Thursday, April 21

5 Phrases for Becoming Assertive : Vikki Carrel

Clear direct communication.
Answer a yes-no question with a yes-no answer.
Assertive Communication is the ability to honestly express your feelings or opinions without anxiety or anger.
Five phrases:

1. I am not prepared to support that idea.

2. When you interrupt me, I feel angry.
(its about being responsible yourself and your feelings, and using I statements.)

3. You've come home late the past few nights- I am concerned.
(sticking with facts, focusing on behaviour and not accusing.)

4. I see that you are frustrated and I understand your reaction- let's talk tomorrow.
(diffuse a situation that's going to be counter productive. its like putting your conversation on a time-out, so you can re-group and re-think. then come back to it.)

5. Repeating technique.
Avoid arguing or being manipulated.

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