Wednesday, August 21

Jillz Guerin: WHY WE SELF SABOTAGE (and what to do about it)

WHY WE SELF SABOTAGE (and what to do about it)

Self-sabotage whether it is conscious or unconscious is when we deliberately hinder our own well-being and success.
It is a protective mechanism. It's intention is to prevent us from getting hurt.
Short-term comfort usually does not lead to long-term satisfaction.
These energetic ranges are what give our brain, and our nervous system comfort and predictability.
But we can change these.
When we can understand the roots of where a lot of this self-sabotage comes from, we don't have to let it take us over.

1. Observe, and reflect.
You have to start becoming more aware, and more observant.
Be curious.
It's the lack of curiosity, and lack of reflection, that keeps us stuck, and keeps us from reaching our fullest  potential.
When you feel moments where you might be hindering your own growth, notice the resistance that's there, and just feel it, feel into it.
Ask yourself, "Is this coming from a place of unfamiliarity and fear, is this something that's just new to me, something that I'm not used to yet?"
Not everything that's uncomfortable or unfamiliar is unsafe.
Ask yourself, "What would my Highest self do?"
Becoming aware, and observant, and clear on the purpose of the self-sabotage is one of the biggest thing you can do to start moving past it.

2. Give yourself grace.
Your nervous system is trying to keep you safe.
Have compassion and gratitude for yourself, and your brain, and your nervous system for trying to keep you safe.

3. Small positive changes everyday.
Growth is not usually entirely comfortable.
Your energetic range will start to positively shift over time.

4. Visualize, and feel it.
By visualising it.
By familiarising it to ourselves in our mind.
Consistently visualize that next level, feel it, really embody it, start to get comfortable with it.
You can start to reset your energetic range.

5. Feelings aren't always truth.
Connecting to your intuition.

6. Not all resistance is bad.
Sometimes, resistance is a signal that you need to slow down and realign.
You are the only person who can answer this for yourself.
You have to start trusting yourself.
Just remember, sometimes, your resistance is your Higher self speaking to you.
And that's why, it is so important, to stay observant, stay curious, and stay loving.

Thank you.

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