Monday, June 6

Effective Goal Setting Tips : Terri

How to set goals the right way?

SMART Goals:

1) Specific:
Be as specific as possible with your goals.
Ex. I will save $6000 by Dec 31st.
I will save $500 every month.

2) Measurable:
Be sure your goals are measurable.
Ex. I will weigh 120 pounds by May 31st.

3) Action-oriented
Use action verbs when setting your goals.
Ex. I will walk, 20 mins, 5 days a week.

4) Realistic
Be realistic when setting your goals.
Ex. I will save 10% of my current salary.

5) Timeline
Use a timeline when setting your goals.
It motivates you to finish.
Ex. I will finish this manuscript by Oct 31st.

6) Add pictures/images to your goals.
When you see that, and you're praying over these goals everyday, it causes your motivation to go to a whole new level.
I like to put numbers to my goals. I like to keep it as neat as possible. I put big visions up there too, but I also put smaller goals.
Put your goals somewhere in sight. Put it somewhere where you're gonna see it everyday.
I have two vision-boards. I have one at home for my personal goals, and I have one at my office for my business and ministry goals. When you see them, it keeps you just so compelled to wanna check those off. I see it everyday. I pray over it before I leave the house.
You become what you behold.

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