Saturday, June 25

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone : Terri

Part of making progress, is being uncomfortable.

The #1 enemy to your success, is fear.

If you're gonna step out and pursue the dreams that God has put in your heart, its gonna require that you be full of faith.

How do you get full of faith?

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. -Romans 10:17

You have to feed your faith and starve your doubts.

What are you gonna need more than anything to step out of your comfort zone?

Faith. Its gonna take faith to do whatever it is God is telling you to do.

Another thing is speaking faith-filled scriptures out of your mouth and speaking positive declarations out of your mouth.

Fear not, there is nothing to fear.
For I am with you, I will strengthen you, and I will harden you to difficulties. -Isaiah 41:10

I can do this.

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