Wednesday, March 20

Emotional Intelligence: Control and Responsibility : Counselor Carl

Many of us are stressed from obsessively trying to control what we can't control, while ignoring what we can. We are exhausted from living like a person who demands sunshine, while neglecting to bring an umbrella.
This is more common than you think.

There are many things we con't control such as the weather, the stock market, and most importantly, other people, but we do have the ability to control our attitudes, beliefs, choices, expectations, and behaviours. So, when facing any difficult situation remember to ask yourself: "What can I control, and what can't I control?"
It might help to write your answers down on a piece of paper with 2 columns, one for the things you cannot control, and the other for the things you can control. Then try to focus your energies on what you can control.
This how we transform powerlessness into empowerment by focusing on what we can control.

Many people are stressed out from trying to fix the problems of others, for which they are not responsible, while ignoring their own self-care.
So, what am I actually responsible for?
I am responsible for myself; I am not responsible for others.
Does this mean I do not care about others. Of course not. It simply means I give others the respect of being responsible for their lives, and I give myself that same respect of being responsible for my life.

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