Monday, June 13

Private Habits That Bring Public Rewards - Terri

The secret of your future is in your daily routine. It truly is.
Its what you do on a daily basis that leads you closer to success or farther.

Jack Canfield.

Listen to messages that cause you to grow, to increase, to get motivated.
Read good books.

What are you gonna do that's gonna help you achieve your goals, cause you to be more successful?
I believe it starts with your daily habits.

To whom much is given, much is required. -Luke 12:48

Have you ever been bitten by an elephant? What about a mosquito?
Its the little things that bite you.
The little disciplines, the little habits, the little behaviours.

Warren Buffet.

Make an investment in yourself.
Next year at this time you won't be where you are today.

Believe in yourself, develop good habits, so that you can achieve your dreams.

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