Saturday, November 17

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2 : Evan Carmichael

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2:

1. Step out of self-talk.

2. Go to the place where creativity arises.

3. Evolve through challenges.

4. Don't derive your identity from thinking.
Some people are afraid of not succeeding in whatever they do because their self-image which is derived from thinking would suffer.
I have learned something here, this is not for me, for example.

5. Use obstacles as opportunities.
They can become the greatest opportunity for spiritual awakening.
Use it as part of your practice.

6. Access your inner power.
There is a source of power in you that transcends the person.
You can have it right now at this very moment if you not stuck in your thinking mind.
Take your attention a little bit beyond the thinking mind, and then realize that you are the presence behind the thinking mind, without which there could be no thinking.
That aware presence is where power resides.
It connects you with universal power.

7. Interact fully.
You can actually begin to like and to enjoy the tiniest things around you, that would normally be completely overlooked. So the way in which you interact with the world of objects, that brings a richness into your life, that doesn't depend on how many objects you own. You don't need to own them to interact with them. You acknowledge their beingness.
Even so-called inanimate objects in a strange way have a life of their own.

8. Practice inner transformation.

9. Realize the formless in yourself.
The true sense of worthiness and of power (true power) comes when you realize the formless in yourself.
Then you are rooted in the formless so to speak or you are it.
There's enormous sense of worthiness in there.
Its not comparative.

10. Go beyond karma.
Karma is the complete absence of conscious presence.

Bonus: Meditate.

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