Thursday, June 16

7 Indicators You Have a Dream from God : Terri

Seven indicators:

1. If it captures your imagination and inspires you everyday.
Everything gets its start in the imagination.
Your imagination is a gift that God has given you.
He wants you to use your imagination.
Its a powerful thing.
Albert Einstein
Dolly Parton.

2. If it seems impossible and you're unable to fulfil it on your own.
Its impossible to please God without Faith. -Bible
God wants you to be dependent on Him.
Mary Kay.
Get in an environment that stretches you. Your environment can shrink you or stretch you.
Nothing's impossible with God.
You have to imagine yourself successful. Always picture yourself succeeding. Visualise the person you desire to become. -Mary Kay
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. -Luke 18:27

3. If it seems as though it will never come to pass, but deep down you're unwilling to give up on it. (8:24)
Most of life's failures are those who didn't realise how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison
Henry Ford - He actually went broke five times before he succeeded.
Pepsi - went bankrupt three times.
Quaker Oats - went bankrupt three times.
Wrigley's gums - went bankrupt three times.
Don't ever give up on your dream.
Don't ever give up on what you're believing God for.
Its in the valley where we grow, where we're stretched, where we're actually prepared to live on the mountain top.

4. If not everyone is as enthusiastic about it as you are.
The 18-40-60 rule. When you're 18, you worry what everybody thinks about you, when you're 40 you don't care what anybody thinks about you, when you're 60 you realise nobody's been thinking about you. - Dr. Daniel Amen
Don't be discouraged. You answer the call of God for your life.

5. If you have experienced resistance, difficulties, setbacks, and sometimes frustration over this dream.
God's trying to wake you up on the inside.
For a dream comes with much business and painful effort. -Ecclesiastes 5:3
Don't wish for things to be easier, wish for yourself to get better.
If a door closes, God will open another door. If all doors close, He'll open a window.
Don't give up on your dream.

6. If it seems to consume your thinking and it seems to get bigger and bigger on the inside.
Whatever you think about expands.
As a man thinks in his heart, so does he become. - Proverb 23:7
What you think about, you bring about.
The No.1 question that will stop you from dreaming is asking "How"?

7. If it seems to define who you are, and shape your life.
There is a connection between your purpose, your passion, and your potential.

Start taking action.
Its gonna take faith for you to get up and go after that dream that looks so impossible that's staring you in the face. You gotta have faith.
Growing myself spiritually so that I had the faith to believe all things are possible.

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