Thursday, June 23

Refuse To Give Up : Terri

You always start with the final scene.

Declare new things before they happen... -Isaiah 46:10

The thief does not come except to steal and to kill, and to destroy. -John 10:10

You never outgrow warfare, you must simply learn to fight.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God). -Hebrews 11:6

You're gonna have to learn to develop your faith to a greater degree.

3:55 To increase your faith:

1) Hear the Word. -Romans 10:17
This is one of the keys that God has given us.
When you build your faith by listening to messages everyday, then when those obstacles come against you, your faith is so strong, you say,
"I don't know how God's gonna do it but I trust Him.
 I trust the Lord with all heart.
 I lean not into my own understanding.
 In all my ways I acknowledge Him."
That's a result of building your faith everyday.
Mary Kay Ash
H. L. Hunt
Wallace Johnson (Holiday Inn)
Alan Bean (walked on the moon)

2) Speak the Word.
The most powerful weapon that God has given you is right under your nose, and its your mouth. Speak the Word of God out of your mouth.
1. I will be strong and not give up, for my work will be rewarded. -2 Chronicles 15:7
2. God is giving me the desires of my heart and making all my plans succeed. -Psalm 20:4
3. God gives strength to the weary, and increases power to the weak. -Isaiah 40:29
4. I am strong in God, and in His mighty power. -Ephesians 6:10
5. I can do all things through God, who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13
Its not enough to stop saying the wrong thing, you got to start saying the right thing.
Speak the Word of God.

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