Wednesday, August 21

Jillz Guerin: How to *actually* QUANTUM LEAP (and change your reality)

How to *actually* QUANTUM LEAP (and change your reality)

What is Quantum Leaping?
A quantum leap is where you move from one state to another, or one reality to another.
Where you feel like you are moving or leaping into another reality.
There are many different realities that can exist at the same time.
All of these timelines, they exist at different frequencies.
To quantum leap, and change your life, you need to step into her, her reality, her timeline, her frequency.

How do I step into her?
The Universe communicates through energy.
In other words, it’s our vibration and frequency that matters.
If our desired reality already exists, but at a different frequency, all we have to do, is tap into that frequency, to tap into that desire or that reality.
That is all quantum leaping is.
It’s leaping into another frequency, so you can enter another reality.

How to tap into the frequency of your desired self?
Why this shifts your reality?
If frequency is so very important for quantum leaping and manifesting your desires, so what determines your frequency?
And it’s simple, your thoughts and beliefs.
Whatever your thoughts and beliefs are, they will shift your energy, they will shift the way that you feel, and it will shift your frequency.
This is scientifically proven.
Every single emotion has a different frequency to it.
Energy is the language of the Universe.
Different thoughts have different vibrational frequencies.
Thoughts are energy, feelings are energy, everything is energy.
If you want to step into your desired self, your desired reality, you have to tap into that frequency, which means, you need to take on the thoughts, and beliefs, and feelings of that desired self.
That is very important.

99% of the time quantum leaping is also going to require us to take action.
It’s not only about alignment, it’s also about action. We need both of those pieces.
When you’re vibrating at a certain frequency, that is when you’ll receive the inspiration, the intuitive nudges, the impulses to do the things you need to do to create the reality you want.
When you're in the frequency of your dream self, when you're in the frequency of what you want, that is when you'll receive the direction on how to turn it into reality.
Being in the frequency, allows you to pick up on the how.
If you want to receive the best creative ideas and solutions, you have to be tuned in to the right frequency to receive them.

Being at the right energy and the right frequency is the first step towards getting to where you want to go.
The feeling comes first. The internal world has to shift first, before the external reality is going to start changing.
Stop overly focus on the how, and just start focusing on the feeling and the frequency, and eventually that how is gonna come to you.
If you change your,
thoughts + beliefs -> frequency -> actions -> reality.

And that is how quantum leaping works.

How to actually do this?

1. Get clear on what you want.
Sit with that, and daydream about that version of yourself, the version of you that has what you want.
Think about her internal world, not so much her external world.
That’s living in another timeline.
How does she feel?
What does she believe?
What are stories that she tells herself?
What are the thoughts that she chooses to think, and that she chooses to believe?
That is the energy you’re going to tap into.
Don’t get caught up in the desire.
By focusing on the feeling, and the frequency of the desired self, not the outcome of the desired reality.
Stay focused on the feeling, and the frequency.

2. Normalise the reality you want.
That has to feel normal to you.
You have to normalise it, before actually having it.
To get into the frequency, you have to normalise it.
If you want to quantum leap, you have to normalise whatever you want.
The reality you want, and the timeline you want to shift into, it has to feel normal and ordinary to you, not to anyone else, but to you.

How do I normalise something I don’t have?

a. You have to use the power of your imagination, and you have to visualize it.
You rehearse it over and over again in your mind, until it starts to feel real, until it starts to feel normal.
It feels normal. It feels ordinary.
It’s just another day.
You want to feel calm, and at peace.

b. By changing your point of reference, and changing what you observe, and what you are exposed to.
Because it changes what you view as normal and ordinary.
You need to oversee that reality as much as you can.
Quantum physics says that nothing is really real until you observe it.
So if you desire a certain reality, you need to observe that reality as much as you can.
Expose yourself to what you want. Observe it.
The more you observe it, the more normal it feels.
3. Focus on what you do want.

I feel so healthy. I am so grateful for it.
Think about that desired reality, that desired self, that desired frequency, and how you want to feel, and mentally stay there.
This is what is energetically going to pull you into that other timeline.

4. You can only become that which you believe.
You can only quantum jump to a self and a reality, in which you truly believe deep down is possible for you.
The ladder approach.

5. Softness and ease will get you farther than force ever will.
That detachment creates a sense of ease and calm and softness in your body.
Extreme effort and force can almost keep you stuck.
To quantum jump you need to relax, you need to be a little bit playful with it.
Focus on the fun of getting into the frequency and the feeling of your desire, and take aligned action from there.
Once you are in the frequency, you’ll then receive the energetic direction to get you to where you want to go.

How to speed up this process?
Frequency -> -> -> Desired reality
There will be at least a little bit of this awkward in between.
But this can be significantly shortened or widened based off of:How you feel.
The thoughts you choose to think, and listen to.
What action you do and do not take during this period.
And that is up to you.

There are infinite versions of us that we can tap into, infinite realities and timelines that we can shift into, but it all first starts with a frequency, it starts first with energetic alignment.
So the question is, what do you have the energetic capacity to align with, and how high will you allow yourself to go?

Thank you.

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