Tuesday, May 17

The Best Way to Boost Your Confidence : Terri

Your confidence matters.

It affects everything.
It even affects your relationship with God.
It affects what you believe He can give you.

You confidence affects how far you go in your career.
It affects everything.

It's considered more important than skill, knowledge and even experience.

It's absolutely necessary to pursue your dreams.

The opposite of confidence, insecurity is a killer of dreams.

Be confident in who God made you to be.
If you're loud great, if you're quiet great.
Be confident in those traits that God has given you.

I want you to realize, you have what it takes to succeed, but you got to develop your confidence in you who you are.

How do you boost your confidence?

1) Cut out the negative self-talk.

Replace it with positive declarations.
You believe your own self more than anybody.

What you repeatedly hear, you eventually believe.

Successful people take a proactive approach to their dreams.
They speak about things before they actually get them.
We call those things that be not, as if they already are.

2) Speak positive declarations.

I am highly focused on my dreams and goals.
I am confident.
I am disciplined.
I am beautiful inside and out.
I am highly favourite of God.
I am successful.
I am organized.
I am confident to develop mobile applications.
I am confident to teach.
I am wealthy.
I attract God-inspired ideas to produce lakhs of rupees.
I am an expert in the message God's given me to share.
I am surrounded by the best.
I am grateful to God.

If you want to know where your life is headed, listen to what's coming out of your mouth.
Make a list of 10 things you can start speaking out of your mouth today.

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