Tuesday, June 28

Points to remember - Startup software engineer

Even casual brand-building for yourself as a developer can bring payoffs in many ways that you might not imagine. The biggest reason for this is that your brand can scale in ways that you, as an individual, cannot. Which means it can bring you more, and higher quality, opportunities than you could necessarily find and chase down on your own.

You must learn to see technology as fundamentally supporting the business, not the other way around.

Remember that your primary goal in implementation should always be to build as simple a system as possible.

You can start to think and act like a CTO long before you ever carry that title. Your ability to focus on the needs of the business first and design creative technology solutions to those problems will propel you forward in your career and will bring you leadership opportunities before you know it.

Side projects are great fodder for your Github account, demonstrate your breadth of interest in technologies and products, and show that you have motivation in getting new things off the ground.

They allow you to learn new technologies and systems faster by parallelization and experimentation. They give you an opportunity to build your network via collaboration. They could also give you potential opportunities to learn other startup principles like failing fast, and systematizing your learning about products and customers.

Continue your technical education.

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