Wednesday, June 1

Why You Must Have Audacity : Terri

You must have AUDACITY.

Its gonna take a lot of nerve for you to believe, that, that dream can come to pass.

And that's what God wants you to have, nerve, courage, boldness.

God wants you to have the audacity to believe for big things.

It starts with your audacity to believe in yourself.

You must believe in yourself.

God is the master at making champions out of nobodies.

Have the audacity to believe that yes God can use me.

Its gonna take a lot of faith.

Its impossible to please God without faith. -Hebrews 11:6

God wants you to have that kind of faith, that you say, "Lord, there is no way this dream can happen unless you come on the scene and help me".

What to you have the audacity to dream?

Start with believing in yourself.

I have the audacity to believe that God can still use me and the same is true for you.

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