Monday, June 13

Dream Distractions - Terri

Dream distraction called time.

Don't ever give up on your dreams.

Do you regret more of what you've done, or haven't done?

Look at the years you've got left and let's do something with it.

Vision is what causes you to wake up in the morning with purpose. It causes you to go from where you are to where you really want to be.

What you are going through is temporary.

God still wants to use you. But you've got to get your vision back. You have to keep your dreams alive.

The best way to keep your dreams alive is to spend time with God.
God gave you desires for a reason.
God gave you those desires. Honour those desires.

Spend some time with God.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you. -Matthew 6:33

As you spend some time with God, He's gonna direct your steps.

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