Tuesday, November 13

The Power of A Morning Routine : Terri

The Power of A Morning Routine

Put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to anyone else around you.
When you get up, and you invest in yourself first, then you're prepared to invest in other people around you.

He claims that the majority of his success, is due to his morning routine.
-Tony Robbins

20 mins everyday = 10 hrs in a month

POOR - Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly

Every morning is an opportunity to get up and invest in you.

And I'm telling you, one month from now, you won't be the same person.

It doesn't matter what profession a person pursues, a morning routine is key to success.

To change your future, change your routine.

The toughest part is getting started.
Momentum builds in your life as you keep at it day after day after day.

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