Tuesday, October 22

Why You Don't Feel Good Enough : Terri

How to believe in yourself a little more?

God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

Don't shrink your dream... enlarge your faith.

Be it unto you, according to your faith.

It's your identity. It's the way you see yourself.
You have to change the way you see yourself. You have to believe in yourself a little more. This one thing effects everything you become.

How do you increase your self-worth? How do you enlarge your Faith to believe for bigger things, and believe that you are good enough to achieve these big dreams?
Deliberately choose your input. Your input shapes your outlook, and your outlook shapes your behaviour.
Add associations to your life who live in the areas you want to grow in.

Your KEY is Keep Educating Yourself.

You are good enough.

Thank you! Needed to hear this today!

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