Monday, April 1

Jillz Guerin: HOW I LEVELED UP MY LIFE // 10 big things I did to level up my life that you can do too


1. Focused on what I wanted.
Stop taking advice so seriously from people whose lives I didn't aspire to.
I had to start trusting my own self, and finding new expanders and mentors for me that was more aligned with the life that I wanted.

2. Started prioritising my health.
I was investing in myself.
I was investing in my future.
I was investing in my body and my mind.
To grow and level up, you have to be comfortable investing in yourself.

3. Started taking care of myself and putting more effort into my appearance.

4. Started reading more.
Read books that you are drawn to, that you are naturally intrigued by.
You are drawn to them for a reason.
You are meant to explore these topics, and learn about them.

5. Learned to be a better communicator.
It improved my relationships, which in turn improved my life.
I felt happier. I felt less stress. I felt like I had a better support system behind me.
I just felt more joyful overall.
When you can communicate your needs and your boundaries, everything in life is just better, and runs smoother.

6. Became more in touch with my femininity, my feminine energy.
I wanted to step more into myself.
I felt lighter, so much more at peace, so much more in flow, so much more in touch with my intuition, and my creativity.

7. Prioritised having a clean, organised space.
I tried to take care of my space better.
This really helped me to feel my best.

8. Started making my bed every morning.

9. Learned to focus on joy.

10. Became more conscious of how I was speaking to myself.
I could be a little bit critical towards myself.
You can either be your biggest cheerleader, or your biggest hurdle.
Choose to be your biggest cheerleader.

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