to become.

2. There is no rebirth without death.
There has to be a letting go of everything that does not align with your dream self.
You have to let go of who you've always been to become someone new.
There is no other way.
Your past is no longer relevant.
It has to be released.
It's no longer a part of your story.
Allow your old self to die.
To reinvent yourself, you can't just become aware of who you want to be, you also have to become aware of what that means that you're gonna have to let go of, what parts of you you're gonna have to let die.
There is no rebirth without death.

3. Actually become that person, and shift your identity : Embody.
You internalise that person.
Embodying moves from the inside out.
You harness the energy of that person.
Behaviour is a reflection of your identity.
People will 99.9% of the time act in line with their identity.
If you shape your identity, you shape your behaviour.
If you want certain behaviour, you have to reinforce the identity that creates it.
If you want to reinvent yourself, you have to see yourself as that person. 
Because you are embodying. 
Because you are internalizing that person.

Let yourself climb the ladder.
Let yourself use the steps if you need them.

Don't waste these opportunities.
Use change as leverage.
Life changes can be a huge catalyst for personal growth.
This is already a period of starting fresh.
So you can utilize it. 
The bus is already moving direction.

4. It does require absolute consistency.
It has to become who you are. 
This takes very conscious intentional effort, at least at first.
You have to embody it, feel it, see it in your mind, consciously, and consistently until that evidence is created.
That's when it moves from having to be a daily conscious aware thing that you are working on, to just a subconscious natural part of who you are.
You have to prove to yourself that you are who you say you are.

Thank you.

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