Sunday, October 21

Creating Space for You to Show Up in Your Life

Creating Space for You to Show Up in Your Life

One thing I have discovered is that you need to make space for the things that you want to come into your life; whether that is a new relationship, new job or healing. Whatever it may be.

When we create space in our lives by removing the things that no longer work for us – bad habits, clutter, unhealthy relationships, etc., we create the space for new energy, new people, new opportunities.

This means, things you do not use. People who use you. Cupboard clutter that makes you anxious. A job that drains you. Roles you play that make you feel awkward, cheated, compromised, heavy, confused…used — they all need to go. I do not need to tell you, you already know it... and not just because it will make you breath a sigh of relief, to no longer feel burdened, to relieve stress and make you feel lighter. It is because possibility requires space to unfold.

So I invite you to create space and to see what happens.
The possibilities are endless…

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