Wednesday, March 6

Teal Swan: Reality

Reality (and why it is so important to face it)

There is such a thing as physical reality and non-physical reality.

Reality is beyond what an organism can perceive.

Objective reality is the amalgamation of every subjective reality.

Grasping objective reality is dependent upon you being able to expand your perception and perspective wide enough to accommodate all subjective realities.

In order to get beyond subjective reality, you have to transcend beyond "I".
You have to be able to accommodate all subjective perspectives. Not just "yours".

We have to differentiate between objective reality and a consensus reality.

Both objective reality and subjective reality are actually really valid and important levels of reality.

We are trying to integrate subjective and objective reality.

Objective reality is a co-creation.

Objective reality must accommodate for contradictory truths. Because this Universe is multi-dimensional.

A truth that exists at one dimension of this Universe doesn't exist at another.

The objective reality is this Universe is: Death exists. It also doesn't exist.

The main goal of awakening is to become more and more aware.
The capacity to present and hold contradictory information.
Free will is only possible with genuine awareness.
Our perspective must become more and more accommodating.
That includes accommodating of the truth that all of us must accept that we don’t know, what we don’t know.

Your only access of power is by accepting reality.

It's only if we see the reality that our petrol gauge in our car is empty, that we can stop and fill it up with petrol.

You can only make a genuine change from inside reality.

Intentional and conscious creation of reality has a place in your life and in your spiritual practice. However it should never replace your commitment to seeing objective reality, and subjective reality.

You can continue to alter, and continue to expand your subjective reality.

There's a lot of ideas floating around the spiritual community that there is somehow some contradiction between awareness, and creating your own reality.
These are the concepts that need to be integrated.
We need to be willing to create our own reality, at the same time as have complete awareness.

So face reality. It’s not a contradiction to creating your reality.

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