Wednesday, August 21



1. It’s really helpful to understand where this wounded feminine energy is coming form, and what created it.
You can consciously choose every single day to let this go.
It’s time to start reframing those beliefs around your feminine energy, and transform them into something more positive and supportive.

2. Surround yourself with other healthy feminine women.
Every woman needs a strong, healthy woman support system.
It is one of the best ways to recharge your feminine energy battery.
It’s super revitalising. It is one of the best ways to heal that wounded energy.
You become who you surround yourself with.
If you want to be a healthy feminine woman, then surround yourself more with other healthy feminine women.
The women you want to try and stay away from are those who just criticise other women, and just bring other women down, and women who struggle to maintain women friendships. They are usually wounded.

3. It is critical that you start putting yourself first, and prioritise taking care of yourself.
This is something that’s really important to feminine energy.
You matter, and you are important, and you have to start showing yourself this love.
Any sort of self-care is such a simple and easy way to show that we value ourselves.
When we start valuing ourselves and loving ourselves, we start expecting this from others too, like we should be.
And we start truly nourishing ourselves, this gives us the capacity to nourish others too.

4. Stop focusing on what others think, stop living our lives for other people, and stop seeking validation.
Common problem with this wounded feminine energy is this people-pleaser mentality, and not being able to stand up for themselves and what they want.
What people think of you, is quite frankly, none of your business.
A healthy feminine woman is secure in her needs, wants, and desires.

5. It’s time to start saying ‘No’ to what doesn’t serve you and what doesn’t feel right.

6. Let go of or get yourself away from toxic situations or toxic people.
Surround yourself with healthy situations, and healthy people as best as you can.

7. Embrace joy.
For eg. take in that meal, and just feel how good it is, take a moment to smell the flowers and fully take them in.
Being comfortable feeling joy and embracing joy is a really healthy trait of the feminine energy.
So doing these things throughout your day can really help you bring out that side of you more.

Thank you!

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