Monday, December 31

One Word That Will Change Your Life : Terri

The secret to concentration is elimination.
-Howard Hendricks

I wanna help you choose one single word, that you will focus on the rest of the year, no matter what time of the year it is, this will help you, just one word.

7:55 ~
What could you accomplish in your life, if you chose a word,
to keep you focused,
to help you make better decisions,
to stay ambitious, and
to hold yourself accountable?

I believe your one word will,
fuel your goals,
it'll give you a laser-like focus for the key areas of your life, and
it'll become a driving force to live your dreams.

For 2023, my one word is, Self-Love.

Apply the word 'self-love' to each day of 2023.
Apply the word 'self-love' to the most important areas of your life.

For 2022, my one word is, Boundaries.

For 2021, my one word is, Mindfulness.


1. Paying attention intentionally.

2. Mindfulness means intentionally and non judgmentally being open to the present moment with an attitude of curiosity.

3. The awareness that arises by paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally.

4. Mindfulness is a way of being.

5. Being where our feet are.


- I am not my mind.

- I am the part of me that can observe my hands, legs, eyes, body, personality, feelings, and thoughts. I am mindfulness.

- Be aware of your breathing. (Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space.)

- One conscious breath in and out is a meditation.

- Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body. 

- Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.

- What would it be like if I could accept life - accept this moment - exactly as it is?

- The point of power is always in the present moment.

- As if a flame of light is at the centre of your being, radiating the whole of your being.

- Inhabiting the body protects you by raising the frequency vibration of your total energy field.

Apply the word 'mindfulness' to each day of 2021.
Apply the word 'mindfulness' to the most important areas of your life.

For 2020, my one word is, Self-care.


1. Self-care means honouring and respecting the miraculous being that you are by listening with the ear of a dedicated mother to your feelings and needs, so you can create an environment that nurtures your physical, emotional, spiritual, and relationship selves.
-Counselor Carl

2. It’s partly about knowing when your resources are running low, and stepping back to replenish them rather than letting them all drain away.

3. As Agnes Wainman explained, self-care is “something that refuels us, rather than takes from us.”


- Put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to anyone else around you.

- When you start taking care of yourself, you start feeling better, you start looking better, and you start to attract better. It all starts with you.

- You gotta nourish to flourish.

- Affirm: I love myself. I approve of myself.

Apply the word 'self-care' to each day of 2020.
Apply the word 'self-care' to the most important areas of your life.

For 2019, my one word is, Self-discipline.

1. Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.
2. Self discipline is the ability you have to control and motivate yourself, stay on track and do what is right.
3. the ability to make yourself do the things you know you ought to do, without someone making you do them
4. Self-discipline also means self-control, the ability to avoid unhealthy excess of anything that could lead to negative consequences.
5. correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.

1. Having a broad structure to my day.
I am disciplined about having a broad structure to my day.
I am disciplined about my bed-time and rise-time.

1. 7am - 10am
2. 10:30 am - 5pm
3. 5:30pm - 10:30 pm
4. 11pm - 7am

1. Getting some 'Me-time'.
2. Working towards software development & practice.
3. Being more balanced, being able to devote time and energy to the key areas of my life.

I feel calm, quiet, energetic, nurtured, can do first things first and have time to myself (invest in myself).

(Write it on a sticky note and put it next to your desk/computer, so that you can see it every single day.)

2. Finishing what I start.
I have a habit of finishing what I start.

It's very satisfying to complete a project when you do it well.

Ms. Cilley is a proponent of breaking down a big job into small steps. For instance, don't try to clean the whole house in one go: Concentrate on just one room or even part of the room, like the kitchen countertops (save the sink for later). When you do take on that job, Flylady advises working for just 15 minutes at a time. Set a timer and when it rings, stop and rest or move onto something else. This technique is brilliant for three reasons. First, it eliminates procrastination because you can do anything for just 15 minutes. Second, it creates focus. And third, you don't get as bored.

How To Make Boring Tasks FUN!

Discipline equals freedom.
Love leads to discipline.

Apply the word 'self-discipline' to each day of 2019.
Apply the word 'self-discipline' to the most important areas of your life.

Sunday, December 30

Take The Love Languages Quiz And Discover Your Dominant Love Language

1. Words of Affirmation

If this is your love language, you may have tried the same approach with your significant other, only to be disappointed in their reaction (or lack thereof).

It matters so much to you when others express appreciation for your strengths, accomplishments, and for all that you do for them.

4. Acts of Service

You feel most loved when your spouse/partner does things for you that you want done — whether it’s taking out the garbage, helping out with housework, running errands, or something else.

Friday, December 28

How Well Do You REALLY Know Yourself? (Dandapani) : Evan Carmichael

4:23 to 5:42

My one word is Balance.

1. Health/Well-being, Spirituality (Rel. with God, being present, conscious)
2. Family, home, close friends
3. Profession/Work, finances, learning/practice, network
4. Time off, rejuvenation, hobbies, fun (a change from routine)
- Space

What does 'Balance' look like to me?
How do I apply that to my Life?
How do I apply that to my well-being?
How to I apply Balance to my relationships?
How do I apply Balance to my business, to my career?
How do I apply Balance everywhere in my life?

There is an area in your life that you are not happy, and you figured out out what your one word is, that's the lens, that's gonna tell you why?


1. to be in a position where you will stand without falling to either side, or to put something in this position.
2. to give several things equal amounts of importance, time, or money so that a situation is successful.
3. A situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
4. If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance.
5. harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design)

Balance is having the right amount — not too much or too little — of any quality, which leads to harmony or evenness. You might admire the balance someone has achieved between working hard and having fun.


The purpose planner:

1. Find your who.
What is your most important core value?

2. Figure out your why.
I believe that your purpose comes from your pain.

3. Figure out your how.


What's within My Boundaries?

1. Feelings
2. Attitudes and Beliefs
3. Behaviours
4. Choices
5. Values
6. Limits
    a. setting limits on our own exposure to people who are behaving poorly.
    b. setting our own internal limits. we need to be able to say no to ourselves.
7. Resources and Gifts
8. Thoughts
    a. we must own our own thoughts.
    b. we must grow in knowledge and expand our minds.
    c. we must clarify distorted thinking.
9. Desires
10. Love

These lie within our boundaries.

(from the book titled 'Boundaries')

Five Ways to Find Love Without Being Attached to the Outcome

Monday, December 17

Brené Brown's Top 10 Rules For Succcess : Evan Carmichael

“You HAVE to Make a CHOICE: Am I Going to SHOW UP?” - Brené Brown

Brené Brown's Top 10 Rules For Succcess:

1. Show up.
Three things shifted in me:
i. It's not about winning, it's not about losing,  it's about showing up and being seen.
ii. If you've committed to creating in your life, you will get your ass kicked.
iii. If you are also not in the arena and getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback.

2. Cultivate Authenticity.
Letting go of what people think.
Authenticity is a practice.

3. Set Boundaries.
Boundary is simply what's ok and what's not ok.
Generosity cannot exist without boundaries.
They are the key to self-love, and they are the key to treating others with love and kindness.

4. Actively practice gratitude.
Practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives.
A tangible gratitude practice.
It's not joy that makes us grateful, it''s gratitude that makes us joyful.

5. Embrace vulnerability.
Vulnerability is the centre of difficult emotion, but it's also the birthplace of every positive emotion that we need in our lives, love, belonging, joy, empathy.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation, change.

6. Let go of perfectionism.
Its fear.
I call perfectionism the 20 ton shield. We carry it around thinking its gonna protect us from being hurt but protects us from being seen.

7. Explore your emotions.
Shame drives two tapes,
1. Not good enough, &
2. Who do you think you are?
When something hard happens and we're captured by something difficult, our emotions get the first crack at making sense of something.
Stop and say, 'wait a minute, what's actually going on here, what am I feeling, what do I know for sure?'.
Recognize you've been snagged by emotion and get curious about it.
What am I feeling and what do I need to know more about?

8. Build shame resilience.
Shame cannot hold on when we name it.
Men and women with high levels of shame resilience, use the word and talk about the emotion.

9. Risk failure.
There is no innovation and creativity without failure.

10. Don't have any regrets.
What if I would've shown up? What would've been different?

Bonus: Let yourself be seen.
We live in a vulnerable world.
There's another way:
1. to let ourselves be seen,
2. to love with our whole hearts, even though there is no guarantee.
3. to practice gratitude and joy.
4. to believe that we're enough.

Wednesday, December 12

12 Essential Quotes for Healing, Recovery, and Good Mental Health : Counselor Carl

Self-Care = Self Esteem = Stress Management : Counselor Carl

Self-care includes caring for one's physical, emotional, spiritual, and relationship needs.

To summarize: Self-care means honouring and respecting the miraculous being that you are by listening with the ear of a dedicated mother to your feelings and needs, so you can create an environment that nurtures your physical, emotional, spiritual, and relationship selves.

Self-care decreases depression, anxiety, anger, and stress, and improves self-esteem.

Monday, December 3

If you want to grow through pain, watch this by Gaur Gopal Das

We have a choice, to accept the right kind of pain that initially hurts but eventually heals, or the wrong kind of pain, where in the beginning things are so comfortable but at the end endlessly complex.

The pain of exercise, or the pain of disease.
The pain of studying hard, or the pain of being unworthy.
The pain of effort at work, or the pain of stagnation.
The pain of adjusting with a loved one, or the pain of a broken heart.
Which one will you choose?
The right kind of pain, or the wrong kind of pain. You will have to choose one. Choose the right one, and live your life right.

Have Hope (Gaur Gopal Das) : Evan Carmichael

I think the parameter, the principle, the value, the ethic that actually helps us continue with perseverance and patience is hope.
Hope is that one element that can keep us going.

Wednesday, November 28

Healthy Self Care Habits (Relaxing & Reducing Anxiety) : Rachel Talbott

1. Stretch & Recovery

2. Get your heart rate up

3. Connect with Nature & Escape

4. Self-Reflection & Prayer

5. Develop a Bedtime routine
Calm App

Thank you Ms. Rachel!

Tuesday, November 27

7 Things Unsuccessful People Do : Terri

1. They complain.
(complains or gratitude)

2. They are always late.

3. They blame others.

4. They waste money.

5. They surround themselves with other unsuccessful people.

6. They watch a lot of TV.

7. They gossip.

God is gonna hold you accountable for what He's called you to do, not what He's called others to do.

The unsuccessful habits that I just listed, think about those and do the opposite.

Thank you Ms. Terri!

Tuesday, November 20

3 Signs you Will Be Successful One Day : Terri

3 Signs you Will Be Successful One Day:

1. You make a quality decision to take responsibility for your life.
I believe you have the will to succeed, now it's time to follow-up your will with firm decisions.

2. You have to practice self-discipline behind the scenes.
What you do privately is more important than what people see publicly.

3. You give honour where honour is due.
Honour where you are on the way to where you're going.
What you're doing right now and how you're doing it, is the most important thing about what God will give you next.
When you honour what God is doing now, you'll be prepared for what's next.
Above all else, honour God.

Somebody in need is waiting on the other side of your obedience.

Monday, November 19

Gaur Gopal Das' Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Gaur Gopal Das' Top 10 Rules For Success:

1. Don't give in.
Don't give in to the mind.

2. Learn how to respond.
It's called, things which are out of our control.
A lot of things, situations, people are just out of our control.
Between the stimulus and response is our choice.

3. Don't lead the life of "I".
Ask, "What you can do for God?".

4. Grow through life.

5. Focus on the good.

6. Live a balanced life.

7. Face your fears.

8. Don't worry.

9. Choose how you live your life.

10. Tell great stories.

- Solve problems.
- Serve.
- Be truly rich.

Sunday, November 18

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success : Evan Carmichael

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success:

1. Want it badly enough.
If you want something new, you have to give up something old.

2. Have clear goals.
Happiness is not a goal, it's a byproduct of something.

3. Uplift others.
You uplift yourself by uplifting somebody else.

4. Control your awareness.
I think understanding the mind is one of the most important things anybody can do.
That's one thing that we don't have a manual for.
The simplest way to understand the mind, is to understand the difference between awareness and the mind.
You are controlling awareness and where awareness goes in the mind.
Now you can keep awareness on one thing at a time and remain concentrated.
The best way to do this is to integrate the practice into your everyday life.

5. Surround yourself with success.
I want to develop a business that's successful.
I thought if I surrounded myself with these people, I could just learn from them.
I believe in the power of a community.

6. Get clarity.
When you realize that life is finite, you become clear of, all of a sudden, who and what is important in your life.

7. Push hard to get things done.
I think life is a sine wave, and sometimes you have to push really hard.

8. Be focused.
I learned coding in the monastery.
We took those concentration skills into everything we did.

9. Walk away from energy vampires.
If you're working so hard on yourself, to improve yourself, to be a better person, then why allow someone else to come and drain you away?
An entrepreneur who builds his business from nothing would never allow somebody to come and destroy his business.

10. Meditate.
When you get in the car and put on your seat belt, start the engine to drive somewhere, you have a destination.
So the same way when you sit down to meditate, there should be a destination, there should be some thing that you are reaching for. What is that goal, what is that purpose, its totally up to you.
Every meditation should have a goal and a purpose.
You figure out the goal that you want to get to. You figure out a systematic step and process towards getting there, and you do that everyday.

Bonus: Learn how to deal with stress.
The reason you are stressed is because you don't keep your awareness on one thing at a time.
Every time your awareness goes into the future or into the past in an uncontrolled way, bring it back to the present again.
Be mindful of this throughout the entire day.
Don't let your awareness go into the past or into the future in an uncontrolled way.

Saturday, November 17

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2 : Evan Carmichael

Eckhart Tolle's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2:

1. Step out of self-talk.

2. Go to the place where creativity arises.

3. Evolve through challenges.

4. Don't derive your identity from thinking.
Some people are afraid of not succeeding in whatever they do because their self-image which is derived from thinking would suffer.
I have learned something here, this is not for me, for example.

5. Use obstacles as opportunities.
They can become the greatest opportunity for spiritual awakening.
Use it as part of your practice.

6. Access your inner power.
There is a source of power in you that transcends the person.
You can have it right now at this very moment if you not stuck in your thinking mind.
Take your attention a little bit beyond the thinking mind, and then realize that you are the presence behind the thinking mind, without which there could be no thinking.
That aware presence is where power resides.
It connects you with universal power.

7. Interact fully.
You can actually begin to like and to enjoy the tiniest things around you, that would normally be completely overlooked. So the way in which you interact with the world of objects, that brings a richness into your life, that doesn't depend on how many objects you own. You don't need to own them to interact with them. You acknowledge their beingness.
Even so-called inanimate objects in a strange way have a life of their own.

8. Practice inner transformation.

9. Realize the formless in yourself.
The true sense of worthiness and of power (true power) comes when you realize the formless in yourself.
Then you are rooted in the formless so to speak or you are it.
There's enormous sense of worthiness in there.
Its not comparative.

10. Go beyond karma.
Karma is the complete absence of conscious presence.

Bonus: Meditate.

Friday, November 16

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2 : Evan Carmichael

Dandapani's Top 10 Rules For Success Volume 2:

1. Get to know yourself.
To know yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
How would you know what you want in life, if you don't even spend time to get to know yourself?
And once you know what you want in life, you take the powers of concentration, and that finite amount of energy, and you focus it into what you want, and that will start to manifest in life, and the byproduct of that is happiness.

2. Develop your willpower.
Finish what you start.
If you can integrate this practice into everything that you do in your life, you become better at it and you develop better will.

3. Shape your mind.
Subconscious is very mouldable.

4. Live a joyful life.
We are here on this planet for a finite amount of time, make it a good one.

5. Concentrate.
I define concentration as the ability to keep that awareness on one thing for a prolonged period of time.
The best way to practice it is to integrate it into everything that you do in your life.
You really need to look at your life the same way a sprinter in the olympics looks at his life.
The best way to do it is to pick a few opportunities in your life.
And out of prolonged concentration comes the wonderful power of observation. You become more observant and when you become more observant, you see solutions quicker and you solve things quicker.

6. Manage the energy in your life.
Leaning how to manage your energy is really really important in life.
One of the most important ways to do it is, "Who are people that are uplifting in your life and who are the people that drain you?".

7. Be aware of your mortality.
Once you realize your time on earth is finite, you start to become more focused.

8. Live a balanced life.
When I am able to proportionately direct my energy, I know my life is in balance, but if my energy is not proportionately directed to the things and people that matter in my life, then, my life is out of balance.

9. Control your awareness.
Most people allow technology to control where their awareness goes in their mind.
As soon as we control where awareness goes, we're controlling where energy is flowing. As soon as we control where energy is flowing, we control what is manifesting in our life.

10. Start with just one thing.
A temple made of bricks is built one brick at a time.

Bonus: Lead by example.

Thank u Mr. Evan!!! Thank u Mr. Dandapani!!!

Tuesday, November 13

When God closes one door in our lives, He opens another.

When One Door Closes Another Opens – God Will Open Another Door

The Power of A Morning Routine : Terri

The Power of A Morning Routine

Put your oxygen mask on first, before you attend to anyone else around you.
When you get up, and you invest in yourself first, then you're prepared to invest in other people around you.

He claims that the majority of his success, is due to his morning routine.
-Tony Robbins

20 mins everyday = 10 hrs in a month

POOR - Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly

Every morning is an opportunity to get up and invest in you.

And I'm telling you, one month from now, you won't be the same person.

It doesn't matter what profession a person pursues, a morning routine is key to success.

To change your future, change your routine.

The toughest part is getting started.
Momentum builds in your life as you keep at it day after day after day.

Saturday, October 27

"PRESS the REFRESH Button!" - Gaur Gopal Das : Evan Carmichael

Remind yourself that this is important.
Today is important.

Q. What is the thing that is holding you back from taking immediate action on your big goal?

Planning my week.
Looking at the week ahead. Planning out the big important things, the things that are non-negotiable and scheduling those out and then scheduling everything else around those big blocks.
My non-negotiables:
1. Health & Spirituality
2. Relationships [sat. lunch, sat. movie]
3. Creative work & Finances (earning n managing)
4. Fun & Hobby(s)

You don't have the ability to respect your time, nobody else will.
And I am always coming from a place of wanting to serve, its not an ego-centric position.

Monday, October 22


I prioritise what's important.
I need to simplify my life to who and what's important in my life.

You have the choice.

Peer pressure, social pressure.
They're doing this, so we should do this as well.

I do what I feel I need to do.

Law of thermodynamics states you cannot create or destroy energy, but you can transfer it from one thing to another or transform it from one thing to another.

So I can't create more energy, I only have this much.
Because come 11 o'clock tonight, I'll be exhausted and ready to sleep.

Energy is a finite resource. It needs to be wisely managed.

Sunday, October 21

You Deserve to Chill: How to Create Space to Heal and De-stress : tiny buddha

Creating Space for the Big Things in Life


It pays off to create space for the big moments in life.

Space to be present and space to do whatever the hell you feel like doing in the moment!

If you have a big life moment coming up (maybe you’re getting married, having a baby, starting a new job or moving house), I would highly recommend taking some time out to create some space. Look at what you can cancel for a few weeks knowing that it will still be there when the dust settles.

Simple Life Strategy: How to Create Space for the Big Things

1. Take some time to create space before the big life moment arrives! (it’s likely you’ll be too overwhelmed once you’re in the middle of it)

2. Don’t’ be afraid to switch up your usual daily routines for a while – they will still be there when you get back to normal and its good to have a break

3. Don’t try to just keep on doing everything that you usually would, as you need extra emotional & physical space during big life moments

4. If things get ugly check in to see if you’re over-thinking or over-complicating things? How can you simplify?

5. Relax and enjoy being present in the moment! This is one thing you probably will remember when your life flashes before you so it’s worth making it a good one!

Creating Space for You to Show Up in Your Life

Creating Space for You to Show Up in Your Life

One thing I have discovered is that you need to make space for the things that you want to come into your life; whether that is a new relationship, new job or healing. Whatever it may be.

When we create space in our lives by removing the things that no longer work for us – bad habits, clutter, unhealthy relationships, etc., we create the space for new energy, new people, new opportunities.

This means, things you do not use. People who use you. Cupboard clutter that makes you anxious. A job that drains you. Roles you play that make you feel awkward, cheated, compromised, heavy, confused…used — they all need to go. I do not need to tell you, you already know it... and not just because it will make you breath a sigh of relief, to no longer feel burdened, to relieve stress and make you feel lighter. It is because possibility requires space to unfold.

So I invite you to create space and to see what happens.
The possibilities are endless…

5 TRICKS to Develop UNSTOPPABLE Confidence | Evan Carmichael (BelieveLife)

5 TRICKS to Develop UNSTOPPABLE Confidence

1. Take action.

2. Become somebody else.

3. Keep the promises you made to you.

4. Do martial arts.

5. Let regret drive you.

Bonus point: Study the alchemy.

Answer these three questions:

Q.1) What regret can you use to drive you?

Q.2) What promise did you make to yourself that you need to keep?

Q.3) Who do you need to become to accomplish your goals?

How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic : tiny buddha

How to Overcome Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathetic

Over time, I discovered four powerful ways to help manage emotional energy.

1. Practice awareness.

I noticed that if I wasn’t aware of what I was feeling, either in response to an internal shift, such as a hormonal or mood change, or a reaction to another person’s strong emotion, I was much more likely to be reactive and act out in a way that wouldn’t feel good to me.

With awareness, I could consciously choose a response and an action that I could feel good about.

2. Understand the nature of energy.
A big key to healing for me has been the understanding that my response to my environment also feeds the energy.

If my daughter comes home from a long day at school expressing negativity, if I feed on that, consciously or unconsciously, by being in any way critical, negative, or judgmental myself, I will only increase the dark energy that is now in the kitchen.

3. Don’t take anything personally.

I have learned to trust that other people, even those I love the most, need to learn life’s lessons through their own experiences and insights.

I’m not responsible for fixing the energy or the situation. My only responsibility was and is, how am I managing my own energy: am I adding goodness, love, and warmth to the space and people around me, or am I contributing to the creation of a frenetic and fearful environment?

4. Balance yourself.

The key to staying balanced for me is to continuously stay connected to my heart—my deeper, spiritual self—and when I stray from there by getting caught up in the voices in my head or the drama unfolding around me, to know the short-cut back to center.

For me, the most powerful way to do this is with a form of meditation that I call self-hypnosis.

This method helped me to heal so many aspects of my life, including my health, which had deteriorated at a young age, my weight, and food addiction issues as well as my relationships. Any type of meditation—and even just a few minutes of deep breathing—can help us center ourselves.

I used to think my only two choices were to react to negative energy with negativity or to withdraw and detach. Neither option was conducive to building strong, supportive relationships or to my own happiness.

I now know that when someone throws me a stone, I can throw back a flower (as a wise spiritual teacher once recommended), and I can feel great about it!

Saturday, October 20

The Definitive Guide to Understanding Proactivity and Becoming a Proactive Entrepreneur : Medium

Let’s start off simple: What does it mean to be proactive? According to Merriam-Webster, it means, “acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.”

Put differently, being proactive means completing carefully-planned actions to achieve the goals that move the needle most for your business.It means focusing on what’s important, not just what’s urgent.

So what does it take to be proactive? In a word, discipline.

Because in the end, success isn’t the result of circumstance; it’s the result of response to circumstance. And that’s the heart of self-discipline.

Here are the three best things you can do to bolster your self-discipline today.

1. Create a Compelling Reason to Stay Disciplined

When reactive temptations arise, you’ll need a reason to remain disciplined.

You’re much more likely to stay disciplined if you have a compelling reason to do so; a clear and motivating picture of what you’re working towards. That’s where goals come in.

In the face of distraction and temptation, goals are a vital tool to stay proactive, disciplined, and on-track to success.

2. Eliminate Procrastination

For the sake of your productivity, here are five steps to channel self-discipline and beat procrastination. According to Harvard Business Review:

- Vividly imagine how it’ll feel to complete the task you’re putting off,

- Visualize the consequences of failing to complete that task,

- Publicly commit to completing it by a clear deadline,

- Identify the first step to get started, and

- Reward yourself for completing the first step.

Once you’ve taken that first step, the momentum and follow-through often take care of themselves.

3. Just Say No

At any point, there are near-endless demands on your time.

It’s time to take back control of your time, and that starts by saying “No.”

Next time you get a request for your time, ask yourself: “Is this aligned with what I’ve decided to proactively work on this week?” If the answer’s no, your response should probably be no.

Here’s how it works: Instead of saying “I can’t … ” or “I won’t … ”, which are perceived as negative and personal, say, “I don’t …” which is more general and sets a precedent for future requests.

With this approach, you aren’t rejecting the person, you’re rejecting the event. For example:
- I don’t respond to emails after 8:00PM,
- I don’t meet outside of the office, or
- I don’t reply to Slack messages over the weekend.

An added bonus: When you make an “I don’t” statement, you set a rule. As people become familiar with that rule, you’ll face fewer similar demands in the future.

I am very grateful for this article. It is very helpful.
Thank u Patrick Ewers and Medium.
Thank u God.

You are not your goals : Medium

Go for a run if you can, and see what I mean. Instead of focussing on the 10k mark, focus on running the next 100m. Bring your goals closer and closer to you until what you are doing is no longer goal-oriented at all, but just a mode of being. You are running (verb) rather than ‘going for a run’ (noun). Paradoxically you’ll run further.

Since I’ve noticed this, I’ve drawn parallels in other parts of my life.

By committing yourself to learning (verb) rather than the state (noun) of having learnt something, you will get to that state quicker and take more in.

Now that’s not to say that goal setting isn’t important. I wouldn’t have even embarked on a run if I hadn’t had some vague notion of fitness to motivate me. I’m saying that you should identify modes of being that 1) you enjoy, and 2) get you to where you want to be, and commit to putting yourself in those modes.

Keyword: 'mode of being'

I think both are important. There may be cases where one is more applicable than the other. But, generally both are important.

I am very grateful for this article. I feel I learnt something substantial.
Thank u Matt Oxley and Medium.
Thank u God.

Thursday, October 11

Wednesday, October 10

"SURROUND Yourself With GREATNESS!" | Oprah Winfrey : Evan Carmichael

What is the single greatest source of positivity that you want more of in your life?

Journaling (S.J.)
Inspiration board in my study

Tuesday, October 9

Zumba class

I took my first Zumba class yesterday, here in LB club, Noida.
The instructor's name is Ms. Shweta Kanojia.
I hope and pray that I continue doing Zumba.
Thank you God :)

Zumba : Aerobic Exercise

If you just love to move your body to the music, then Zumba is for you.

Usually consisting of a fusion of movements, Zumba features Latin inspired dances at its core including salsa, merengue, cumbia and many more. Of course individual Zumba instructors bring their own flavours and dances to their classes, meaning that no class is ever the same as another.

Most Zumba classes are an hour long. They begin with a dynamic warm-up and end with a cool down and some static stretching. The workout portion is broken down by song, each with a different dance routine. While many of the dance moves instructors use are pre-choreographed by Zumba, instructors often add their own flair, dance steps or even create an entirely new routine to their favourite songs.

Zumba is also unique in that its instructors don't speak much. Instead they cue you on what to do with hand signals of which direction to move, or a loud hand clap that signifies that it's time to move to a new move. Overall, participants learn as they go through repetition and by example.

Sunday, September 23

Push Yourself: Go After What You Want : Terri

Be aggressive with your faith.

Faith without action is dead.

Nick Woodman:
He had to be aggressive no matter how much he lost in the past.

Jack Andraka

I wanna encourage you, be aggressive, push yourself. Why? Because nobody else is gonna do it for you.

Remember, I am cheering you on to live your dreams.

Saturday, September 22

Stop living for everyone else - Mel Robbins

The reality is, parents and people who truly care about you aren’t looking for perfection, they are looking for connection.

Thursday, September 20

7 Tips for Reducing Anxiety, Rumination and Avoidance

Very good article:

7 Tips for Reducing Anxiety, Rumination and Avoidance:

1. Learn to tolerate not knowing the reasons for someone else's behavior.

2. Learn to recognize when you're avoiding doing something you want to do because you can't be completely certain of a positive outcome.

3. Learn to delegate.

4. Learn to recognize when you're taking too much responsibility for protecting others from possible negative outcomes.

5. Learn when to stop seeking information and start acting.

6. Learn to recognize when you’re procrastinating getting started due to feeling unsure.

7. Learn to recognize when you're jumping from one idea to the next due to intolerance of uncertainty.

The trap for people with intolerance of uncertainty is that sometimes behaviors like overthinking, doing extra checking, seeking extra information, and taking excessive responsibility do help prevent things going wrong. Look at whether, on balance, these things help you or whether they mostly just perpetuate your stress and anxiety, hold you back, and cause problems in your relationships. You can then make adjustments based on your own assessment.

Monday, September 17

Trust Your Intuition: If It Feels Like a No, It’s a No : Tiny buddha

1. I regularly check in with my body.

2. I look for the next right step instead of trying to figure out a thirty-year plan.
If I’m frazzled and worrying about a million things that are work or business related, I slow myself down and ask what has to be done right now. The answer is usually something simple, like answer this email or take a break for lunch and come back when I feel refreshed.

3. I do the thing that makes me feel good whenever possible.

4. I ask questions with the intention of getting an answer.
Instead of walking around all day thinking “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do,” I now make a point of asking, either in writing or in my head, “What’s the best thing for me?” It takes practice, but you’ll get answers, even if they’re subtle.

You already know the answer; you just have to listen.

Relationships: 4 Questions For Success by Gaur Gopal Das

Q.1) Am I the right person to correct the other individual? And who is the right person?

Am I a relative?
Am I a friend?
Am I an authority in any way that I can give a corrective feedback?

Q.2) Do I have the right motive to correct?

Q.3) Do you actually know the right way to correct?

Q.4) Is it the right time to give the feedback?

"Listen to the UNIVERSE!" | Oprah Winfrey : Evan Carmichael

The Universe speaks to us always.
First, in whispers. And a whisper usually in your life feels like,
Hmm... that's odd...
Hmm... that doesn't make any sense...
Hmm... is that right?
It just really feels like that. Its that kind of subtle.

Three-step process:
1. Audit (3:36)
2. Act (4:51)
the 5-95 rule.
you can think of the idea, but it's the feeling that you get by acting that dictates the momentum and ultimately whether you would get results or not.
3. Adjust (6:13)
it's about acting and then adjusting.
the plan you start with is never going to be the plan you end up with.
it's the ability to adjust your initial idea and then change it and make it better.
Lamborghini, Wrigley's, BMW.

Saturday, September 15





1. What's truly important actually lies within you.

2. Unless what is within you comes out you can't make an impact.

3. Unless you go through sharpening, what is within you will not come out.

4. Erase, correct mistakes, and rewrite our stories.

Loneliness and How to Uplift Yourself | Dandapani

Excellent Video in entirety.

"Lean on your own spine."

Friday, September 14


"Take 5 minutes out of the day every morning."

"You can't know what you want until you spend time with yourself."

"Are You Willing to PAY the PRICE?" | Dandapani : Evan Carmichael

"If you want something new, you have to give up something old."

Tired of Waiting? How to Thrive When Your Life Feels On Hold : Tiny buddha

Start by trying one of the steps above tomorrow morning when you get out of bed.

Try a different step every day. Keep those that work and lose those that don’t.

You can make this period of waiting in your life a personal success!

Tuesday, September 4

Overcoming FEAR by Gaur Gopal das

This is one of the most beautiful messages I've ever heard.
Thank you Mr. Gaur Gopal Das and Youtube.

When the motive is to serve and contribute, we have to face our fears.
We have to deal with our fears, face them, and rise above them.

In order to deal with these fears, we have to face them, we have to start somewhere, and if our motive is to serve, I think, God is there to help us.

When you run alone, its called race, but when God runs with you, that's called grace.

So when I'm by myself, to deal with all of these things is difficult, but when I have God with me, because the purpose is to serve Him, and to serve His children in this world, by His grace we can all do something beautiful and wonderful for the world.

Why you never have to worry in life again by Gaur Gopal Das

Thursday, August 30

The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TED Talk

ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE! by Gaur Gopal das

"Gratitude is the attitude which gives us the fortitude to deal with the toughest challenges of life."

If you want fulfilment in life, watch this by Gaur Gopal Das

Gaur Gopal Das

I. Life

1. Whenever you feel discouraged in life, Watch This [<3 <3 <3]

2. Overcoming FEAR [<3 <3 <3]

3. If You Feel Like Giving Up Watch This [<3 <3 <3]

4. Keep going! Your failures don't define you! [<3 <3]

5. If you want to grow through pain, watch this [<3]

These 3 tips can change your life [<3]

 Your LIFE is your CHOICE [<3]


NO PAINS NO GAINS - 4 Life Changing Lessons [<3]


The most DEADLY letter of the ALPHABET [<3]

Watch this to know what baldness taught me [<3]

If you are feeling hurt watch this

Problems: A part of life

If Your PROBLEMS Are Beyond Your CONTROL, Watch This


If you want REAL PEACE, watch this

If you struggle to make the right choice WATCH THIS

If you want fulfilment in life, watch this


Why you never have to worry in life again

Don't Relax, Be The Driver

WATCH this if YOU want to know your FUTURE


Looks can be deceptive, to find out HOW, watch this

If you struggle to make the right choice WATCH THIS by Gaur Gopal Das


It's like the beautiful, colourful, fragrant rose, those emotional feelings. But it is also like accepting the thorn that comes along with the rose, those weaknesses, those shortcomings, those faults.

Love is about complete acceptance, a package deal like a rose, beautiful in its colour and fragrance, but also coming along with the thorn.

If you want REAL PEACE, watch this by Gaur Gopal Das

Watch this if you STRUGGLE to FORGIVE others by Gaur Gopal das


CHANGE your VISION to CHANGE your LIFE by Gaur Gopal Das

If Your PROBLEMS Are Beyond Your CONTROL, Watch This by Gaur Gopal Das

Problems: A part of life by Gaur Gopal Das

Wednesday, July 25

WHY YOU NEED A SELF-CARE LIST: manage your stress + enhance your well-being

Self-care list:

1. All is well... (affirmation)

2. Word of God and Hanuman Chalisa.

3. 1 or 3 or 5 breaths

4. Read 10 inspirational quotes.

5. Do guided body scan meditation.

6. Get some fresh air.

7. Listen to some upbeat songs.

8. Talk to / Video chat with / Hug a family member or a close friend :)

9. Read books/magazines/blogs.

10. Color.

11. Dance/ Zumba.

12. Watch a TV show/Movie, laughter :)

13. Evoke good memories (photos/videos).

14. Treat Yo Self :) (pamper yourself. whatever it is that you find yourself wanting to do alone, do it.)
      - apply a face mask.
      - have a cup of tea / a glass of neebu paani.

15. Journal / Spend time with God.

16. Write / read a list of things you are grateful for. *

What are those activities that make you happy, relaxed, nurtured, soothed, rejuvenated?

Tuesday, July 17

Inspiration (Waka Waka)

You're on the front line, Everyone's watching.
You know its serious, we're getting closer, this isn't over.

The pressure is on, You feel it.
But you've got it all, Believe it.

1 Trick to Solve any Programming Problem!

Wednesday, April 25

Study / Office

Finally, I have a pin board in my study/office. I am sooo grateful.
The doors of both my cupboards are repaired.
The clothes hanging rope in the balcony is changed and functional. It's looking so much better.
Thank u to everyone involved.
Thank u God <3

Friday, February 16

Desperate times call for desperate measures (and furious dancing).

Tuesday, February 13

CHANGE Your LIFE With The 5 SECOND Rule (MentorMeMel) : Evan Carmichael

1. Move from idea to action.

2. Be energized.

3. Take control of your thoughts.

4. It's a mind trick that causes focus.
the 5-second rule.

Bonus: Habit of hesitation is killing your dreams.

Monday, February 12

The Power Of Positive Affirmations : Terri

Speak consistently over the direction you want your life to go.

We serve a God who gives life to the dead and He speaks of non-existent things as if they already exist.
-Romans 4:17

Only you can do this for yourself.
You can't hire someone else to do your pushups.
-Jim Rohn

5 P's of Positive Affirmations:
1. Positive
2. Personal
3. Present Tense
4. Precise
5. Passion

Show God that you trust him.

Saturday, February 10


My parents came here yesterday.
Papa came from Goa, where he was attending a conference of 'Century Paper Mills'. He took a cab and reached here at around 8 pm.
Then he and I had dinner. He really liked the pattagobhi-matar ki sabzi.
He is having cold.
Ma came from Jbp. Her flight was delayed by 3 hrs. My spouse went by metro to pick her up at the airport (international terminal). She travelled by zoom air. They came back by Uber and reached here at 11 pm.
Then they had dinner.
Ma brought green chatney, gajar ka halwa, kele ke chips, mithai, juice etc.
She also brought tithi ke calanders.
Then Ma and I talked for some time.

Today morning, they left for Aligarh by car to attend Prateek's marriage.

Thank u God.

Tuesday, January 23

Goal-Setting: 11 Minutes that Can Change Your Life : Terri

How to effectively set goals:

1. Write your goals for 30 days.

2. Set 7 to 10 goals.

3. Be specific.

4. Assign a deadline.

5. Stretch outside your comfort zone.

6. Put your goals in sight.

Saturday, January 20

The 5 Most IMPORTANT Business SKILLS EVERY Entrepreneur MUST Have! : Evan Carmichael

The 5 Most IMPORTANT Business SKILLS EVERY Entrepreneur MUST Have!:

1. Learn to influence and persuade.

2. Amaze your customers.

3. Articulate your vision clearly.

4. Have a plan.

5. Question everything
Always ask, 'Why you do things'?

6. Listening.

7. Communication.

Wednesday, January 17

Updates Android

Updated to Android Studio 3.0.1 and Android API 27 yesterday.
Thank you God :)

Wednesday, January 10

Winter : Cheeku

Had 3 of the yummiest cheekus.
They were sooooo sweet.

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Tuesday, January 9

"Padmavati Song" Ghoomar: Deepika Padukone


My Self Care Goals - 2018 : Rachel Talbott

My Self Care Goals - 2018

1. (Getting a) Healthy start in my day.

2. Organize something.

3. (Physical) Movement.

4. Quiet Time, Self-Reflection & Vitamin D.
best case scenerio: I just sit down and listen to the birds chirp and I just let the sun hit my face, and it makes a massive difference in my mood. Just a little bit of sun and just some time to pray or self-reflect everyday.

5. Skincare.

6. Special Treatments & Supplements.

7. Following My Passion (Exploring hobbies and creative expression).

Friday, January 5

The Anatomy of Change : Developer Tea

The Anatomy of Change
1. Pre-contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation
To allow your life to accommodate the new changes that you are about to make.

4. Action

5. Maintenance

Thursday, January 4

Practical Advice for Changing Your Habits : Developer Tea

Practical Advice for Changing Your Habits

Opt yourself in to your good behaviours by default.

Automate your good intentions.

Wednesday, January 3

Tips to Structure Your Day | Brian Tracy

Tips to Structure Your Day

1. Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution.
Plan your day preferably the night before.
Writing down a list forces you to think at a higher level.

2. Set priorities on your list before you begin.
Don't just rush into it. Look over the list and apply the 80/20 rule. If you have 10 items to do on the list 2 will be more valuable than the other 8 put together. Sometimes its the 90/10 rule.

3. Begin immediately on your most important task and then stay with it until its complete.
You can actually increase your productivity by 50% by simply starting and completing your most important task first thing every day.

How Successful People Plan Their Week : Terri

Focus is the number one key ingredient to success.
In order to get focused, you have to get organized.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

1. Get a planner.
2. Make a weekly "To Do" list.
(I plan out the whole week on Sunday.)
3. Prioritize your tasks.
(Do your most difficult task first.)

Assign a day for each task.
Keep an organized space.

How to Create an Effective Action Plan | Brian Tracy

1. Decide exactly what you want.

2. Write you goal or goals down on paper.

3. Set a deadline.

4. Make a list of everything you could possibly think of that you will have to do to achieve your goal.

5. Schedule it into a comprehensive plan.

Tuesday, January 2

The Key To Reaching Your Goals This Year : Terri

The Key To Reaching Your Goals This Year:


How To Achieve Your Goals This Year:

1) Start with the end in mind.
Where do I want to be 12 months from now.
Write it down.

2) Break your goals down.
You have to break your goals down to increase your commitment.
Break them down into practical steps.
It increases you commitment when you have a plan attached to it.
Break it down into steps.

3) Set fewer goals.
Stay between 7 to 10 goals for the year.

4) Set your goals in writing.
Write the vision, and make it plain.

5) Set a deadline.
Don't be afraid of setting a deadline.
Set a deadline that's gonna motivate you.

How to Prepare for 2018 [Quick Tips] | Brian Tracy

1. Review your last year.

2. Set goals for the New Year.

3. Deploy the "10 Goal Method".

4. Prioritize a single goal.

5. Make a plan.

6. Mindstorm.

Write out your goals on index cards and review them twice each day.

If you want to change your future then take action and take action now.

New Year 2018

Thank you 2017 !!!
Welcome 2018 !!!
<3 <3