Monday, June 27

Find Your Time Map : Terri

Learning how to manage my time and conquering procrastination.

1. You could be tackling your most difficult projects or list of "things to do" at the wrong time.
Your energy plays such an important role in when you go after some of your goals.

2. Disorganized space will stop you from achieving your goals.

3. Developing a time-map.
You begin scheduling every activity of your life on this time-map from the moment you wake up till you go to sleep. This has been one of the greatest things for me to stay focused and to have peace.

4. Unrealistic lists of "things to do" block you from achieving your goals.
**7:29 to 8:17 Charles Schwab (Bethlehem Steel)
Write down the six most important things you have to do tomorrow.
Number them in the order of importance to you and the company.
Now put that paper in your pocket.
First thing, tomorrow morning, take it out and look at item number 1.
Don't look at the others, just look at number 1.
And start working on it, and stay with it until its completed.
Then take item number 2 the same way.
Then number 3 until you have to quit for the day.
Don't worry if you have finished only one or two because you will be working on the most important ones.
Do this every work day.

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