Wednesday, August 21

Jillz Guerin: THE THERMOSTAT THEORY *life changing*


How this shows up and why this happens
We all have our own energetic range, with what we are comfortable and familiar with.
And you can think about this energetic range, as like a temperature range you sit at.
We can have our own energetic range for money, we can have our own energetic range for love, for health, for career, for home life, for literally anything. 

The way that our subconscious mind works is that it naturally gravitates toward what we are familiar with, with that internal temperature setting, because that is all it knows.
The subconscious mind loves familiarity. It thrives off of familiarity.

It knows exactly what to expect.

Even if what's familiar is not that great, that familiarity makes us comfortable.

That's our internal temperature setting.

We can do this in so many different ways, we don't even realise it's self-sabotage.

The problem is that this subconscious temperature setting, if we don't become conscious and aware of it, will rule our life. And most of us don't even realise that we have these limits.

Self-sabotage often disguises itself as those upper limiting behaviours, not letting you go past that internal temperature setting.

But once you become of aware of it, you can start to conquer and move past that. It's the first step.

How to start shifting the thermostat on your life, so that you can start truly leveling up your life

1. You need to start bringing conscious awareness to these upper limit moments.
Notice the moments in your life where things are feeling good.

And then notice when things start to shift.

Be an observer.

Just notice what happens that brings you back down.
Why does that good feeling go away?
And notice your limiting beliefs.
Notice where you are not comfortable in your life with things being good, notice where you keep hitting walls.
Once you become the observer of your world, you will start to notice these things.
You can’t shift what you aren’t aware of.

Be the observer of your world. Be the observer of your mind.

2. Slowly and gently start pushing those limits.
Allow yourself to experience more.

Notice that resistance, so you can move past it, and stay in that good feeling zone.
You are training your body, your mind, your subconscious mind, to expand your capacity for goodness.

Slowly increasing that temperature.

You need to learn how to gently expand your comfort zone.
If you’re stuck at a lower temperature all the time, it’s because that is your current comfort zone, that’s what your nervous system is used to.
Imagine your nervous system as the control panel of your internal thermostat.
To increase the temperature, we have to start training our nervous system to slowly start becoming comfortable and familiar with that next level.
We have to crank the dial on our comfort zone.
When you are in those next level moments, and you feel your nervous system starting to react, starting to resist, you have to learn how to calm it.
You can do this with things like body awareness, breath work, mindfulness, self-compassion, self-understanding.

The main questions are:

a. How can you hold on to those good feelings as long as you can?

b. How can you slowly start to increase your capacity for experiencing the good, for experiencing that next level?

This is going to look different for everyone.

When things start to become easy, or easier, work on holding that and leaning into it.
Make an intentional effort, a conscious effort to regulate your nervous system in that scenario, and lean into it.

3. You need to decide who that next level version of you is, that higher temperature setting, and shift your self-concept to meet that.
The way that you view yourself has to change.

What does look like?

How does she show up?

What are her habits?

What are her beliefs?

What does she think about?

How does she spend her time?

Act like her.
Shifting your self-concept is a lot easier to do, when you do it from a fun and playful place.

Start to get comfortable there.
This has to be an active conscious process, or else it won’t happen.

4. Who you are around and who you are exposed to can either push your temperature limits up or push them down.
It’s about being intentional with your time and energy and who you give that to, who you give access to yourself.
Everyone also needs expanders. 

If it's possible for them, it's possible for you.
Find people in real life or online who have done what you want to do.
Let them expand what you think is possible.
Let them raise your internal temperature set point.

So the question is, how good are you willing to let it get?
Because this is a choice.
It’s all about your willingness to make the change, step into the uncomfortable, and expand your comfort zone.
You have the power to redefine what’s possible for yourself, and it all begins with your willingness to put in the effort and have that conscious awareness so you can start increasing the thermostat of your life.

Thank you.

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