Tuesday, December 17

These 3 tips can change your life by Gaur Gopal Das

These 3 tips can change your life:

1. Do not torture, torment, and burden yourself with excessive regret for your past mistakes.

2. Do not believe anything that goes against common sense, unless you have first hand proof.

3. If you are not applying what you already know, there is no point being so intent on gaining what you do not know.

Life gives you more only when you use what you have rightly.

Knowledge and makeup are very similar, both do well only when applied.

Sunday, December 15

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus : John Gray

1. Men need to find ways to show they care, while women need to find ways to show they trust.
(pg 88)

2. One of the biggest differences between men and women is how they cope with stress. Men go to their caves and women talk.
(pg 31)

3. My greatest challenge is to not take it personally, to not misunderstand her. I do this by constantly reminding myself that we speak different languages.
(pg 97)

4. Time-outs allow us to cool off, heal our wounds, and centre ourselves before trying to communicate again.
(pg 164)

5. The success of a relationship is solely dependent on two factors: a man's ability to listen lovingly and respectfully to a woman's feelings, and a woman's ability to share her feelings in a loving and respectful way.
(pg 245)

6. "Could you empty the dustbin?" is merely a question gathering information. "Would you empty the dustbin?" is a request.
(pg 269)

7. Just as a woman is more sensitive about being heard and feeling understood when she is sharing her feelings, a man is more sensitive about being accepted just the way he is.
(pg 291)

8. Knowing that he or she is being influenced by the past can help you to be more understanding and supportive.
(pg 297)

9. To keep the magic of love alive we must be flexible and adapt to the ongoing changing seasons of love.
(pg 303)

10. Next time you are frustrated with the opposite sex, remember men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
(pg 307)

Monday, December 9

THINGS TO GET RID OF » for a minimalist & happy life : Pick Up Limes

5 things to get rid of for a happy life


This includes,
-clothes that don't fit
-things that are broken
-gifts that you don't like


In a way, this can help you to move on and pay more tribute to the relationships that do actually nourish you.


To focus on your words, the words that you are choosing, and the words that you are identifying with.



Thank you!

Friday, November 29

How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others : Terri

God said, "I made you exactly the way I wanted you. Be yourself and you'll be embraced."

A little bit more.
Do a little bit more.
People are rewarded in public for what they practice in private.
Practice. Work hard behind the scenes.
Your confidence will soar to new levels, because you put in the work.

Monday, November 25

Keep going! Your failures don't define you! by Gaur Gopal Das

When God says yes to your prayer, He gives you what you want.
But when He says no your prayer, He has something better for you.
But when He says wait to your prayer, He gives you the best.

No one in this world is useless.

Until then you need to believe in yourself.
You need someone who can believe in you, and keep you going, till you see your day.

Thursday, November 21


Core philosophy:
Systems produce results.

How you can create a system?

Step 1: Audit yourself.
Accessing your current state.
One size does not fit all.
When did you try to study, and when did you begin feeling like you were just over it?
Doing this for a couple days will give you a better view of your current systems and pain points.
Practice meditation. Journal.

Step 2: Use the power of language.
The power of language is most important part of this entire process. This is the foundation of the entire system.

Step 3: Lower the activation energy.
Starting is the hardest part. How do we make that easier?
1. Create small sub-tasks.
2. Decrease the time commitment.
3. Choose easy tasks to build momentum.
4. Lower your expectations. [<3]
This one applies to creative work.

Step 4: Add some spice.
1. Vary  the method of studying or the subject matter.
2. Incentivize yourself with rewards.
3. Move.
    i. Walking or some light exercise.
    ii. Moving to a new location.

Thank you :)

Friday, November 15

How to Test Your Emotional Maturity

How to Test Your Emotional Maturity

We can make use of a single deceptively simple question that quickly gets to the core of our underlying emotional age.

When someone on whom we depend emotionally lets us down, disappoints us, or leaves us hanging and uncertain, what is our characteristic way of responding?

There are three methods which indicate emotionally immature behaviour (we might grade ourselves on a scale of 1-10 according to our propensities).
1. We might sulk.
2. We might get furious.
3. We might get cold.

These three responses point us in turn to the three markers of emotional maturity:
1. The capacity to explain.
2. The capacity to stay calm.
The mature like themselves enough not to suspect that everyone would have a good reason to mock and slander them.
3. The capacity to be vulnerable.

In turn these three traits belong to what we can call the three cardinal virtues of emotional maturity:
1. Communication
2. Trust
3. Vulnerability

At least half of us weren't brought up in the land of emotional literacy. We may just never have heard adults around us speaking an emotionally mature dialect.

So we may need to go right back to school and spend time learning, with great patience and faith, the beautiful and complex grammar of the language of emotional adulthood.

Tuesday, November 12

This is How I Stopped Being So Shy : Terri

Three powerful ways to stop being shy:

1. Lead yourself.

Success habits.

2. Encourage yourself.

Be your own cheerleader.
David encouraged himself in God.

i. I am healthy, young, and energetic.
ii. I am self-disciplined.
iii. My family members and friends are loving and supportive.
iv. I have completed my nanodegree easily and on-time.
v. I am employed as an Android Developer.
vi. I am balanced.
vii. I am qualified by God.
viii. I am confident to build android apps.

You've gotta give yourself a pep talk.
If you change what you're saying, you'll change what you're seeing.

3. Focus yourself.

It's better to be world class at a few things; than mediocre at most things.

James Cameron

Tom Monaghan - Domino's Pizza

Bill Gates

Boundaries : Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

My three lessons:

Boundaries are not built in a vacuum. We need bonding and support before we build boundaries.

Good boundaries prevent resentment. Giving is good. Make sure, however that it is the proper amount for your situation and resources.

You will begin to see that taking responsibility for yourself is healthy, and you will begin to understand that taking responsibility for other adults is destructive.
(pg. 305)

The goal is to have a character structure that has boundaries and that can set limits on self and others at appropriate times.
(pg. 310)

Consequences give some good barbs to fences. They let people know the seriousness of the trespass and the seriousness of our respect for ourselves.
(pg. 40)

Wednesday, October 30

12 Tips for Setting Healthy Boundaries : Counselor Carl

Deep Work : Cal Newport

My lessons:

1. Work deeply.
The Rhythmic philosophy of deep work scheduling.
People play differently when they are keeping score.
I recommend the habit of a weekly review in which you make a plan for the workweek ahead.

2. Getting the most out of your deep work habit requires training, and this training must address two goals: improving your ability to concentrate intensely and overcoming your desire for distraction.
Scheduling internet use at home as well as at work can improve your concentration training.

3. Put more thought into your leisure time.

4. A deep work habit requires you to treat your time with respect.

Deep Work

(Updated: Oct '19)

The Four Agreements : Don Miguel Ruiz

1. Don't take anything personally.
Nothing people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.
Whatever people do, feel, think, or say, don't take it personally.

(Updated: Oct '19)

The Secret : Rhonda Byrne

1. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.


2. A thought has a frequency.

Your life is a mirror of the dominant thoughts you think.

One way to master your mind is to learn to quiet your mind. Meditation quiets your mind, helps you control your thoughts, and revitalizes your body.


3. You want to become aware of how you're feeling, and get in tune with how you're feeling, because it is the fastest way for you to know what you're thinking.

Your thoughts determine you frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on.

Your feelings are your frequency feedback mechanism.

One way is to close your eyes, focus on your feelings inside, and smile for one minute.

Different things will shift you at different times, so if one doesn't work, go to another. It only takes a minute or two of changing focus to shift yourself and shift your frequency.


(Updated: Dec '19)

Tuesday, October 29

Tough time never last, but tough people do : Robert Schuller

My three lessons:

1. Leadership.
Don't surrender leadership to outside forces.

Don't surrender leadership to fears.

2. Brownouts do not have to be burnouts.
Those who wait on God shall renew their strength.

Wait on God. Remain in touch with God through prayer.

3. Yield your life and your problems to God.
Once you've given God control of your life, it won't be free from difficulty. God has not promised that our skies will always be blue, but He has promised to see us through.

Every problem holds positive possibilities.
Every problem contains secret ingredients of some creative potential either for yourself or someone else.

(Updated: Oct '19)

Better Than Before : Gretchen Rubin

My three lessons:

1. Safeguards
"What I do most days matters more than what I do once in a while." That kind of self-encouragement is a greater safeguard than self-blame.
Try thinking of each day as a set of four quarters: morning, midday, afternoon, evening. If you blow one quarter, you get back on track for the next quarter. Fail small, not big.

2. Convenience
We should pay close attention to the convenience of any activity we want to make into a habit.
Identifying exactly why something feels inconvenient helps to reveal possible solutions. Identify the problem.
Make it easy to do right, hard to go wrong.

3. First Steps
If I dread starting a task, just making a plan for beginning -- jotting down a to-do list, finding the right link, locating the instructions -- helps me start. This first step almost feels like cheating, because I'm not actually doing the task I'm avoiding. But taking this first step makes taking the second and third steps much easier, because I've already started.

When we push ourselves to get clarity, when we identify the problem, sometimes we spot new solutions.
It's easier to stick to a habit when we see, with clarity, the connection between the habit and the value it serves.

Because forming good habits can be draining, treats can play an important role.
If I give more to myself, I can ask more from myself. Self-regard isn't selfish.

Self-command breeds self-command, and change fosters change. The reverse is true too: undesirable habits often cluster together and reinforce each other.

Self-measurement bring self-awareness, and self-awareness strengthens our self-control.

(Updated: Oct '19)

Friday, October 25

The Alchemist : Paulo Coelho

My three lessons:

1. When you really want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

2. We need to be aware of our personal calling. What is personal calling? It is God's blessing, it is the path that God chose for you here on Earth. Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend.

3. If you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to get, then you become an instrument of God, you help the Soul of the World, and you understand why you are here.

We must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our favour, even though we may not understand how.

To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation.

The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.

(Updated: Oct '19)

Thursday, October 24

Essentialism : Greg McKeown

My three lessons:

1. Progress
We can ask ourselves, "What is the smallest amount of progress that will be useful and valuable to the essential task we are trying to get done?".
"Early and small" means starting at the earliest possible moment with the minimal possible time investment.

2. Focus
Get present in the moment and ask yourself what is most important this very second - not what's most important tomorrow or even an hour from now.

3. Trade-off
Instead of asking, "What do I have to give up?" they ask, "What do I want to go big on?". The cumulative impact of this change in thinking can be profound.

If we could be truly excellent at only one thing, what would it be?

Consider how many benefits of sleep - greater creativity, enhanced productivity, even lower health care costs - have the potential to directly affect the bottom line.

One way to protect against this is simply to add a 50 per cent buffer to the amount of time we estimate it will take to complete a task or project.


(Updated: Oct '19)

Tuesday, October 22

Why You Don't Feel Good Enough : Terri

How to believe in yourself a little more?

God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

Don't shrink your dream... enlarge your faith.

Be it unto you, according to your faith.

It's your identity. It's the way you see yourself.
You have to change the way you see yourself. You have to believe in yourself a little more. This one thing effects everything you become.

How do you increase your self-worth? How do you enlarge your Faith to believe for bigger things, and believe that you are good enough to achieve these big dreams?
Deliberately choose your input. Your input shapes your outlook, and your outlook shapes your behaviour.
Add associations to your life who live in the areas you want to grow in.

Your KEY is Keep Educating Yourself.

You are good enough.

Thank you! Needed to hear this today!

Android JSON Retrofit Example [Parsing JSON Data from Web] : CodingWithMitch

Retrofit Tutorial

Monday, October 21

Work - Android Development

1. Start early and small.
(for eg. 10 mins, or one UI element, or 2 lines of code)

2. Reward yourself.

(There are times when things go smoothly, and there are times we experience friction.)

Friday, October 18

Work (Boundaries)

Effective workers do two things:
1. they strive to do excellent work, and
2. they spend their time on the most important things.
-Boundaries (Pg 201)

Thursday, October 17

Happy Karwachauth!!!

Happy Karwachauth!!!
God bless us!!!

Just read the katha and did aarti!!!

When People Want to Help but Just Make Things Worse : tiny buddha

When People Want to Help but Just Make Things Worse

Because at the root of every relationship is love.

So, even during times when things aren’t as good, it’s important to separate the actions other people do to help with the intention that’s behind it all: love for you.

Thank you!

Saturday, October 12

Taking It One Day at a Time

I'm taking it one day at a time.

One-day-at-a-time thinking reminds us that, in many cases, our greatest enemy is that otherwise critical nectar: hope and the perplexing emotion it tends to bring with it, impatience.

By limiting our horizons to tonight, we are girding ourselves for the long haul and remembering that an improvement may best be achieved when we manage not to await it too ardently.

It means recognising that we have no serious capacity to exercise our will on a span of years and should not therefore disdain a chance to secure one or two minor wins in the hours ahead of us.

We might look with fresh energy at a cloud, a duck, a butterfly, or a flower.

I needed to hear this, today. Thank you :)

Tuesday, September 24

Feeling Stuck in Life? How to Never Get Stuck Again

Feeling Stuck in Life? How to Never Get Stuck Again (Dr. Kerry Petsinger)

Two Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day
These questions can help you stay focused on what matters most to you, help you avoid feeling stuck and frustrated, and create the best life possible.

1. Why am I going to do what I’m going to do today?

If you’re showing up to work each day and giving your years to your job, it’s important that your “why” is deeper than “to pay the bills.” Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing can help you make choices that inspire and motivate you.

By asking yourself why you’re going to do what you’re going to do today, you will be living intentionally. In today’s incredibly busy, easily distracted world, living intentionally and focusing every day on what matters most is unique.

When you choose to ask yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing every day, it will help you stay focused on what’s truly important to you. This can prevent you from getting stuck.

2. What would future want me to do today?

Imagine yourself, in the future, as the best version of you. What would that version of you want you to do today? Making decisions from the viewpoint of the future you can help you move forward and prevent the stuck and frustrated feeling.

When you make decisions from the viewpoint of future you, you will develop perseverance and reap the benefits of delayed gratification. Today’s society is very focused on instant gratification, but a lot of great things in life take time and effort. Learning to take small steps forward by making decisions from the future you’s standpoint can help you progress toward your biggest goals and dreams.

How to Stay Positive & Motivated : Terri

How to Stay Positive & Motivated

1. Have a routine that's non-negotiable.

1. Journaling (n meditating)
2. Bathing
3. Having Breakfast
4. Exercising
5. Sleeping

2. Keep the right company.

Successful people are very careful and very intentional about their inner circle.

3. Guard your input.

Helen Keller
Shania Twain

4. Get convinced that it's no surprise to God.

5. Let go of control.

God has a way of turning things around for your benefit.

Wednesday, September 18

Building self-confidence : Pick Up Limes

Building self-confidence

There are certain areas in your life that you feel a little bit more confident in, and other areas maybe not so much.

Confidence is when we have belief in our abilities to accomplish whatever it is we are setting out to do.

How do we learn to have more of it?

1. Quote: "The no. 1 way to build confidence is to build competence."
(meaning getting really good at something.)
Put in the time.
(Be persistent.)
We wanna make sure that the initial goals we set for ourselves aren't too complicated.
Can you break down your goal into smaller more achievable steps?
(Start small.)

2. The other way that we can also build confidence is to celebrate achievements.
We can also reflect on our accomplishments.
Quote: "We overestimate what we can do in a day, and we underestimate what we can do in a lifetime."
When we are feeling bogged down, because you just feel you didn't get enough things done in the day, then when you look at this list, it's a reminder of the things that you have accomplished. It's something that we've created over the last few weeks and months that shows us that we are capable of achieving many incredible things so long as we keep working on it and putting in the time.

The other way that we can celebrate our achievements is to just learn to smile and say 'thank you', when someone gives you a compliment.

Tuesday, September 17

How to Overcome Fear & Lack of Confidence : Terri

How to Overcome Fear & Lack of Confidence


1. Practice self-discipline behind the scenes.
You have to believe in you to be successful. If you don't keep your word with yourself, you don't trust yourself, you don't believe in your potential.
Make a list of a few things you're gonna do every single day, and follow through.

2. Speak what you desire (not what you feel) about yourself.
Believe in yourself a little more.
Personal pep talk.

3. Carry yourself with confidence.

4. Do more than the average person.

5. Develop your own relationship with God.
Fear not, there is nothing to fear, for I am with you.

Monday, September 16

mindsets for GROWTH and POSITIVE thinking : Pick Up Limes

mindsets for GROWTH and POSITIVE thinking:

Mindset # 1
Focusing on Possibilities, in place of limitations.

Mindset # 2
Always ask 'Why?'.
What is your #Why-Power?
When we don't know the answers to our whys strong enough, that's when we become more susceptible to be being influenced by someone else's why?
Quote: People lose their way, when they lose their why.

Mindset # 3
Prioritizing creativity and play.
writing, cooking, filming, singing, dancing, playing games.

Mindset # 4
Small steps lead to big changes.

Mindset # 5
Taking care of me for you.
If we can learn the importance of taking some time away, every so often, to check in with ourselves, to do things that make us feel worthy, without needing that external validation, I think when we can do that, we can share more of our authentic selves, we'll have more of ourselves to give.

Thank you!
I like all 5 of them, especially mindset # 4 and 5.

Saturday, September 14

1 Simple Strategy To Dial In Your Focus | Robin Sharma

1 Simple Strategy To Dial In Your Focus

Minimalism is so valuable in terms of an approach to life.

Minimalism is a way to set up your entire life.

Do few things strikingly well.

Marshal and harness your resources, your mental focus, your physical energy, your personal willpower, your individual gifts, your time, I call those the five assets of elite performance, and you focus them on just a few things.

Tuesday, September 10

How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused? : Terri

How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused?

how do you stay focused with so many distractions?
-focus with my habits.
-focus with my time.
-focus on my dreams.

1. How do you stay focused with your habits?

Be very protective of your mornings.

Successful people are proactive about their day, not reactive.

Put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to anyone around you.

Morning rituals can change you entire life.

I changed my routine, and it changed my whole life, and I'm referring to my morning routine.

Start being selfish at seven o'clock in the morning.

Own your mornings.

Guard your  morning routine diligently.

2. How do you stay focused with your time?

Use a planner and map your time.

a. Use one planner.
b. Write everything down.
c. Practice the "Sunday Night Strategy".
d. Plan each day the night before.
e. Time yourself.

What gets scheduled, gets done.

3. How do you stay focused on your dreams?

Success is determined by what you say NO to.

For every one hundred great opportunities that are brought to me, I say "No" ninety-nine times.
-Warren Buffet

Deciding what NOT to do is as important as deciding what TO do.
-Steve Jobs

Focus is just as much about saying no, as it is to saying yes.

What will you start saying no to, in order to achieve your most important goals this year?

Tuesday, August 27

How Do You Stay Disciplined with Your Habits? : Terri

How Do You Stay Disciplined with Your Habits?

Here's how you move from motivation to a lifestyle of self-discipline.

1. Decide on your new identity.

Focus on the identity you wanna have.
'7 am club'
'Morning Person'

2. Affirm your new identity everyday.

I am a child of God.
I am a part of the 7 am club.
I am self-disciplined.
I am a morning person.
I am an Android Developer.

Change what you're saying, and you'll change what you're seeing.

3. Look at reminders.
(of why you are being disciplined in the first place.)

so that I can invest in myself first, and then invest in other people around me.
so that I can journal/meditate.
so that I can take good care of myself.
so that I can be self-compassionate.
so that I can sleep well, and rise fresh and energetic.

4. Set yourself up to succeed.

5. Track your progress.

Monday, August 26

How to Rise Above Your Challenges : Terri

How to Rise Above Your Challenges

1. You got to look at that vision as a reminder of where you're headed.

2. Believe that God's timing is always right.
He is preparing you.

Michael Jordan
I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Stan Smith
Babe Ruth

What you think of as a setback is setup.

Story about boll weevil.
Use this storm to lift you higher.

3. Speak God's word out of your mouth.
This is the game changer.
This is what causes the tide to turn.
It is written.

Friday, August 23

How to Speak Up for Yourself! : Kati Morton

How to Speak Up for Yourself!

Being assertive is when you are able to stand up for yourself (or others in your life) without being aggressive, or being passive and accepting something that’s hurtful or not right for you. And we do all of this calmly with a positive goal in mind.

Nine tips on how to be assertive:
1. Self talk 
2. Boundaries 
3. Notice your triggers 
4. Write it out and practice 
5. Start small 
6. Ask questions
7. You can disagree 
8. Compromise 
9. Toxic people do exist

Friday, August 9

BECOMING A MORNING PERSON » + printable guide : Pick Up Limes



I want mornings that are:
2. NURTURING (physically, and spiritually)

drinking warm water, eating healthy food.
spending time with God, journaling.
bathing, wearing clean clothes, combing hair.

7 DAYS OF SLOW LIVING » + printable guide : Pick Up Limes


Day1 - Sense

Day2 - Breathe

Day3 - Taste

Day4 - Immerse

Day5 - Little Things

Day6 - Listen

Day7 - Self [<3]

Wednesday, July 31

Improve Your Life in 4 Minutes a Day : Terri

It is the most powerful thing you can do.
It was, speaking God's word out of my mouth.
I spoke what I called power scriptures.

The truth is, we all face disappointments.
The thing about facing challenges, this is the good part of it, is they cause you to get up earlier, do your research, ask for help, make decisions, get serious, do things you normally wouldn't do, speak bible verses out loud, but you can't argue with results, and I'm absolutely convinced it works.

When God looks at you, what will He marvel at? Faith is what allows Him to do miracles in your life.

What do you need to stay focused on, during your most challenging times? What are you magnifying? How big the obstacles are, or how big your God is?
When you speak God's Word out of your mouth, you are magnifying God, and His unlimited power in your life.

If you're gonna make anything bigger, make God bigger. How do you magnify God? You speak God's Word out.
When you magnify God, things are changing. You have to do it. Nobody can do this for you.

Word of God

1. I look to God and His strength; I seek His face always.

2. I am strong in God, & in His mighty power.

3. I can do all things through God who strengthens me.

4. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.

5. You, O God, are a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head.

6. God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me, plans to give me hope and a future.

7. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for God is with you wherever you go.

8. If any of you need wisdom ask God, He will give it to you. He gives freely to everyone.

9. I will not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season I will reap if I faint not.

10. I am complete in God.

ps: God is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

(updated: 16.12.19)

11 Differences Between Real Friends and Fake Friends

Wednesday, July 24

Tuesday, July 23

Why Successful People Practice The Rule of 5 : Terri

Why Successful People Practice The Rule of 5:

John Maxwell teaches the Rule of 5.
He says, "Imagine taking an axe, and going in your backyard, and swinging at a tree five times. One, two, three, four, five. Then you put the axe down. The next day you pick up the axe, go to the very same tree, and swing at it five times, and the next day, five times, the next day, five times."
Eventually it will fall.

Find your tree. What is your goal? What is your vision? What is your dream you want to knock down?
Now do five things every single day, and it will come down.
Little by little, it compounds until mountains of impossible dreams begin to fall.
Little by little, a little leads to a lot.

The Power Of Belief : Terri

The Power Of Belief

The sky is not the limit, your belief system is.

Be it unto you, according to your faith.

All things are possible, to him who believes.
-Mark 9:23

What's impossible with men, is possible with God.

Walt Disney

It's impossible to please God without faith.
-Hebrews 11:6

Monday, July 22

Speaking God's Favor Over Your Life : Terri

Speaking God's Favor Over Your Life

God's favor is available to you.

God's favor is mind-boggling.

How do you find favor?
1. Obedience.
2. Call on it/Declare it.

When you get worried, depressed, stressed, anxious, you are trying to do things in your own strength and power.

It doesn't matter what you do, God wants to help you do it. He wants to favor you.

10 benefits of walking in God's favor.

Sunday, July 7

How To MANAGE Your TIME More EFFECTIVELY! : Evan Carmichael

Which one had the biggest impact on you and why?


1. Schedule your time (Tim Ferriss)

If you don't have time, you don't have priorities.

2. Exercise your no! (Lisa Nichols)

If you want to have your yes to have more value, you need to learn how to exercise your no.

3. Prioritise progress (Brendon Burchard)

Stop prioritising easy. Prioritise progress. Things that actually move the needle of your life forward.

4. Divide your life into 10 minute chunks (Evan Carmichael)

5. Prioritise (Laura Vanderkam)

When we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want, in the time we've got.

Thursday, July 4


1. Discipline is remembering what you want.
-David Campbell

2. If you don't have time, you don't have priorities.
-Tim Ferriss

3. Energy is a finite resource. It needs to be wisely managed.

4. Start declaring everyday the you are disciplined.
-Terri Savelle Foy

5. When you conquer procrastination in the small areas, its gonna trickle over into the bigger areas of life.
-Terri Savelle Foy

No People Pleasing

1. In the end, people will judge you anyway, so don't live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself.
-Eunice Camacho Infante

2. If you spend your life pleasing others, you spend your life.
-Cheryl Richardson

3. I learned soon enough that God called us to be people-lovers not people-pleasers. We can have the power to love people without becoming slave to their opinions & behaviours. Boundaries are your responsibility. At some point us people-pleasers must set the tone for how we should be treated & the direction in which WE are called.
-Brittney Moses

4. It's none of my business what other people think of me.
-Dr. Julie Hanks

5. Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.
-Brene Brown

Tuesday, July 2

Monday, July 1

Personality Types

Intuition vs. Sensing


We need both intuitives and sensors to have a world that functions and progresses in a healthy way. Both types have their strengths and their weaknesses. The intuitive can appreciate the physical awareness and detail-oriented nature of the sensor. They can appreciate their down-to-earth demeanor and rich memory of past experiences. Sensors can appreciate what intuitives bring to the table; a rich imagination, endless possibilities for the future, and deep intellectual insights. The sensor can help the intuitive to access their least preferred functions and have a balanced approach to life; and the intuitive can do the same for the sensor. Relationships and friendships between both types can be extremely beneficial.

-Focuses on, what is?
-Focuses on, what can be?

Extraverted Intuition


Extraverted Intuition: 8 Signs That You are a NE Personality Type

- The Ne user tends to have a very creative mind.
- Since Intuition is a Perceiving function and Ne is extraverted in its direction, an overarching purpose of Ne involves acquiring information from the outside world.
- NPs commonly employ their Ne in activities such as reading, conversation, and engagement with nature or the arts.
- Extraverted intuitors are skilled at coming up with ideas, concepts, and possibilities.
- Another trait of Ne users is their ability to make obscure connections between seemingly unrelated things.

Extraverted Intuition also has the ability to make obscure connections. The Ne user can take two seemingly unrelated topics and bring them together. This can also cause the user to have an off-beat sense of humor.

Misc. Articles

What To Do When Your Personality Is Extraverted But Your Life Isn’t

ENFP Articles


Feeling vs. Thinking


Feelers make decisions based on their personal value system and social considerations. They pay attention to their own moral compass and the feelings of others to determine right from wrong, and are less interested in the cold, hard facts. Connections and relationships are incredibly important to them.

Thinkers make decisions rationally based on facts and objective criteria, and use logical analysis to solve problems. They like to have very clear rules about what is right and what is wrong and dislike fuzziness. They value the truth, justice and fairness above all. Work environments that are not meritocracies can be very challenging for them.

Perceiving vs. Judging 
(how a person deals with day-to-day activities.)


Perceivers perceive structure as being more limiting than enabling. They prefer to keep their choices open so they can cope with many problems that they know life will put in their way.
They get their sense of control by keeping their options open and making choices only when they are necessary.

Judgers approach life in a structured way, creating plans and organizing their world to achieve their goals and desired results in a predictable way.
They get their sense of control by taking charge of their environment and making choices early.


Perceiving personality types are relaxed. They cope with challenges by keeping an open schedule that allows them the flexibility to work at their own pace and change tasks as needed.

Personalities with a judging preference are comfortable navigating life in an orderly way. They prefer neatness over messiness, and control over chaos.

Sunday, June 30


Quote: 'Look', I tell myself, 'I am giving myself a treat'.

TREATS (inspired from the book 'Better Than Before')

1. Having a piece of chocolate / an ice-cream / a kulfi / a dessert I like for eg. halwa.

2. Reading few pages of a book. / Reading for a given time.

3. Doing guided bodyscan meditation.

4. Applying a face pack.

5. Having a cup of herbal tea / a glass of neebu sharbat.

6. Doing a 10-Minute Yoga for Self-care (YWA).

Friday, May 24

Head-To-Toe Pamper Shower : Rachel Talbott

Head-To-Toe Pamper Shower

1. Washing hair
Shampoo and conditioner

2. Washing face
Face wash

3. Washing body
Body wash
4. Shave

5. Exfoliate

6. Moisturize

7. Sheet mask

Tuesday, May 21

Shweta Kanojia

Lamberghini : Shweta Kanojia

Yeah Baby : Shweta Kanojia

SIMMBA - Aankh Maare : Shweta Kanojia

Rachel Talbott

Cambria Joy

5 Ways To Heal Yourself, Regardless Of What’s Wrong : mindbodygreen

Friday, May 17


My natural Strengths, in terms of profession:
1. I am creative.
2. I am a learner.
3. I am driven.

Thank you God for these.
I am so grateful.

Wednesday, May 15

My Fav. movies of Aamir Khan

My Fav. movies of Aamir Khan:

1. Dil Chahta Hai
2. Taare Zameen Par
3. Lagaan
4. 3 Idiots
5. PK

1. Dil hai ki manta nahi.
2. Hum hain rahi pyaar ke.
3. Dangal
4. Secret Superstar

Having something absolutely yummy like a mango or a kulfi... My Happy Place :) :)

Treat Yo'self :)

Nature - Flowers... My Happy Place :) :)

25 Books That Changed My Life

25 books that changed and are still changing my life:

1. Change your thoughts, change your life. (w)

2. The Power of Now. (w)

3. You can heal your life. (w)

4. Boundaries. (Energy-management, Relationships, Self-care) (w)

5. The Empath's Survival Guide. (Self-care, Energy management) (w)

6. Atomic Habits. (Habits, Self-discipline) (w)

7. Awareness. (w)

10. Essentialism. (Self-discipline, Simplicity, Focus, Time-management) (w)

11. The Five Love Languages. (r)

12. The Start-up of You. (p)

13. The Gifts of Imperfection. (courage, compassion, and connection) (w)

14. Tough times never last, but tough people do. (w)

15. The Secret. (w)

16. Crucial Conversations. (w)

17. Balance your life. (Balance, Self-care) (w)

18. Better Than Before. (Habits, Self-discipline, Knowing yourself) (w)

19. The Four Agreements. (w)

20. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. (w)

21. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. (r)

22. Don't sweat the small stuff. (w)

23. The Mastery Manual. (w)

24. Deep Work. (p) (Time-management)

25. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. (h)

26. Ignited Minds.

Thank you God, authors, loved ones, teachers, & fellow readers.

I love reading books and magazines.
They are my happy place :) :)
And so are bookstores and libraries.

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.


1. Self-Compassion.

2. Daring Greatly.

3. Thinking Fast and Slow.

(updated: 26.12.20)

Monday, May 13

Bible Verse on Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Sunday, May 12

Happy Mother's Day :)

Thank you God for my ma!!!

3 Simple Ways to Live Healthy - These CHANGED My Life! : Cambria Joy

3 Simple Ways to Live Healthy - These CHANGED My Life!:

1. Be here, now.
The mountains in our life are not meant to break us, they are meant to shape us.
Don't be discouraged with how far you have to go, just remember how far you have come.
Being here now. Not feeling like you need to be further along.

2. Say goodbye to "rules".

3. Move until you sweat.

Wednesday, May 8

Why Does My Past Trauma Still Affect Me? : Kati Morton

Because until we process the trauma completely so that it doesn't have any emotional charge for us, it will still bother us, and that's completely normal.

Tuesday, May 7

Reward ideas

"Dividing your WORK into manageable chunks and rewarding yourself when you finish each CHUNK will make studying more FUN."

Reward ideas:

1. Listening to a song with good beats.

2. Watching a comedy video.

3. Taking a short walk in nature.

4. Doing a short yoga session (YWA).

5. Reading a few lines from one of my fav. books.

6. Writing one of my fav. quotes.

7. Having a toffee.

8. Having ice-cream / kulfi (summer).

9. Having lemonade (summer).

10. Having herbal tea (winter).

11. Doing guided bodyscan meditation.

Monday, May 6

When You're About to Give Up : Terri

How to Deal with Change | Kati Morton

Managing Change:

1. We need to acknowledge that change is part of life.
It's important that we try to recognize and accept that change is always happening.
Some of it we have control over, but most of it we don't.

2. We have to allow ourself to feel our emotions.
We have to let ourselves feel the loss, upset, anger, sadness, or whatever it is that you maybe feeling. Give yourself time to feel it. Talk about it, journal about it, complain to a friend, therapist, or family member about it. Try and keep this venting, feeling time focused on how you feel now. Let's try to stay focused in the present, and what's happening now. Stay in the present as much as you can.

3. Write down the story we will tell ourselves.
Take some time to write it all out. No judgement, just be honest with yourself and your process.
This can be another way to get into our grief, or upset, or sadness, or even excitement, and figure out where it's coming from, and we're really telling ourselves about it.

4. Write out the story you want to have.
Write out the story you want to have about this loss, or change.
We're only able to tell certain types of stories, and that can limit our ability to overcome any change, upset, or even stop us from seeing our life clearly.
So spend some time on this tip. Consider how you would like to view this change.

5. Increase our self-care.
Think of anything in your life that brings you the slightest bit of joy, gets you excited, or helps you feel better.
Work in at least one of these things into your daily routine.

Remember, that it's actually less about the change that is happening, and more with how we think about it.
So, notice if your thoughts are pulling you in a direction that you don't want to go, or telling you a very filtered version of your story.

It's the brittle trees that break in the windstorm, while the flexible bamboo can ride it out and bend when it needs to.

Life is constantly changing in big and small ways.

Sunday, May 5

Using LOA To Become A Professional Golfer

Law of Attraction : Melody Fletcher

Get into the frequency of already having it; the belief that you can have it; at least the possibility that you can have it. That’s enough; you just open up the possibility. It doesn’t have to be inevitable, or anything, it just has to be possible for it to happen.

Then you have to deal with, whatever that brings up; which means again, awareness of emotion. Because, when you raise your vibration, everything that is contradicting that vibration will come to the surface.The very specific issues.

And so, you have to be aware of all the issues coming up, and you have to allow yourself to experience it.

So, if you just set some intention and open yourself up to this energy – it’s so fast moving now – things will spontaneously start to pop out of you.

Do the best you can. And, that’s ok; just do the best you can. But, by continuously doing the best you can, you will continuously move forward.

Saturday, May 4

4 Methods Superstars Use To Protect Their Energy | Robin Sharma

4 Methods Superstars Use To Protect Their Energy:

Energy is more valuable than even your intellect.

Without the execution energy to get your dreams done, nothing happens.

1. The twin cycles of elite performance.
(working in cycles)

I rest 50% of the time to allow the training to take effect.
-Usain Bolt

The High Excellence Cycle (HEC) : when you go all in.
The Deep Recovery Cycle (DRC) : when  you refuel, regenerate, and replenish.

 One of the keys to legendary, is longevity.

Be a leader.

Great audacity without intelligent recovery leads to the depletion of your genius.

2. Rest.
No technology before sleep.

3. The trinity of radiant vitality.

Exercise - Nutrition - Recovery

When you are strong, you feel strong.

4. Joy as a GPS.
If you want to feel more energy, ask yourself these 3 questions:
i. Who are the people that fuel my joy? And bring those people into your life even more.
F&F: M, A, P, A, S.
ii. What are the pursuits that fuel my joy?
A.D, Education, Reading, Music n dancing, Watching comedy.
iii. What are the places that fuel my joy?
my home.
my room.
my office/study room.
garden, greenery, flowers, trees, plants, sunlight.
sea beach, river.
sunrise, sunset.
As of now!!!

As you begin your day, so you handcraft your life.


My life and my living (what I do /be) are a worship to God and also one of the ways to connect with God.

Friday, May 3



In her book, Neff describes the “Three Doorways In” to self-compassion (p. 102). That is, when you’re in pain, you can do these things to be compassionate with yourself:
  1. Give yourself kindness and care. This might look like telling yourself, “This really hurts! I’m sorry it’s so hard right now.” and then taking good care of yourself--a hot bath, a favorite movie, talking to a loved one, snuggling with a pet.
  2. Remind yourself that pain is universal and part of the human experience. This might mean using that self-talk to say, “It’s ok. You’re not alone in going through this. It may feel really awful right now, but other people have and will get through this, and you will too.
  3. Hold your thoughts and feelings in mindful awareness. This step means noticing without fully buying into those thoughts and feelings, such as, “I’m having the thought that I failed” (verses saying “I am a failure”) or “I’m having the feeling of being really sad right now.” The most important and hardest part of this step is then letting the thought or feeling stay there until it passes. Because it absolutely will pass, no matter how certain you may be that it won’t. And, notice (with a huge sigh of relief) when it does pass.
Secondly, I love this mental refrain that Neff tells herself when she’s struggling:
    This is a moment of suffering.
    Suffering is a part of life.
    May I be kind to myself in this moment.
    May I give myself the compassion I need (p. 119).
May we all give ourselves kindness and compassion today.
Thank you for this beautiful article!

Thursday, May 2

Be fierce - its the year 2019

My philosophy in life

Love yourself first.
(Self-love is a prerequisite to self-discipline, and almost all good things in life.)

Ques. to ask myself: - Is it an act of self-love? - Will this action lead me to self-love or away from it?

Monday, April 29

Love Yourself, Accept Yourself, Forgive Yourself : tiny buddha

Love Yourself, Accept Yourself, Forgive Yourself

“Love yourself—accept yourself—forgive yourself—and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.” ~Leo F. Buscaglia 

You mean I am a source of many wonderful things?

Yes. Actually you are. Own up to it.

Leo has it right.

1. Love yourself.

Despite all the things that you think may be terribly wrong with you, love yourself. Love yourself.

Tattoo it on your brain.

I can think of so many reasons why you should love yourself, but here’s just one: It is incredibly dull and uninspiring to be around people who do not love themselves.

I spent many years being anorexic and feeling like I was a monster. I’m sure I was not much fun to be around and I also know that I didn’t book any of the acting jobs I was trying to land. It is very challenging to hire someone or love someone who fights you by holding up a mirror of hatred toward themselves.

Here’s my challenge for you today: Take a picture of your face and remember that in 10 years time you will be amazed at how gorgeous you were. Be amazed now.

2. Forgive yourself.

3. Be good to yourself. Do things that you inspire you daily.

Make a list. Grab your iPad or your notepad or even your hand and draw up a list of things you can do today to make you feel good.

My list involves a lot of laughing. My “Feel Good” list also has: my yoga practice, teaching yoga classes, writing, a long leisurely dinner with friends, having a great glass of wine, staying up all night reading a book I cannot put down, being with kids who have special needs and teaching them yoga, poetry, Modern Family, skyping with my nephews, and the list goes on.

Thank you for this excellent article.
p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Friday, April 26

How to succeed? Get more sleep | Arianna Huffington

9 Essential Self-Care Steps for the Over-Committed Idealist

9 Essential Self-Care Steps for the Over-Committed Idealist:

Fortunately, there are things that Idealists can do to maintain the balance between helping people and looking after themselves, without giving up their potential.

1. Spend time alone

2. Exercise

3. Meditate

4. Learn to say ‘no’

Establishing clear boundaries is critical if you are to value yourself and your own needs.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

While Idealists are committed to helping others, they also need someone to believe in them. Be sure to surround yourself with supportive people who won’t take advantage of you and who will validate your feelings. As much as you want to help, negative environments and negative people can be damaging for the sensitive Idealist, so try to avoid them whenever possible.

6. Write in a journal

7. Take up a project

8. Learn to accept criticism

Instead of seeing criticism as an attack, try to see it as an opportunity to learn something. Sometimes negative feedback can offer you the insight you wouldn’t have seen yourself. And if the criticism is not helpful, let it go. Remember, no one is perfect and you don’t have to be either.

9. Look after yourself

Perhaps the most important tip for Idealists is to take time to think of themselves. It’s also the hardest. Idealists automatically look for ways to alleviate suffering; tending to their own needs can feel like they’re being selfish. But, just as flight attendants will tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before you help your child, you need to look after yourself before you can help anyone else.

Thank you!