Tuesday, February 20

Jillz Guerin: HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR FEMININE ENERGY *life changing*

Here is the problem.
We live in a highly masculinised world, where the masculine is praised…
feminine qualities are not as praised. intuition, creativity, love.

The feminine energy is naturally within all of us, and it will always be there.
You just have to find it, and activate it.

How to activate your feminine energy?

1. Move your body.
The feminine all about Movement and Flow.
Dancing. You don’t have to be good.
To just kind of get energy flowing throughout your body, help you be more present in your body, and more connected to your body.
You can also stretch, do yoga, go for a long walk outside.

2. Spend more time in nature.
Soak up all the feminine energy that Mother earth has to offer.
Mother Earth creates life, and grows life.

3. Get comfortable receiving.
We allow others to help and lift us too.
Let it happen, embrace it, and enjoy it.

4. Focus on love and softness.
Stay focused on love instead of lower vibration feelings like anger and resentment.

5. Spend less time on social media.
It can create a lot of comparison, and feeling like you’re not good enough.
Unfollow or mute anyone who doesn’t make you feel good because it can really affect your energy and your confidence.

6. You, and your real life.
Don’t get stuck in this online world living other people’s lives.

7. Stop trying to control everything.
You have to learn to trust, and surrender, and sometimes go with the flow.
The Universe is working for you, but sometimes not in the way you expect.
Stop trying to control, and instead inspire them with your love, and focus on living your best life.

8. Take pride in your appearance.
Feeling proud and confident of yourself.
You stand taller.
Enjoy the process of getting ready every morning.

9. Stand strong in your values, beliefs, and boundaries.
Be confident in who you are, and what you stand for.
Have clear and firm boundaries with yourself, and others.

10. Not being afraid of being vulnerable.
Expressing your true emotions.
It’s ok to express them.
Start with simple “I feel” statements.

11. Embrace your natural playfulness.
Bring out a little of that inner child in you and do things you enjoy just for the fun of it.

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