Friday, November 16

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2 : Evan Carmichael

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2:

1. Get to know yourself.
To know yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
How would you know what you want in life, if you don't even spend time to get to know yourself?
And once you know what you want in life, you take the powers of concentration, and that finite amount of energy, and you focus it into what you want, and that will start to manifest in life, and the byproduct of that is happiness.

2. Develop your willpower.
Finish what you start.
If you can integrate this practice into everything that you do in your life, you become better at it and you develop better will.

3. Shape your mind.
Subconscious is very mouldable.

4. Live a joyful life.
We are here on this planet for a finite amount of time, make it a good one.

5. Concentrate.
I define concentration as the ability to keep that awareness on one thing for a prolonged period of time.
The best way to practice it is to integrate it into everything that you do in your life.
You really need to look at your life the same way a sprinter in the olympics looks at his life.
The best way to do it is to pick a few opportunities in your life.
And out of prolonged concentration comes the wonderful power of observation. You become more observant and when you become more observant, you see solutions quicker and you solve things quicker.

6. Manage the energy in your life.
Leaning how to manage your energy is really really important in life.
One of the most important ways to do it is, "Who are people that are uplifting in your life and who are the people that drain you?".

7. Be aware of your mortality.
Once you realize your time on earth is finite, you start to become more focused.

8. Live a balanced life.
When I am able to proportionately direct my energy, I know my life is in balance, but if my energy is not proportionately directed to the things and people that matter in my life, then, my life is out of balance.

9. Control your awareness.
Most people allow technology to control where their awareness goes in their mind.
As soon as we control where awareness goes, we're controlling where energy is flowing. As soon as we control where energy is flowing, we control what is manifesting in our life.

10. Start with just one thing.
A temple made of bricks is built one brick at a time.

Bonus: Lead by example.

Thank u Mr. Evan!!! Thank u Mr. Dandapani!!!

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