Saturday, May 14

Distractions and Identifying Your Top 3 Priorities : Terri

What is it gonna take for you to achieve your goals this year?
And in one word, its, FOCUS.

How often we are distracted just by social media?
They said, an average person spends 3.2 hours a day on social media.
Every 8 minutes we check our phone.
It takes 11 minutes to regain our focus.
Look at how much time is being wasted everyday.
Satan is after your focus.

My top three priorities this year:
1) Be committed to a Healthy mind and body. (Exercise, Journal, Sleep, Eat...)
2) Have a good Job and Be consistent and excellent in Android Application Development Work/learning.
3) Set healthy and strong boundaries in relationships & Be assertive about it.

Say, 'That does not support my goal because I will reach my goal by ___".

You've gotta get laser-focused on what you want to accomplish this year.
You wanna come to the end of the year and say "I did it". I did what I set out to do.
Don't get overwhelmed. Get focused.

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