Monday, April 11

Julie Hanks: 6 Signs that You're Emotionally Grown Up

Hugely Important:

It's not about how you act but, it's how do you manage your emotions.

Six signs that you have emotionally grown up:

1. You Have the Final Say.
I am the boss of me. Ultimately, I get to choose.
This is what I want to do. Its really important to me.

Tip: Start small.
You take other people's opinions into consideration, but ultimately, you make the decision for your life.

2. You Know What You Think.
You know what's bothering you. You know what you like, don't like.
You know what it is and you can convey it directly.

Tip: Journal. Thoughts/Feelings. How am I feeling?

3. You Can Empathise Without Being Overwhelmed.

Tip: Imagine an invisible bubble.

4. You Enjoy Alone Time & Time with Others.
Its a sign of emotional health.

5. You are flexible and have a broad range of reactions.

6. You balance your needs with the needs of others.

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