Saturday, May 14

The #1 Killer Of Opportunities : Terri

"When I know you're ready, get ready."
Its time to get ready, to prepare.

God wants to bring opportunities your way but you have to prepare.
What is the #1 killer to opportunities?
You not being prepared.

You have to be ready to seize those opportunities that God brings your way.

You can have excuses or can have results, but you're not gonna have both.

3:13 to 4:14
He'll use you too if you stop making excuses.

Whatever God has put in your heart to do, overcome the excuses and start preparing, start getting ready now.
Why? Because your calling is calling.
God is telling you now, lets get with it.

You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction. -Jim Rohn

How do you do that? By getting ready, by preparing right now.

'Do it now.'

The greatest danger you face is the idea that you can get serious about your future later on.

God notices when you start preparing.

He's gonna bring opportunities across your path that you're gonna say, 'Oh my goodness, my life has changed so much, because I was ready, because I was prepared'.

The longer you wait to do something you know you should do now, the greater the odds you will never actually do it.
'Do it now.'

A year from now you'll wish you started today.

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