Sunday, November 18

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success:

1. Want it badly enough.
If you want something new, you have to give up something old.

2. Have clear goals.
Happiness is not a goal, it's a byproduct of something.

3. Uplift others.
You uplift yourself by uplifting somebody else.

4. Control your awareness.
I think understanding the mind is one of the most important things anybody can do.
That's one thing that we don't have a manual for.
The simplest way to understand the mind, is to understand the difference between awareness and the mind.
You are controlling awareness and where awareness goes in the mind.
Now you can keep awareness on one thing at a time and remain concentrated.
The best way to do this is to integrate the practice into your everyday life.

5. Surround yourself with success.
I want to develop a business that's successful.
I thought if I surrounded myself with these people, I could just learn from them.
I believe in the power of a community.

6. Get clarity.
When you realize that life is finite, you become clear of, all of a sudden, who and what is important in your life.

7. Push hard to get things done.
I think life is a sine wave, and sometimes you have to push really hard.

8. Be focused.
I learned coding in the monastery.
We took those concentration skills into everything we did.

9. Walk away from energy vampires.
If you're working so hard on yourself, to improve yourself, to be a better person, then why allow someone else to come and drain you away?
An entrepreneur who builds his business from nothing would never allow somebody to come and destroy his business.

10. Meditate.
When you get in the car and put on your seat belt, start the engine to drive somewhere, you have a destination.
So the same way when you sit down to meditate, there should be a destination, there should be some thing that you are reaching for. What is that goal, what is that purpose, its totally up to you.
Every meditation should have a goal and a purpose.
You figure out the goal that you want to get to. You figure out a systematic step and process towards getting there, and you do that everyday.

Bonus: Learn how to deal with stress.
The reason you are stressed is because you don't keep your awareness on one thing at a time.
Every time your awareness goes into the future or into the past in an uncontrolled way, bring it back to the present again.
Be mindful of this throughout the entire day.
Don't let your awareness go into the past or into the future in an uncontrolled way.

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