Friday, May 24

Head-To-Toe Pamper Shower : Rachel Talbott

Head-To-Toe Pamper Shower

1. Washing hair
Shampoo and conditioner

2. Washing face
Face wash

3. Washing body
Body wash
4. Shave

5. Exfoliate

6. Moisturize

7. Sheet mask

Tuesday, May 21

Shweta Kanojia

Lamberghini : Shweta Kanojia

Yeah Baby : Shweta Kanojia

SIMMBA - Aankh Maare : Shweta Kanojia

Rachel Talbott

Cambria Joy

5 Ways To Heal Yourself, Regardless Of What’s Wrong : mindbodygreen

Friday, May 17


My natural Strengths, in terms of profession:
1. I am creative.
2. I am a learner.
3. I am driven.

Thank you God for these.
I am so grateful.

Wednesday, May 15

My Fav. movies of Aamir Khan

My Fav. movies of Aamir Khan:

1. Dil Chahta Hai
2. Taare Zameen Par
3. Lagaan
4. 3 Idiots
5. PK

1. Dil hai ki manta nahi.
2. Hum hain rahi pyaar ke.
3. Dangal
4. Secret Superstar

Having something absolutely yummy like a mango or a kulfi... My Happy Place :) :)

Treat Yo'self :)

Nature - Flowers... My Happy Place :) :)

25 Books That Changed My Life

25 books that changed and are still changing my life:

1. Change your thoughts, change your life. (w)

2. The Power of Now. (w)

3. You can heal your life. (w)

4. Boundaries. (Energy-management, Relationships, Self-care) (w)

5. The Empath's Survival Guide. (Self-care, Energy management) (w)

6. Atomic Habits. (Habits, Self-discipline) (w)

7. Awareness. (w)

10. Essentialism. (Self-discipline, Simplicity, Focus, Time-management) (w)

11. The Five Love Languages. (r)

12. The Start-up of You. (p)

13. The Gifts of Imperfection. (courage, compassion, and connection) (w)

14. Tough times never last, but tough people do. (w)

15. The Secret. (w)

16. Crucial Conversations. (w)

17. Balance your life. (Balance, Self-care) (w)

18. Better Than Before. (Habits, Self-discipline, Knowing yourself) (w)

19. The Four Agreements. (w)

20. Feel the fear, and do it anyway. (w)

21. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. (r)

22. Don't sweat the small stuff. (w)

23. The Mastery Manual. (w)

24. Deep Work. (p) (Time-management)

25. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. (h)

26. Ignited Minds.

Thank you God, authors, loved ones, teachers, & fellow readers.

I love reading books and magazines.
They are my happy place :) :)
And so are bookstores and libraries.

p.s.: If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.


1. Self-Compassion.

2. Daring Greatly.

3. Thinking Fast and Slow.

(updated: 26.12.20)

Monday, May 13

Bible Verse on Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Sunday, May 12

Happy Mother's Day :)

Thank you God for my ma!!!

3 Simple Ways to Live Healthy - These CHANGED My Life! : Cambria Joy

3 Simple Ways to Live Healthy - These CHANGED My Life!:

1. Be here, now.
The mountains in our life are not meant to break us, they are meant to shape us.
Don't be discouraged with how far you have to go, just remember how far you have come.
Being here now. Not feeling like you need to be further along.

2. Say goodbye to "rules".

3. Move until you sweat.

Wednesday, May 8

Why Does My Past Trauma Still Affect Me? : Kati Morton

Because until we process the trauma completely so that it doesn't have any emotional charge for us, it will still bother us, and that's completely normal.

Tuesday, May 7

Reward ideas

"Dividing your WORK into manageable chunks and rewarding yourself when you finish each CHUNK will make studying more FUN."

Reward ideas:

1. Listening to a song with good beats.

2. Watching a comedy video.

3. Taking a short walk in nature.

4. Doing a short yoga session (YWA).

5. Reading a few lines from one of my fav. books.

6. Writing one of my fav. quotes.

7. Having a toffee.

8. Having ice-cream / kulfi (summer).

9. Having lemonade (summer).

10. Having herbal tea (winter).

11. Doing guided bodyscan meditation.

Monday, May 6

When You're About to Give Up : Terri

How to Deal with Change | Kati Morton

Managing Change:

1. We need to acknowledge that change is part of life.
It's important that we try to recognize and accept that change is always happening.
Some of it we have control over, but most of it we don't.

2. We have to allow ourself to feel our emotions.
We have to let ourselves feel the loss, upset, anger, sadness, or whatever it is that you maybe feeling. Give yourself time to feel it. Talk about it, journal about it, complain to a friend, therapist, or family member about it. Try and keep this venting, feeling time focused on how you feel now. Let's try to stay focused in the present, and what's happening now. Stay in the present as much as you can.

3. Write down the story we will tell ourselves.
Take some time to write it all out. No judgement, just be honest with yourself and your process.
This can be another way to get into our grief, or upset, or sadness, or even excitement, and figure out where it's coming from, and we're really telling ourselves about it.

4. Write out the story you want to have.
Write out the story you want to have about this loss, or change.
We're only able to tell certain types of stories, and that can limit our ability to overcome any change, upset, or even stop us from seeing our life clearly.
So spend some time on this tip. Consider how you would like to view this change.

5. Increase our self-care.
Think of anything in your life that brings you the slightest bit of joy, gets you excited, or helps you feel better.
Work in at least one of these things into your daily routine.

Remember, that it's actually less about the change that is happening, and more with how we think about it.
So, notice if your thoughts are pulling you in a direction that you don't want to go, or telling you a very filtered version of your story.

It's the brittle trees that break in the windstorm, while the flexible bamboo can ride it out and bend when it needs to.

Life is constantly changing in big and small ways.

Sunday, May 5

Using LOA To Become A Professional Golfer

Law of Attraction : Melody Fletcher

Get into the frequency of already having it; the belief that you can have it; at least the possibility that you can have it. That’s enough; you just open up the possibility. It doesn’t have to be inevitable, or anything, it just has to be possible for it to happen.

Then you have to deal with, whatever that brings up; which means again, awareness of emotion. Because, when you raise your vibration, everything that is contradicting that vibration will come to the surface.The very specific issues.

And so, you have to be aware of all the issues coming up, and you have to allow yourself to experience it.

So, if you just set some intention and open yourself up to this energy – it’s so fast moving now – things will spontaneously start to pop out of you.

Do the best you can. And, that’s ok; just do the best you can. But, by continuously doing the best you can, you will continuously move forward.

Saturday, May 4

4 Methods Superstars Use To Protect Their Energy | Robin Sharma

4 Methods Superstars Use To Protect Their Energy:

Energy is more valuable than even your intellect.

Without the execution energy to get your dreams done, nothing happens.

1. The twin cycles of elite performance.
(working in cycles)

I rest 50% of the time to allow the training to take effect.
-Usain Bolt

The High Excellence Cycle (HEC) : when you go all in.
The Deep Recovery Cycle (DRC) : when  you refuel, regenerate, and replenish.

 One of the keys to legendary, is longevity.

Be a leader.

Great audacity without intelligent recovery leads to the depletion of your genius.

2. Rest.
No technology before sleep.

3. The trinity of radiant vitality.

Exercise - Nutrition - Recovery

When you are strong, you feel strong.

4. Joy as a GPS.
If you want to feel more energy, ask yourself these 3 questions:
i. Who are the people that fuel my joy? And bring those people into your life even more.
F&F: M, A, P, A, S.
ii. What are the pursuits that fuel my joy?
A.D, Education, Reading, Music n dancing, Watching comedy.
iii. What are the places that fuel my joy?
my home.
my room.
my office/study room.
garden, greenery, flowers, trees, plants, sunlight.
sea beach, river.
sunrise, sunset.
As of now!!!

As you begin your day, so you handcraft your life.


My life and my living (what I do /be) are a worship to God and also one of the ways to connect with God.

Friday, May 3



In her book, Neff describes the “Three Doorways In” to self-compassion (p. 102). That is, when you’re in pain, you can do these things to be compassionate with yourself:
  1. Give yourself kindness and care. This might look like telling yourself, “This really hurts! I’m sorry it’s so hard right now.” and then taking good care of yourself--a hot bath, a favorite movie, talking to a loved one, snuggling with a pet.
  2. Remind yourself that pain is universal and part of the human experience. This might mean using that self-talk to say, “It’s ok. You’re not alone in going through this. It may feel really awful right now, but other people have and will get through this, and you will too.
  3. Hold your thoughts and feelings in mindful awareness. This step means noticing without fully buying into those thoughts and feelings, such as, “I’m having the thought that I failed” (verses saying “I am a failure”) or “I’m having the feeling of being really sad right now.” The most important and hardest part of this step is then letting the thought or feeling stay there until it passes. Because it absolutely will pass, no matter how certain you may be that it won’t. And, notice (with a huge sigh of relief) when it does pass.
Secondly, I love this mental refrain that Neff tells herself when she’s struggling:
    This is a moment of suffering.
    Suffering is a part of life.
    May I be kind to myself in this moment.
    May I give myself the compassion I need (p. 119).
May we all give ourselves kindness and compassion today.
Thank you for this beautiful article!

Thursday, May 2

Be fierce - its the year 2019

My philosophy in life

Love yourself first.
(Self-love is a prerequisite to self-discipline, and almost all good things in life.)

Ques. to ask myself: - Is it an act of self-love? - Will this action lead me to self-love or away from it?