Friday, June 3

When Others Aren't Excited About Your Dream : Terri

If not everybody is as enthusiastic about your dream as you are, you probably have a dream from God.

One day you're gonna stand before God, and give an account for your life, not their life.
God's gonna say to you, "Did you do what I called you to do"?
You wanna stand before God and say, "Lord, I did everything you called me to do".

You have to listen to God for what He's telling you to do and get that focus. I am gonna do everything in my heart that's God put in there. I am gonna stand before God and say, "Lord, I did it". I did what you told me to do.

You have to consume your life with positive thinking.
If you don't have others speaking encouragement into your life, that's why you get your hands on books, podcasts.

What you repeatedly hear, you'll eventually believe.
You gotta fill your mind, fill your mouth, fill your eyes, with positive faith-filled encouragement.
You can do this.

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