Monday, June 13

Why You Need to Define Success - Terri

How Do You Define Success?
If you were to ask fifty people in a room right now, how do you define success?, they would all probably say something totally different, because success is personal and it's unique to you.

I glorified You on earth by completing down to the last detail what You assigned me to do.
-John 17:4

I believe success is fulfilling your assignment.
Whatever God has called you to do, fulfilling that assignment, down to the last detail, before your time is up.

God has given us two types of sight:
1. Physical sight
2. Spiritual sight

Your imagination is a gift from God.

Now nothing they have imagined to do will be impossible for them.
-Genesis 11:6

You have to see yourself succeeding in here, before it ever shows up out here.

If you see nothing, you can expect nothing.

You will never leave where you are until you see where you would rather be.

Where? In your imagination. Right here, in your mind.

You have to see yourself doing that thing that looks impossible.

See yourself succeeding in here, before it shows up out here.

Have the audacity to see yourself succeeding in here, before it shows up out here.

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