Monday, April 11

Julie Hanks: Stop Pretending You're 'Fine'

Really important:

1. Assess the Relationship.

2. Tune in to Your Feelings.
We can't share with other people, if we don't know, what's going on inside of us.
Asking yourself everyday, how am I doing, how am I feeling.
What's going on & be able to share that.
You have to know, before you share with someone else.
There are 6 basic emotions: happy, mad, sad, scared, surprised, disgusted.
Start with those 6 and go which one am I?

3. Embrace Your Truth.
Once we figure out how we're feeling, we accept it & not judge it.
What's my next step to get through that?

4. Practice Authenticity.
You can practice being more authentic.
Its a practice like meditation.
Its a choice to show up and be real everyday.

5. Be Brave.

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