Monday, March 25


ENFP Development [<3]

This is the nature of Ne and other external functions (denoted by the lowercase “e”) - they need interaction with the world to function optimally. This is a double-edged sword, as the outside world can also be highly distracting. Because of this, they tend to need alternating stages of input and output.

ENFP [<3]

ENFP Superpowers - Two Strengths You Never Knew You Had

An ENFP’s Guide to Getting Out of Your Head and Into Reality

An ENFP’s Guide to Goal-Setting

When evaluating job offers, take into account your preferences for extroversion (E) and perceiving (P). Since you get energy from outside sources, look for a work environment where you can surround yourself with people. Don't forget your preference for perceiving, which means you enjoy flexibility and spontaneity. Look for jobs that don't emphasize strict deadlines.

Roles: Diplomats

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