Tuesday, February 20

Jillz Guerin: How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life

How to Enter Your DARK FEMININE ERA and Level Up Your Life

If you want to really level up your life, your dark feminine energy is what's going to help you do that. Your dark feminine energy is so quietly powerful.

There are two sides to feminine energy, light feminine energy, and dark feminine energy. 
When these two sides come together, that's how you make a conscious, evolved, high value, powerful woman.
Light feminine energy is more about softness, nurturing, kindness, grace, playfulness, feeling your emotions, being empathic, more angelic. Light feminine energy is more about romanticising your life, being in the moment, being present.
Dark feminine energy is the part of you that puts yourself first. It's the fiery part of you, it's the spicy part of you, it's confident, it's assertive, it's fearless, it's passionate, it's bold, it's mysterious, it's the side of you that communicates your limits, it's the side of you that's in touch with your desires, it's the side of you that protects you. More than anything that dark feminine side is the transformative side. If you really want to change your life, level up your life, or even reinvent yourself, harnessing your dark feminine energy is how you do it. 
It's a natural part of being a woman. It's a natural part of our energy.

1. You have to be comfortable and be ok being disliked, being the villain or the bad person.
You have to get comfortable not pleasing everyone, possibly being disliked by people, and not needing every action you take to be approved of.
For example, you are getting major red flags from this guy. You are not really comfortable with him at all, and you know it's not a match. A woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy is comfortable enough to be like, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me, but this isn't gonna work out and leaving.
Once you accept that sometimes you will be seen as the villain or the bad girl even when you are not doing anything wrong, you're just putting yourself first, you will start to see your life change and up-level.
Being disapproved of doesn’t mean that you are always doing something wrong, or making the wrong decision, and a dark feminine woman knows this and she is comfortable with this.
She is in the driver seat of her life.
She’s on this Earth to live a life that actually lights her up, that feels good to her.
A woman who is embodied in her dark feminine energy knows that at the end of the day she has the final say.
She trusts her own intuition instead.
It is impossible to please everyone, and she knows this and she’s comfortable with this.
She knows that she has to stand in her truth, even if it ultimately ruffles a few feathers.
This is not a comfortable part of levelling up your life, standing in your own truth, saying no, having the courage to be disliked, but sometimes it’s a necessary part.
And your dark feminine energy is going to help you do that.

2. The dark feminine energy knows the power of her standards and boundaries, and she is not afraid to walk away.
She simply walks away. She simply rescinds her energy.
A dark feminine energy woman knows the power of her absence. 
That behaviour is not appealing to her, and she walks away calmly.
If you want to level up your life, then you have to be able to be ruthless with your energy and where it’s going, and who it’s going to.
Not everything or everyone should have access to your energy.
She knows the power in leaning back, and rescinding her energy.
She knows that there will be times in life where you will have to detach and move on.
She rescinds her energy, because she respects herself too much to not do that.
You have to have standards, and you have to know your worth. And if your standards are not met, then your energy does not get to go there.
That dark feminine side of you expresses her limits, that's the side of you that lays down her boundaries.
These standards are not only for your own good, but sometimes they are for your own protection.
Your wants don’t get met, but your standards do.
You get what you are willing to accept.
If you want to change your life, you have to change your standards.
You have to get to know your new standards, and get crystal clear on them.
What are you willing to accept in relationships?
What are you willing to accept with your job, your health, yourself, your own habits, your body?
Once you know your standards, anything that does not meet them, does not get your energy.

3. She is not afraid to be quietly assertive when she needs to be.
You can be assertive in a masculine way, or you can be assertive in a feminine way.
Masculine assertiveness feels more like pushing forward, energetically. There will be times in life where you will need that, and that is totally ok.
Feminine assertiveness feels more like leaning back. It's quieter. It's almost like rescinding your energy. It's more simple.
Being quietly assertive is about being direct and clear and simple but calm.
Being able to assert yourself takes practice, and it has to become a habit.
Rescinding your energy is a part of being assertive.

4. She has a little bit more mystery to her, and tends to be a little bit more private in the way that she lives her life.
Telling everyone everything is usually not in your best interest. Because not everyone has your best interest in mind.
Not everyone gets access to those deeper parts of you. That sort of trusted relationship, that openness, that is something that is not just given, it’s earned.
There can be a lot of value in listening, more than you speak. Being observant. Not oversharing. Not bragging to everyone about everything.
Being a bit more reserved, in how you approach people, and moving in silence, is a way to protect and guard your energy, until you can identify who has your best interest in mind and who does not.
She is selective to where she puts her energy, and who she gives her energy to.
It's a way to protect your energy.
She simply removes herself from places that don’t match her energy, without fear of missing out.

5. The dark feminine energy knows that she has to be a little bit self-focused sometimes.
When you want to truly level up your life, that means you have to focus on yourself, and put yourself first, and the dark feminine energy is that more self-focused energy.
We are not always in a levelling up phase in our life, but when we are, that deep self-focus is required. It’s kind of inevitable.
There is a fine line here.
The dark feminine energy is the side of you that's more self-focused in a good way. She knows that sometimes your needs do come first.
Sometimes as a woman you do need to prioritise yourself, not only for your ability to thrive, but also for your ability to protect yourself.
The dark feminine teaches you, that, it’s ok to be your own priority sometimes.
It’s ok to make decisions simply because it’s in line with your best interest, even if other people don’t agree with it.
It’s very important to have both light and dark feminine energy.
When you embody both of these, that is how you become the most healthy, the most balanced, the most powerful, the most magnetic version of yourself.
There are times where a little healthy self-focus is needed, where a good healthy self-prioritisation is needed, and when you are trying to level up your life, that is one of those times, and the dark feminine energy is going to help you do that.

It's important to have a healthy balance between the light feminine energy, and the dark feminine energy.
When these two energies come together, that is how you start creating the life that you want, that is how you become your most evolved self.

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