Monday, May 13

Psych2Go: 7 Types of People You Can't Help

7 Types of People You Can't Help

1. Victim-minded people
No matter how hard you try, they are never going to change, because in their eyes, nothing is ever their fault.

2. Self-righteous people
They think they are perfect, and have nothing at all to change or improve about themselves.

3. Deceptive people
Deceptive people cannot be trusted, because they act one way in public, and another in private. Next time your gut tells you someone asking for help can't be trusted, it's important to be sure of their intentions before you lend them a hand.

4. Desperate people
A desperate person moves you to pity them and begs you to help, but beware, don't fall for it. These kinds of people are willing to do anything and everything just to get what they want. Even if it means stabbing you in the back. They don't respect your boundaries, rather they abuse your generosity, time, and energy. Instead of wasting your time trying to help someone like this, staying as far away as you can is probably the way to go.

5. Disloyal people
Some people are just too disloyal for you to help. Though you may think that they are your friends, the truth is, you don't want someone disloyal in your life. They'll take other people's sides over yours, or talk about you behind your back. They are more likely to lose interest in you and move on to something else, rather than own up to their faults, and learn from them.

6. Doubtful people
You might as well try to move a wall. If you get too close to people like this, they could end up getting in your head, and filling you with doubt as well.

7. Quitters
It just isn't right giving your all, for someone who isn't even willing to put themselves out there. If they themselves aren't willing to change their ways, and be better, then holding on to them will only leave you hurt, frustrated, and emotionally drained. And life is too precious to waste in the wrong company.

Jillz Guerin: 14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore

14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore

1. The "I don't know" man.

2. He says all his exes were "crazy".

3. He can't apologise or take fault.

4. His anger is immature + disrespectful.

5. Friends with an ex.

6. Actions don't align with words.

7. He wants you to pay on the first date.
This shows that he is not in his masculine energy.

8. Never asks any questions about yourself.

9. Never makes real plans to see you.

10. Takes way too long to text/call back.

11. Can't take care of his things.
He's likely not gonna change.
And you don't wanna be his mother.

12. Makes condescending or sarcastic jokes at your expense.
There is no point in having a partner around, if he is not lifting you up, and adding value to your life.

13. Never posts any photos of you.

14. Your gut feels off.
If something in your gut feels off about him, don't ignore it.

Tuesday, April 2

Psych2Go: 7 Things You Should Never Apologize For

7 Things You Should Never Apologize For

1. Being successful because you earned it.

2. Spending your money.

3. Saying no when you need to.

4. Not prioritising the drama of others.

5. Ending toxic relationships.
You have a right to self-preservation.

6. Asking for help.
Nobody has all the answers in life. Nobody.

7. Wanting to be happy.
You own your happiness, and no one else can lay claim for it.
You are just as valuable as anyone else.

Monday, April 1

Jillz Guerin: HOW I LEVELED UP MY LIFE // 10 big things I did to level up my life that you can do too


1. Focused on what I wanted.
Stop taking advice so seriously from people whose lives I didn't aspire to.
I had to start trusting my own self, and finding new expanders and mentors for me that was more aligned with the life that I wanted.

2. Started prioritising my health.
I was investing in myself.
I was investing in my future.
I was investing in my body and my mind.
To grow and level up, you have to be comfortable investing in yourself.

3. Started taking care of myself and putting more effort into my appearance.

4. Started reading more.
Read books that you are drawn to, that you are naturally intrigued by.
You are drawn to them for a reason.
You are meant to explore these topics, and learn about them.

5. Learned to be a better communicator.
It improved my relationships, which in turn improved my life.
I felt happier. I felt less stress. I felt like I had a better support system behind me.
I just felt more joyful overall.
When you can communicate your needs and your boundaries, everything in life is just better, and runs smoother.

6. Became more in touch with my femininity, my feminine energy.
I wanted to step more into myself.
I felt lighter, so much more at peace, so much more in flow, so much more in touch with my intuition, and my creativity.

7. Prioritised having a clean, organised space.
I tried to take care of my space better.
This really helped me to feel my best.

8. Started making my bed every morning.

9. Learned to focus on joy.

10. Became more conscious of how I was speaking to myself.
I could be a little bit critical towards myself.
You can either be your biggest cheerleader, or your biggest hurdle.
Choose to be your biggest cheerleader.

Friday, March 29

Jillz Guerin: A REALISTIC Guide to Living a SOFTER LIFE *how I got my life back*


1. Spending more on ease.

2. You don't need to do everything yourself.
It's a very valuable skill to be able to ask for help when it's needed.
You don't get a medal for doing the most.

3. Efficiency and impact is more important than hours worked.
Drop the struggle.

4. Start seeing the beauty in the journey.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

5. You don't have to know everything.
I don't need to have a thought about everything.

6. You are in control of your life.

7. Cycle Syncing
Syncing your life to your cycle.
I don't force myself to be the same everyday.
I don't force myself to show up the same everyday, because that is entirely unrealistic, and all it's gonna do is burn you out.
We need balance to have that peace and ease in our life.

8. Don't let the good things make you feel uncomfortable.
We self-sabotage our own happiness and our own inner peace.

Wednesday, March 27

Teal Swan: The Most Important Element of Compatibility in Relationships

Compatibility is when two things are able to exist or occur in a state of harmony and without conflict.
But the most important element of compatibility is workability or lack thereof.
The most important part of accessing compatibility is to figure out what is and what isn’t workable.
When something is workable, it is flexible, it’s negotiable, it’s pliable, it’s adaptable, it can be influenced, folded, or changed, so that it produces the desired effects or the desired results.
Some things about us and our life are unworkable like solid steel, and they need to be that way for the sake of our well-being and other things are workable like modelling clay and they need to be for the sake of our well-being.

Because all people are different, one person might exhibit workability relative to something whereas another person can’t be workable relative to that same thing.

Workability and lack thereof doesn’t only apply to romantic partnerships, it applies to other relationships as well such as friendships, and work relationships, and family relationships, etc.

Knowing what is and what is not workable about you is the most important part of accessing compatibility, because these areas of unworkability are what causes extreme disharmony in a relationship, and they are what breaks a relationship apart.