Thursday, April 14

Julie Hanks: How to Stop Overreacting

So important:

There are different kinds of overreacting:

1. External Overreaction
2. Internal Overreaction

Three questions to ask yourself:

1. Do you have to apologize to others for your actions and your words?
2. Are you often surprized by your seemingly uncontrollable response?
3. Do you assume the worst about people or situations?

Five Ways to Stop Ourselves from Overreacting:

1. Don't Neglect the Basics
In the name of taking care of other people we neglect ourselves, our sleep, our food, getting rest, ...
Taking care of your basic physical needs actually helps you keep your emotions in check.

2. Tune In & Name It
Notice the body sensation and name the emotion, defensive, sad, hurt...

3. Breathe Before Responding
Just taking a deep breath calms the fight or flight response, calms the nervous system.

4. Put a Positive Spin On It
If someone offends you consider the possibility that the insult is not about you.

5. Identify Emotional Leftovers
Notice patterns in your overreactions.

[Its important to note that not all intense emotional responses are overreactions. The distinction is whether your response matches the situation.]

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