Saturday, April 16

Passive-Aggressive Conversation Killers: Julie Hanks

Passive-Aggressive = Hostile Cooperation

Why is this so harmful for our relationships?
Because it is dishonest. Its a lie basically. If you're not willing to share what's going on in your emotional life with people you love, then that limits your intimacy.

What to say instead?

1. "I'm fine."

Sister: "I'm having a really hard day, honestly."
Neighbour: "I'm hanging in there. There's a lot going on. I'm hanging in there."

2. "You're right."

Spouse: "We're not really getting anywhere. I'm not feeling heard. So let's come back to this."
Spouse: "I'm afraid if we keep going, its gonna make the situation worse. Let's call a time-out and come back to this when we cool down."

3. "Whatever."
Neighbour: "I'm disappointed. (and then ask for what you want) Is there room for one more? I would like to be a part of it."

4. "Nothing"
(close) Friend: "We just got back from Disneyland."

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