Wednesday, March 27

Teal Swan: How To Stop Caring What Other People Think

To validate yourself, you need to acknowledge the truth of your own internal experience.

If we are hurt by what someone else thinks, it means that there is already a sore there.

That sore or that wound within us is a vibrational match to injury, because it is an injury.

Other people’s opinions are hitting up against a pre-existant bruise.

This is an unhealed wound from childhood.

We want to work with our particularly strong emotional reactions.

Using them as a rope to access the original wound.

And when you do that they disappear in your adult life.

Shift your attention from what someone said or did, to how you feel.

Write a list of the things that you approve of about yourself.

Would you rather be right or be happy?

We want to use this as a way of understanding why people do the things that they do, as a way of facilitating compassion.

Practice the art of letting the mud settle.

The window is wide open to self-healing and to integration.

Our reactivity level will go down.

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