Saturday, February 10



1. Master the art of boundaries.
The feminine is the receiving energy. We tend to take on other people's stuff quite easily. We might take on their energy, their negativity, whatever it is. We might take on other people's problems, other people's emotions. 
The feminine is naturally very empathic and this can be such a great strength, but it can also hold us down and bring us down too, it depends on how we use it, and what we allow in. That's why it's very important to have clear and firm boundaries in your life.
Although the feminine is the receiving energy, you get to choose what you allow in.
When we take on other people's stuff, or we let other people zap our energy and our joy or we do things we don't want to do to please other people, this leaves very little left for us, and this drains our feminine essence.
So, this may be setting boundaries with certain people, setting boundaries with work hours, saying no when you need to.
Be clear to yourself and others about what you need, and minimise time spent with people who don't honour your boundaries.

2. Get out of your head, and into your body.
So many of us women are stuck in our head but we need to get out of our head, and drop into our heart and into our body.
Drop into your body. Be very intentional with this.
Movement, yoga, dancing, being in nature, meditation. These are all very helpful.
When we're too much in our head, this can really hold us back. It can lead to anxiety, perfectionism, low self-esteem, low energy, poor health. It can really hold us back in a lot of ways. But one of the biggest things is, it prevents us from hearing what our heart and our body have to say. Our heart and our body are very wise, and can be some of our best guides, if we just take the time to listen to what it has to say.

3. Your intuition is super powerful, and can be one of your best guides.
Hear and listen to your intuition.
If you get a random feeling, or a random inner knowing, don't ignore it, this could be really powerful guidance.
It is a muscle that you build up over time.

4. Fostering a safe, non-judgemental environment and relationships.
Fostering a safe, non-judgemental environment and relationships is very important, because if you don't have this, then the feminine might not feel comfortable enough to be seen.
So, it's important to feel safe in your relationships, to feel safe enough to be vulnerable, to feel safe enough to open your heart, and not have your masculine shield up all the time, to feel safe enough to drop out of your head, and into your body.
But also to feel safe in your own body too, to feel safe within yourself.
And also to not put yourself in any unsafe or uncomfortable situations. This ties back to boundaries.
Be smart about who you hang around with, who you spend time with, where you spend your time.
When you are in a safe space, both emotionally and physically, this is when your feminine can really come out, and you can take advantage of all that it has to offer.

5. Use your magnetism.
The feminine energy is the receiving energy, and it has this amazing ability to attract in what it wants and it can act like a magnet.
The feminine is all about having things come to them. It’s about knowing that what’s meant for them, will come to them.
When you know that you are worthy, and you know that what's meant for you will come to you, then you will energetically start to attract in that which you want, that which is aligned with you.
If that isn’t powerful, I don’t know what is.
A lot of our power as a woman comes from understanding energy and how to use it to your advantage.

6. Letting go of control.
A lot of people equate power with control, but there’s also a lot of power in surrendering.
The reality is that we can’t control everything. And this just drains our energy, gives us anxiety, it prevents us from living in the moment, and feeling joy, and stepping into our feminine.
When we can try to let go of some of this control, this frees up our time and energy for other things. It allows us to focus more on ourselves, and our lives, and allows us to focus more on the things that we can control. This surrendering actually gives us more freedom.
This allows us to make more of an impact, and truly step into our power.

7. Reevaluate your mindset, and be honest with yourself about how you feel, and what you tell yourself about the feminine energy.
Do you feel that being vulnerable and showing your emotions is weak and makes you less than? Do you feel like your intuition and creativity is not really that valuable?
Relearn the value of the feminine.
Ask yourself, “What are you telling yourself about the feminine?”
Is it supportive of you stepping into this power more or not.
You have to see the value in the feminine, and know that you are worthy to be a powerfully feminine woman.

Step more into your feminine power. It’s already innately there. You just have to bring it out.

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