Tuesday, March 19

Jillz Guerin: 6 Productivity Hacks to Live a SOFTER LIFE 💖

6 Productivity Hacks to Live a SOFTER LIFE

Often times it's these productivity hacks that enable us to live that softer life in the first place.
I feel much happier of a woman, and much more connected to my feminine energy, when I try to prioritise softer living.
That doesn't mean that there aren't moments or phases in my life where that hustle and grind is needed.
And that is ok. There is nothing wrong with that. We all go through different ebbs and flows in life.
However, there are little ways that we can add more softness and ease to our life regardless.

1. A good mood changes everything.
Realising that a good mood changes everything.
Creating peace and ease in those little moments.
Being grateful for the day.
When you wake up every single morning, encourage yourself to feel joy, and do everything you can to feel those happy feelings.
Whatever we focus on is what we think about, and whatever we think about is how we feel.
You have to make feeling joy a part of your job.
When you start doing this, no matter what phase you're at in your life, you will start to create a softer life for yourself.
Not every day will be rainbows and sunshine, and that is ok, but when you actively try to put yourself in a good mood every day, when we actively choose our thoughts, and choose good thoughts, instead of letting our fears and anxieties take over, that's when everything starts to shift, that's when everything in our life becomes easier.
It you truly want a softer life, it starts in your internal world.
It starts with cultivating inner happiness right now.

2. Prioritising and cultivating good health.
Good health affects everything.
When you are healthy, your creativity flows so much more naturally.
It just comes when you are on a walk, or having breakfast, and that makes things so much easier.
If you don't have your health, it feels like you have nothing.
It trickles over into every single aspect of your life.
Prioritise your health. Find real joy and love and meaning in taking care of yourself.

3. Identify what are the priorities, that actually move the needle.
We really have to be honest with ourselves, and identify what are the priorities.
Pareto principle. The 80/20 rule.
Most of the outcomes in our life, come from a small portion of what we actually do.
Focus on the things in your life that give you real benefit.
Don't spread yourself too thin.
What are the major things that get the outcome you want?
Trim the rest.
Don't overwhelm yourself with little tasks that don't really matter and don't really do much for you.

4. Do things once when it's applicable.
Do things once while you are already at it, so you can do less later.

5. Create systems for yourself, so things don't ever get too out of control.
Don't let things get out of hand.
It's these little tiny systems that enable that to happen.
When things get out of hand or too disorganised or too overwhelming, that's when things start to feel stressful and heavy.
6. You can replace the word discipline with devotion.
Devotion to taking care of yourself.
Devotion is a much softer way of looking at it.
It took devotion to take action on something that I wasn't yet getting results from.
Creating that soft life sometimes means having discipline.
Think about it as devotion.

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