Friday, June 3

A Major Reason You're Not Getting What You Want​ : Terri

Ask, and you shall receive.

You have not, because you ask not. -James 4:2

Why you don't ask?
1) Ignorance
2) Low self-esteem
We don't feel worthy enough. We don't feel good enough to go before God.
God gives us more than we deserve.
3) Fear of rejection
You really didn't lose anything because you don't have it before you asked and you don't have it after you asked, so you really have lost nothing.
So when someone tells you 'no', your immediate response should just be 'next', and you just move on.

Throughout the Bible, God says to ask.

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence. -Ephesians 3:12

Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance. -Psalm 2:8

If any of you need wisdom ask God, He will give it to you. He gives freely to everyone. -James 1:5

Continually make your requests known to God... -Philippians 4:6-8

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