Thursday, June 30

What's Your Success Plan? : Terri

You have to have a plan (adaptable) if you want to be successful.

Your habits are going to determine your future.

You are where you are because that's exactly where you chose to be.

Find mentors and coaches that can teach you.

Plan your day the night before.

Plan to read daily.

Android App : FirebaseDemo

Firebase is a cloud services provider and backend as a service company. Firebase's primary product is a realtime database which provides an API that allows developers to store and sync data across multiple clients.

Firebase Authentication Tutorial:

Firebase automatically stores your users’ credentials securely (using bcrypt) and redundantly (with replication and daily off-site backups). This separates sensitive user credentials from your application data, and lets you focus on the user interface and experience for your app.

- Switch to the Project view in Android Studio to see your project root directory. Move the google-services.json file into your Android app module root directory.

- Add firebase auth dependency
compile ""

//Get Firebase auth instance
auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
Methods used:
1. createUserWithEmailAndPassword()
2. signInWithEmailAndPassword()
3. (Another cool feature firebase provides is, sending reset password email when required.) sendPasswordResetEmail()
4. signOut();

FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser();
1. user.updatePassword()
2. user.updateEmail()
3. user.delete()

Carol : relationship type3-type2

MOM n me (type 2 energy)

5 ways to honor your TYPE 2 mother

1. Take the time to reach out and connect with her.

It means so much for her to know she’s important to you. Make those simple gestures to let her know you love her. Pick up the phone, send her a card, and even share a cherished memory you have with her.

2. Notice and appreciate her details.

With their more subtle natures, TYPE 2 women can often feel like their efforts aren’t noticed. Take the time to acknowledge the time and thought she puts into the details of things.

3. Allow her to be herself and to move at her own pace.

Don’t pressure her to do more or to move quicker. Give her the space to relax and honor her go-with-the-flow movement.

4. Invite her to share her memories.

Ask her to tell you the stories of some of her favorite memories. Invite her to share some of the stories or memories behind some of her keepsakes.

5. Express your gratitude.

Thank her for being who she is and all that she does. Let her know why you appreciate her gifts.

Tuesday, June 28

Android Update

Updated Android Studio.
Updated Android SDK to API 24 Android N.

On Being a Junior Developer

Good Article:

1. Read other people's code.
2. Plan things out.
3. Have an opinion.
4. Ask questions.
5. Explore new technologies.
6. Embrace unit testing.
7. Refactor.

Points to remember - Startup software engineer

Even casual brand-building for yourself as a developer can bring payoffs in many ways that you might not imagine. The biggest reason for this is that your brand can scale in ways that you, as an individual, cannot. Which means it can bring you more, and higher quality, opportunities than you could necessarily find and chase down on your own.

You must learn to see technology as fundamentally supporting the business, not the other way around.

Remember that your primary goal in implementation should always be to build as simple a system as possible.

You can start to think and act like a CTO long before you ever carry that title. Your ability to focus on the needs of the business first and design creative technology solutions to those problems will propel you forward in your career and will bring you leadership opportunities before you know it.

Side projects are great fodder for your Github account, demonstrate your breadth of interest in technologies and products, and show that you have motivation in getting new things off the ground.

They allow you to learn new technologies and systems faster by parallelization and experimentation. They give you an opportunity to build your network via collaboration. They could also give you potential opportunities to learn other startup principles like failing fast, and systematizing your learning about products and customers.

Continue your technical education.

Monday, June 27

Are Your Wheels Just Spinning? : Terri

I want you to realize, you have a destination to pursue. You have goals to attain. You have an assignment to fulfil.

Quite possibly the most important action successful people take is dedicating the time to discover what they are on earth to do and then pursue it with a passion.

Ideas, opportunities, resources, and relationships seem to gravitate to the person who has a clear vision and a clear purpose.

That's what I want for you, to stop wondering for what you're supposed to do with your life and start preparing for what you're supposed to do with your life.

1. Take 100% responsibility for where you are.

We have control over three things:
a. The thoughts we think
b. The images we visualize
c. The actions we take
These three produce the results that you want or don't want.

Results don't lie.
You look around and you say, "Do I like the results I am getting in my life?"
If you don't, then you have to change your actions.

2. Take 100% responsibility for where you are going.

The will to succeed is important but what's even more important is the will to prepare.
-Bobby Knight

Prepare for your destiny.

Books you're reading
Messages you're listening to
People you're spending time with
Things you're researching
Classes/courses you're attending
Mentors you're seeking out

What are you doing to prepare?
Preparation time is never wasted time.

Find Your Time Map : Terri

Learning how to manage my time and conquering procrastination.

1. You could be tackling your most difficult projects or list of "things to do" at the wrong time.
Your energy plays such an important role in when you go after some of your goals.

2. Disorganized space will stop you from achieving your goals.

3. Developing a time-map.
You begin scheduling every activity of your life on this time-map from the moment you wake up till you go to sleep. This has been one of the greatest things for me to stay focused and to have peace.

4. Unrealistic lists of "things to do" block you from achieving your goals.
**7:29 to 8:17 Charles Schwab (Bethlehem Steel)
Write down the six most important things you have to do tomorrow.
Number them in the order of importance to you and the company.
Now put that paper in your pocket.
First thing, tomorrow morning, take it out and look at item number 1.
Don't look at the others, just look at number 1.
And start working on it, and stay with it until its completed.
Then take item number 2 the same way.
Then number 3 until you have to quit for the day.
Don't worry if you have finished only one or two because you will be working on the most important ones.
Do this every work day.

You Don't Have Time to Waste : Terri

Your life is so precious, so valuable to God.

You have an enemy named satan.
The thief comes only to kill, to steal and to destroy your life. -John 10:10

You have to get on a quest to renew your mind to the Word of God.

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing, and now it shall spring forth.
-Isaiah 43:18-19

You don't beat thoughts with thoughts. You beat thoughts with words.

You have to speak the Word of God out of your mouth, to get control of those thoughts.

Speak the Word of God.

How To Know If You're On The Road To Success : Terri

For a dream comes about with much business and painful effort.
-Ecclesiastes 5:3

Don't ever feel sorry for yourself.

Don't give up. Your breakthrough is just about to happen.

Success is something you attract by the person you become.

The key is to become bigger than your challenges.

How do you do that?
Build your Faith. You need faith more than anything.

Sunday, June 26

Faith filled messages / quotes (part-2)

1. Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
-Psalm 119:105

2. Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?...Seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.
-Matthew 6:25, 33

3. Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, and now it shall spring forth.
-Isaiah 43:18-19

4. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
-Romans 12:2

5. But without Faith it is impossible to please God.
-Hebrews 11:6

6. I can do all things through God who strengthens me.
-Philippians 4:13

Carol Tuttle

Kati Morton

1. Boundaries & Relationships

a. Personal Boundaries: 5 ways to teach people how to treat us properly [<3]
b. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries [<3]
c. How to Speak Up for Yourself! [<3]

Julie Hanks

Fav 5 Julie Hanks Quotes
1. Value yourself, because when we value something we protect it.
2. How we treat ourselves is always in our control.
3. Invest in Important Relationships.
4. Be who you are and let that be enough.
5. It's none of my business what other people think of me.

1. Self-Worth (valuing yourself, caring for yourself)

a. Self-compassion matters more than self-esteem [<3<3]
b. Stronger self-esteem when you don't look your best [<3]
c. Four ways to appreciate yourself now
d. Accepting your strengths [<3]
e. Make self-care your top priority [<3]
f. Love Your Body Without Losing a Pound [<3]
g. 5 Ways to Develop Resilience [<3]

5. Self-awareness (self-understanding, self-mastery)

a. Worry less about what others think [<3<3]
b. Daily Mindfulness For a Better You [<3]
c. Harnessing the power of procrastination [<3]
d. How to Stop Comparing [<3]
e. Survival Tips for Overwhelmed Women #Burnoutcure

6. Other Topics:

Saturday, June 25

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone : Terri

Part of making progress, is being uncomfortable.

The #1 enemy to your success, is fear.

If you're gonna step out and pursue the dreams that God has put in your heart, its gonna require that you be full of faith.

How do you get full of faith?

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. -Romans 10:17

You have to feed your faith and starve your doubts.

What are you gonna need more than anything to step out of your comfort zone?

Faith. Its gonna take faith to do whatever it is God is telling you to do.

Another thing is speaking faith-filled scriptures out of your mouth and speaking positive declarations out of your mouth.

Fear not, there is nothing to fear.
For I am with you, I will strengthen you, and I will harden you to difficulties. -Isaiah 41:10

I can do this.

Summer : Mango

Ate a yummy Dussehri aam today.
Thank u God.


Yesterday was my loving mom's birthday. Belated Happy Birthday to my mom :)

Happy Anniversary to my parents-in-law.

Fear Is a Thief : Terri

Fear is the #1 enemy of your success.

Everyone of us feel it.

Feel the fear and Do it anyway.

You have to believe in your dream.

Fear not, there is nothing to fear.

Approach Life With Confidence : Terri


Thursday, June 23

Prepare Your Heart to Hear God's Voice : Terri

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things.
-Jeremiah 33:3

Refuse To Give Up : Terri

You always start with the final scene.

Declare new things before they happen... -Isaiah 46:10

The thief does not come except to steal and to kill, and to destroy. -John 10:10

You never outgrow warfare, you must simply learn to fight.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God). -Hebrews 11:6

You're gonna have to learn to develop your faith to a greater degree.

3:55 To increase your faith:

1) Hear the Word. -Romans 10:17
This is one of the keys that God has given us.
When you build your faith by listening to messages everyday, then when those obstacles come against you, your faith is so strong, you say,
"I don't know how God's gonna do it but I trust Him.
 I trust the Lord with all heart.
 I lean not into my own understanding.
 In all my ways I acknowledge Him."
That's a result of building your faith everyday.
Mary Kay Ash
H. L. Hunt
Wallace Johnson (Holiday Inn)
Alan Bean (walked on the moon)

2) Speak the Word.
The most powerful weapon that God has given you is right under your nose, and its your mouth. Speak the Word of God out of your mouth.
1. I will be strong and not give up, for my work will be rewarded. -2 Chronicles 15:7
2. God is giving me the desires of my heart and making all my plans succeed. -Psalm 20:4
3. God gives strength to the weary, and increases power to the weak. -Isaiah 40:29
4. I am strong in God, and in His mighty power. -Ephesians 6:10
5. I can do all things through God, who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13
Its not enough to stop saying the wrong thing, you got to start saying the right thing.
Speak the Word of God.

How Do I Know What God Wants For My Life? : Terri

Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write all the words that I have spoken to you in a book.
-Jeremiah 30:2

As soon as you think it, ink it.

Write down what you feel God is speaking to your heart.

Do it everyday this week, just 5 minutes, you can set the alarm on your phone, and just listen.

What Is Your Heart Telling You? : Terri

1. What brings you joy?
What causes you to light up when you get an opportunity to do this?

2. What angers you?

Vision is always the solution to a problem, and those things that frustrate you the most could be a strong indication that God has called you to bring a solution to that problem.

One of the questions you need to ask yourself is: What is God speaking to your heart?

God is your creator. Ask Him.

Everything God Has For You Is Ahead of You : Terri

There's a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear-view mirror.

Everything God has for you is ahead of you.

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing in your life, and now it shall spring forth.
-Isaiah 43:18-19

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. -Romans 12:2

What do you renew your mind to?
The Word of God.

How do you do that?
Renewing the mind is a two-step process:
1. Getting rid of the old.
2. Replacing with the new.

Read the Word of God or listen to the Word of God at some point everyday.

Tuesday, June 21

Believe in Yourself : Nick Vujicic

"for each or enhanced for statement" : Java

The Enhanced For Loop (since Java 5)

The enhanced for loop allows you to iterate through a collection without having to create an Iterator or without having to calculate beginning and end conditions for a counter variable.

for example:
for (char c : hashMap.keySet())

means, for each character in the Set (of characters).

Anything that implements Iterable can be supported.
This is particularly nice in Collections.

Monday, June 20

Do You Have a Project? : Terri

This month I've been talking about tailor-made temptations.

A dream comes about with much business and painful effort.

You have to refocus your attention.
-Rick Warren

Once your mind is on something else, the temptation loses its power.
-Rick Warren

Start listening to the Word of God consistently.
Get you mind on a project while you're hearing the Word of God.

Don't fall for the trap. Don't fall for the deception. Realize it's a trap.

Hear the Word of God consistently.

Consistency is the key to change.

And then get focused on the dreams and the goals that God has put in your heart.

Mind Over Mattress : Terri

Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Terri Savelle Foy: Morning Rituals

The most successful people in the world have morning routines and rituals that have led them to their dreams, have led them to success.

Howard Schultz (Starbucks): 4:30 am
Richard Branson: 5:45 am
Jack Dorsey (Twitter): 5:30 am, meditates and jogs for 6 miles.

Successful people are pro-active about their days.
They take control of their morning.

He developed a morning routine and he stuck with it.

The most successful people practice something in common: Mind over mattress.
They cherish the morning hours.

Does your morning routine support you?

Its when you have the most control over your day.
Its when you can be the most productive.
It sets the tone for the rest of the day.
You feel so accomplished right off the bat.

Make an investment in yourself before you invest in anyone else.

Start with a morning routine that's gonna lead you to success.

Do something to invest in yourself.

Practice: Mind over mattress.

The Single Attribute That Guarantees Success : Terri

Your integrity is vital to your success.

Three ways that I think its so important that we live a life of integrity:
1) Practice integrity with God.

Love what God loves. Dislike what God dislikes.
He blesses a life that is pleasing to Him.

2) Practice integrity with yourself.

Its a must if you're gonna have a successful life, have integrity.

3) Model integrity for others.

Integrity will guide you. Dishonesty will destroy you. -Proverbs 11:3

Value Yourself / Self Worth

1. Your worth is not found in your education, career, relationship status, jean size, or bank account. Your worth is in God.

2. Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.

3. Your worth is found in God, not the opinions of others.

4. Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults.
-Les Brown

5. I am worthy of the very best in life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.

6. Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites.

7. Value yourself, because when we value something, we protect it.

Sunday, June 19

Self Worth

The Greatest Tool You May Not Be Using : Terri

Your Imagination

Now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them. -Genesis 11:6

Your imagination is everything.
-Albert Einstein

Read Study Visualize Perform

1) Identify exactly what you want.
2) Turn it into daily declarations.
3) Visualize your goals as if they are a reality.
4) State them in the present tense.

Who gives life to the dead and speaks of the nonexistent things if they [already] existed. -Romans 4:17 (AMP)

According to your faith, be it unto you. -Matthew 9:29

Saturday, June 18

5 Benefits of Getting Organized : Terri

Organization Benefits:

1. You save money.
2. You save time.
3. You will be less stressed.
4. You have more time and energy to go after your dreams and goals.
5. You will have more confidence.

Do this:
1. Start with the room you spend the most time in.
2. Set the alarm for 20 mins.
3. Start with the visible mess.
4. Take a "Before" picture.

Be faithful in the little things, and God will make you ruler over many things.

Self Worth

Sat - TV

Watching 'The Kapil Sharma Show' with husband on Sony TV.

Service Lifecycle : Android Notes

Thursday, June 16

Flipkart CTO

Flipkart former CTO Amod Malviya

7 Indicators You Have a Dream from God : Terri

Seven indicators:

1. If it captures your imagination and inspires you everyday.
Everything gets its start in the imagination.
Your imagination is a gift that God has given you.
He wants you to use your imagination.
Its a powerful thing.
Albert Einstein
Dolly Parton.

2. If it seems impossible and you're unable to fulfil it on your own.
Its impossible to please God without Faith. -Bible
God wants you to be dependent on Him.
Mary Kay.
Get in an environment that stretches you. Your environment can shrink you or stretch you.
Nothing's impossible with God.
You have to imagine yourself successful. Always picture yourself succeeding. Visualise the person you desire to become. -Mary Kay
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. -Luke 18:27

3. If it seems as though it will never come to pass, but deep down you're unwilling to give up on it. (8:24)
Most of life's failures are those who didn't realise how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison
Henry Ford - He actually went broke five times before he succeeded.
Pepsi - went bankrupt three times.
Quaker Oats - went bankrupt three times.
Wrigley's gums - went bankrupt three times.
Don't ever give up on your dream.
Don't ever give up on what you're believing God for.
Its in the valley where we grow, where we're stretched, where we're actually prepared to live on the mountain top.

4. If not everyone is as enthusiastic about it as you are.
The 18-40-60 rule. When you're 18, you worry what everybody thinks about you, when you're 40 you don't care what anybody thinks about you, when you're 60 you realise nobody's been thinking about you. - Dr. Daniel Amen
Don't be discouraged. You answer the call of God for your life.

5. If you have experienced resistance, difficulties, setbacks, and sometimes frustration over this dream.
God's trying to wake you up on the inside.
For a dream comes with much business and painful effort. -Ecclesiastes 5:3
Don't wish for things to be easier, wish for yourself to get better.
If a door closes, God will open another door. If all doors close, He'll open a window.
Don't give up on your dream.

6. If it seems to consume your thinking and it seems to get bigger and bigger on the inside.
Whatever you think about expands.
As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become. - Proverb 23:7
What you think about, you bring about.
The No.1 question that will stop you from dreaming is asking "How"?

7. If it seems to define who you are, and shape your life.
There is a connection between your purpose, your passion, and your potential.

Start taking action.
Its gonna take faith for you to get up and go after that dream that looks so impossible that's staring you in the face. You gotta have faith.
Growing myself spiritually so that I had the faith to believe all things are possible.

Get Control of Your Clock and Calendar : Terri

Managing your time is a major key to your success.

Procrastination is a dream thief.

Make a list of maximum 10 things that you're putting off, that you know you need to get done.
Next, look at your calendar and schedule days in this month that you can begin going after these things.
Write the vision, make it plain -Bible
You have to appoint a time go after these things.
For example, Saturday 10 a.m., I'm gonna tackle that pantry.
Whatever it is, schedule time to after those things.

"... we beg you, please don't squander one bit of this marvellous life..." -2 Corinthians 6:1 MSG

There are only so many tomorrows.

When you conquer procrastination in the small areas, its gonna trickle over into the bigger areas of life.
Its gonna build your confidence.

Wednesday, June 15

Tuesday, June 14

Terri Savelle Foy

Terri Savelle Foy

I want to keep you motivated, encouraged and inspired to live your dreams (to pursue the plan of God for your life).

Fav 5 Terri Quotes
1. Build your faith everyday.
2. Preparation time is never wasted time.
3. The greener the grass, the greater the deception.
4. You can't have a Vision without a routine to back it up. / Successful people have successful habits.
5. We become what we behold.
ps: Be confident in who God made you to be.

My top 10 Terri Videos:
1. Improve Your Life in 4 Minutes a Day
2. #1 Indicator of Where Your Life is Headed
3. How You Can Have The Best Year Ever
4. The Power of A Morning Routine
5. The Habits That Changed My Life
6. How I Handle Delays and Discouragement
7. The Key To Long Term Success, Every Time
8. How Do You Stay Disciplined with Your Habits?
9. How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused?
10. One Word That Will Change Your Life
ps: What You Must Do During Difficult Times
pps: How to ID Deception

(updated: 17.1.20)

1. Clarity (be clear on what you want, define success)

a. Why you need to define success [<3]
b. How to overcome small thinking [<3]
c. A billionare's advice for success
d. The greatest tool you may not be using
e. How Clarity Will Produce Success

2. Commitment (increase your commitment, set goals, have vision, stay motivated)

a. The Key To Reaching Your Goals This Year [<3 <3]
b. Vision board success keys - Commitment and Your words [<3]
c. The #1 Predictor of Success [<3]
d. Effective goal setting tips [<3]
e. Goal-Setting: 11 Minutes that Can Change Your Life [<3]
f. How Successful People Plan Their Week [<3]
g. Common Goal Setting Pitfalls and How to Fix Them [<3]
h. Five rules of successful goal setting
i. 5 Strategic Steps to Stay Motivated
j. Simple Goal Setting Techniques That Actually Work

3. Build Faith (raise your faith. consistently fill your mind with messages of faith & hope. hearing the Word)

a. The #1 Way I Built My Confidence [<3<3]
b. Push Yourself: Go After What You Want [<3 <3]
c. The Power Of Belief [<3]
d. Refuse to give up [<3<3]
e. How to ID Deception [<3]
Why you must have Audacity [<3]
How I handle delays and discouragement [<3]
Fear is a thief [<3]
Stepping out of your comfort zone [<3]
You will attract what you expect
What to do when you don't know what to do
Everything God has for you is ahead of you
It's Never Too Late
Be Confident!

4. Express Faith (i. keep ur dreams/goals before ur eyes & start thanking God for them one by one. do this consistently everyday. ii. speak the Word. iii. speak positive declarations/affirmations. iv. body language)

a. Improve Your Life in 4 Minutes a Day [<3<3]
b. Speaking God's Favor Over Your Life [<3<3]
c. The highest expression of your faith [<3<3]
d. The best way to boost your confidence [<3<3]
e. Are you running from your future? [<3<3]
The Power Of Positive Affirmations [<3]
How to Have Peace of Mind [<3]
Do you have the body language of success? [<3]
How bad do you want it?
Small Changes = Big Results
You don't have time to waste
The language of success
3 ways God can see your faith
The 24-hour Challenge
Positive Affirmations to Change Your Attitude

5. Invest in Yourself (plan, habits, grow)
(i. health, spirituality, personal development & ii. in your field)

a. The Power of A Morning Routine [<3<3]
b. The Habits That Changed My Life [<3<3]
c. Develop Habits For Your Dreams [<3]
d. 20 minutes to change: spirit, soul, and body [<3]
e. The greatest investment you can make [<3]
The hour of power [<3]
Use your morning ritual to get ahead [<3]
What's your Success Plan? [<3]
5 things successful people do before 8 a.m. [<3]
Private habits that bring public rewards [<3]
Mind over mattress
5 tips to develop good habits [<3]
If it is to be, it is up to me
Your net worth will never rise above your self-worth
You can be a 10
Why you need a growth plan

6. Focus (equally important is the art of saying 'no'.)

a. How Do You Get Yourself to Stay Focused? [<3<3T2]
b. Do you have a project? [<3<3]
c. Distractions and identifying your top 3 priorities [<3]
d. Start saying "no" more often [<3]
e. Why You Need To Do Less (write)
Focus for success
Dream distractions
The 5 big distractions you must overcome

7. Healthy Discipline (energy, time and space management)

a. How Do You Stay Disciplined with Your Habits? [<3<3T1]
b. Becoming A Disciplined Person [<3]
c. Advanced decision making and self-discipline tips [<3]
d. 5 benefits of getting organized [<3]
e. Get control of your clock and calendar
f. Why you should add images to your dreams and goals
g. Find your Time map
h. 5 steps to develop more discipline
i. Developing Specific Goals
j. It's Never Too Late
k. How To Stay Disciplined When You Don't Feel Like It (write)

8. Ask

a. A major reason you're not getting what you want [<3]
b. The World's most powerful and neglected secret to success

9. Take Action (do it now, sow significant seed, get ready, prepare, walk.)

a. Are your wheels just spinning? [<3<3]
b. What to do when nothing is changing [<3<3]
c. The #1 killer of opportunities
d. The key difference between winners and losers

10. Listen (to God) & Think (about your future)

a. What you must do during difficult times [<3<3]
b. You have a calling [<3]
c. How You Can Accelerate Your Progress [<3]
d. Think, Dream, and Imagine Big [<3]
e. Preview your future [<3]
f. Why successful people spend time alone
g. You Become what you Behold
h. Make vision boards work for you
i. How do I know what God wants for my life?
j. Prepare your heart to hear God's voice
k. What is your heart telling you?
l. Did I Hear That From God?
m. Create An Atmosphere To Hear From God

1. How to Rise Above Your Challenges [<3<3<3]
2. The Key To Long Term Success, Every Time [<3<3]
3. One Word That Will Change Your Life [<3<3]
4. When Success is Taking Too Long [<3]
5. How Successful People Handle Setbacks [<3]

How to Find a Mentor in Business [<3]
Get Your Bounce Back [<3]
When Others Aren't Excited About Your Dream [<3]
The Power of Right Associations [<3]
Why you need joy today [<3]
How to Overcome Fear & Lack of Confidence [<3<3T3]
How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others [<3]
Why Gratitude Journals Work
How To Be Grateful When Life Stinks
Two Powerful Words You're Not Using Enough
Does your appearance affect your success?
Approach life with confidence
The single attribute that guarantees success
You're Being Watched

Terri Bigger Videos (Live Your Dreams):
1. How You Can Have The Best Year Ever [<3<3<3]
2. #1 Indicator of Where Your Life is Headed [<3<3<3]
3. Build Your Faith To Achieve Your Dreams [<3<3<3]
4. 3 Keys to Build Your Confidence [<3<3<3]
5. God Wants to Accelerate Your Life [<3]
6. Your Life Will Only Change When You Change [<3]
7. Learn to Speak The Language of Success [<3]
8. 5 Habits To Change Your Life [<3]
9. Make Vision Boards Work for You [<3]
10. How To Put Action To Your Faith
11. Why You Need Audacity

Monday, June 13

20 Minutes To Change: Spirit, Soul, And Body - Terri

1) Spend 20 mins a day praying.

Personally, listening to the voice of God and keeping a journal, this has provided more wisdom and more direction for my life than anything else.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High God shall remain stable.
-Psalm 91:1(AMPC)

I am going to do it first thing in the morning before everybody else takes my time and attention, I'm telling you you'll remain stable.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
-Joshua 1:8

Study the Word of God.

2) Spend 20 mins a day exercising.

Anna Wintour (Vogue)
Steve Reinemund (Pepsi)
Michelle Gass (Starbucks)

There is a direct link between physical health and emotional health.

Invest in your health.

Eat a good breakfast.

3) Spend 20 mins investing in personal growth.

Make an investment in yourself.
Reading books, listening to audio teaching.
Feed yourself. Grow yourself.

Success is something you attract by the person you become.

If you don't have much, perhaps you haven't become much.

Your _______ will only grow to the extent that you grow.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Why You Need Joy Today - Terri

Thank you God for this teacher and this video right here right now.

Dream Distractions - Terri

Dream distraction called time.

Don't ever give up on your dreams.

Do you regret more of what you've done, or haven't done?

Look at the years you've got left and let's do something with it.

Vision is what causes you to wake up in the morning with purpose. It causes you to go from where you are to where you really want to be.

What you are going through is temporary.

God still wants to use you. But you've got to get your vision back. You have to keep your dreams alive.

The best way to keep your dreams alive is to spend time with God.
God gave you desires for a reason.
God gave you those desires. Honour those desires.

Spend some time with God.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. -Matthew 6:33

As you spend some time with God, He's gonna direct your steps.

Why You Need to Define Success - Terri

How Do You Define Success?
If you were to ask fifty people in a room right now, how do you define success?, they would all probably say something totally different, because success is personal and it's unique to you.

I glorified You on earth by completing down to the last detail what You assigned me to do.
-John 17:4

I believe success is fulfilling your assignment.
Whatever God has called you to do, fulfilling that assignment, down to the last detail, before your time is up.

God has given us two types of sight:
1. Physical sight
2. Spiritual sight

Your imagination is a gift from God.

Now nothing they have imagined to do will be impossible for them.
-Genesis 11:6

You have to see yourself succeeding in here, before it ever shows up out here.

If you see nothing, you can expect nothing.

You will never leave where you are until you see where you would rather be.

Where? In your imagination. Right here, in your mind.

You have to see yourself doing that thing that looks impossible.

See yourself succeeding in here, before it shows up out here.

Have the audacity to see yourself succeeding in here, before it shows up out here.

Private Habits That Bring Public Rewards - Terri

The secret of your future is in your daily routine. It truly is.
Its what you do on a daily basis that leads you closer to success or farther.

Jack Canfield.

Listen to messages that cause you to grow, to increase, to get motivated.
Read good books.

What are you gonna do that's gonna help you achieve your goals, cause you to be more successful?
I believe it starts with your daily habits.

To whom much is given, much is required. -Luke 12:48

Have you ever been bitten by an elephant? What about a mosquito?
Its the little things that bite you.
The little disciplines, the little habits, the little behaviours.

Warren Buffet.

Make an investment in yourself.
Next year at this time you won't be where you are today.

Believe in yourself, develop good habits, so that you can achieve your dreams.

Start Saying "No" More Often : Terri

Success is all about being focused.

The master skill of success is, saying "No".
-Darren Hardy

For every one hundred great opportunities that are brought to me, I say "No" ninety-nine times.
-Warren Buffet

We are constantly being distracted by great opportunities.

Deciding what NOT to do is as important as deciding what TO do.
-Steve Jobs

Boundaries And Assertiveness / Communication














14. Boundaries

God bless me

Dear God,
I am asking you. I am believing.
Please help me n guide me n bless me:
1. I want an excellent work opportunity/job.
2. I want excellent problem-solving skills.
3. I want excellent Android App Development skills.
4. I want to keep updated with the latest in software development & android development.
Thank u very much God.

Friday, June 10

Why Successful People Spend Time Alone : Terri

Successful people spend time alone to think.
To think about their future.
Thinking precedes achievement.

Things can be accelerated in your life, but it requires one major thing: spending time alone thinking.

The greater your thinking, the greater your achievement.

Sara Blakely, Peter Daniels.

Be still, and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10

My sheep know my voice. -John 10:47

When you spend time thinking, always take a pen and some paper or laptop and write down what you're thinking.

Take a few minutes.
It is the greatest investment you will ever make, because it will provide direction for your life.

Does Your Appearance Affect Your Success? : Terri

Your mind is like a magnet.

Whatever a person thinks in her heart, so does she become. -Proverbs 23:7

What you think about, you bring about.

There are certain things you can do, to attract more success.

You don't get a second chance on a first impression.

Like attracts like.

What you wear does not define you as a person, but it is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself.

Feel good about yourself.

Focus For Success : Terri

Will Smith, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Larry Winters (LTD).
"FOCUS: the most important skill for success."

A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. -James 1:8
I am a single-minded focused believer and I am stable in all my ways.

Whatever a man thinks about, so does he become. -Proverbs 23:7
What you think about, you bring about.

If you chase two rabbits, you'll catch neither of them.

Get focused on what you want to see accomplished in your life this year.

Thursday, June 9

How to Get and Love Your First Rails Job : Molly Morgan Black

How to be a Standout Candidate?

- Crush the sample project.
1. Choose a project that excites you.
(Technical interest & Personal interest)
Why did you choose this project?
What problems did you encounter / solve by working on this?

2. Put effort into your whole project.
3. Consider the edge cases.
4. Understand every line of code in your project.
5. Refactor, refactor, refactor.
6. Write tests.

- Do the Networking.
1. Yes, you have to network.
2. No, you don't have to ask everyone you meet for a job.
Just be yourself.

3. Make real relationships.

Love a company? Reach out directly.

- Be the cover letter.
1. This is your first impression. Make it you.
2. Standout.
3. Read it out loud.
4. Never copy and paste.
5. Get a proofreader.

- Interview confidently
1. Don't sweat the technical.
2. Sell your past experience.

How to Choose a Job you will Love?

-Narrow your search.
1. What problems am I interested in solving?
2. Do I want to wear many hats or have fewer, more well-defined responsibilities?
3. Do I want to gain breadth or depth of knowledge as a junior developer?
4. Can I succeed in a remote position, or would I rather work onsite?

-Interview potential companies as thoroughly as they interview you.
1. Code Quality.
2. Growth Opportunities.
3. The Work
4. Learning Environment

-Weigh your offers.
1. Considering the perks.
2. Considering the Monies.

*36:20 Happiness List

I am going to be a champion.

Career path