Tuesday, April 12

Julie Hanks: Make Self-care Your Top Priority

Very important:

0:38 to 1:01

Self-Neglect is never a good long-term strategy for caring for others.
You get sick. You get emotionally sick.
It just doesn't work for a long term strategy.

Its really really important to identify, what do I need, what am I feeling and let people know what those needs are.
Taking responsibility and identifying and expressing that, is self-care.
We are talking emotional self-care too.

If we are overwhelmed, depressed, not feeling like ourselves, that's a signal that we need to take a step back and look at what we need and take care of something.

*7:04 to 7:59
Race cars have pit-crews.
Assemble a pit crew. Who's on your pit crew. We all need a support system.
The higher the stress, the faster you're moving through life, the more critical self-care is.

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