Thursday, June 16

Get Control of Your Clock and Calendar : Terri

Managing your time is a major key to your success.

Procrastination is a dream thief.

Make a list of maximum 10 things that you're putting off, that you know you need to get done.
Next, look at your calendar and schedule days in this month that you can begin going after these things.
Write the vision, make it plain -Bible
You have to appoint a time go after these things.
For example, Saturday 10 a.m., I'm gonna tackle that pantry.
Whatever it is, schedule time to after those things.

"... we beg you, please don't squander one bit of this marvellous life..." -2 Corinthians 6:1 MSG

There are only so many tomorrows.

When you conquer procrastination in the small areas, its gonna trickle over into the bigger areas of life.
Its gonna build your confidence.

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