Monday, April 11

Julie Hanks: Worry Less About What Others Think


Worry Less About What Others Think:

2:10 to 3:10

1. You Never Really Know.
Even if someone tells you what they think of you, you don't know if they are telling the truth.
So, its kind of this thing we can never really know, so that's a great reason to give it up, because we're not gonna know the truth, we can't mind read.
You're not gonna know, so you've gotta let it go.
Be who you are and let that be enough.

2. It's None of Your Business.
The phrase, "It's none of my business what other people think of me".
What do I think, what do I want, that needs to be more important than being motivated by other people's approval.
There are 3 kinds of business in life, our business, other people's business, and God's business, and we create pain for ourselves when we get into other people's business and into God's business. -Byron Katie
We can't control those things. We can control our business.

3. You Can Be Happy Without Approval.
We're emotionally grown up.
Its ok to consider other people's opinions, but that can't be the driving force especially in those big life decisions.

4. More Energy For What You Can Control.
When you let go of what other people think, it frees up energy for things that we can actually control.
Invest in something that actually makes a difference.

5. Stable Sense of Worth.
When you link your self-worth to someone else's approval, you lose control of your self-worth.

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